
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · TV
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66 Chs


Nine months have passed since the Brotherhood of Evil was defeated. Even though a large portion of the villains on the planet was defeated by the Titans on that night, there are still more out there and one is making his move now. In rush hour, many cars and trucks speed down the busy streets of the coastal city. One truck continues to speed down the street until someone hops in front of his truck. He honks his horn by slamming his hand on it, but the person doesn't move.

"Are you crazy? Get out of the way!" said the trucker.

The man doesn't get out of the way but pulls out a shuriken. He then throws it at the window of the truck and it hits it. It then pierces the glass and enters the truck. The trucker is barely able to escape the vehicle before getting hit and blown into smithereens. His truck isn't as lucky.

"Why did you do that? Who are you?" asked the trucker.

The man doesn't respond and runs past the trucker. He then pulls out multiple explosive shurikens and starts to throw them all over the street, causing much property damage. He then pulls out another and aims it at a bus full of people, but the shuriken is smacked out of his hand by a Claw and he is then barely able to dodge a quick flurry of attacks.

"You must not be from around here, so let me give you this piece of advice. Don't blow up people's stuff. They don't like that," said Jordan.

"Yeah, man. It would be wise for you to stop now," said Cyborg.

"Please, stop-," said Starfire.

The man doesn't stop and just rockets into the air in the direction of Titans Tower. The Titans hop off the building that they were standing on and look into the sky.

"Hands in the air, dude! Not your whole body!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

"Tourists," said Raven.

"Titans, go!" exclaimed Jordan.

Jordan hops on his bike and speeds off towards the ninja. Cyborg hops into his car and Beast Boy turns into a cheetah. Starfire and Raven take the skies and the chase is on.

"So, does anyone know what this guy wants?" asked Raven.

"Don't know. Don't care. He's just another villain that we need to take down," said Jordan.

"Whatever he's looking for, he won't get it. We'll give him a grade-a ass-whooping instead," said Cyborg.

"Let's see how durable he is," said Jordan.

Jordan taps a button on his bike and two giant blasters pop out of his bike. They fire laser bolts at the high-tech ninja, but he tanks them and turns around to fly in the other direction. Beast Boy sees this, turns around, and chases the ninja. The ninja sees this and throws two explosive shuriken at the green boy. He turns into a turtle at the last second to avoid the damage, but the ninja flies away. He isn't in the clear as he is now targeted by the Tamaranian and the sorceress. They send blasts of magic and power towards him, but he blocks them away with his nunchucks and flies towards the two grounded heroes.

"Nunchucks? This tryhard ninja is giving me a headache," said Raven.

"Jordan, Victor, he's coming for you guys," said Starfire.

"We see him," said Jordan.

The ninja appears above them and goes on a bombing run as he drops more explosive shuriken. It makes the grounded heroes swerve across the rough surface of the road, but they will be fine, but not the T-car as an explosive shuriken flies through the window and hits the seat.

"Damn," said Cyborg.

Cyborg hits the eject button and safely exits the vehicle before it explodes. Beast Boy, as a pterodactyl, grabs him before he lands back on the ground. Cyborg sees his car parts all over the road and gets angry.

"That bastard destroyed my car!" exclaimed Cyborg.

"He isn't just trying to destroy the car. He's going for the tower," said Jordan.

Jordan points at the ninja rocketing towards the tower. The Titans become shocked but have to act quickly before their home is destroyed. Beast Boy zooms towards the tower with his robotic friend in tow. Jordan sticks up his hand and is picked up by Raven. Starfire just rockets towards the tower by herself. They get close to the tower in less than a minute, but they are too late. The ninja has already started destroying it with his explosive shuriken.

"Oh no," said Beast Boy.

"We have to stop him before he destroys everything. Let's get him," said Jordan.

Cyborg blasts a few shots from his sonic cannon at the ninja, but he dodges them and throws an explosive shuriken at him. It explodes and sends Beast Boy and Cyborg into the bay. Raven tries to smash him with two giant rocks, but he is unaffected and he kicks her into the broken tower. From the "top rope", Jordan hops off the tower and falls at high speeds towards the ninja. He grabs him and starts to wrestle with him midair. He then grapples to the tower and ties up the ninja with another grappling line before he splats on the ground.

"Got you," said Jordan.

"You may have him, but look what he did to our house. Our beautiful home," said Cyborg.

"Dude, we need a vacation," said Beast Boy.

Jordan hops off the tower and safely glides down. He then walks up to the captured villain and stands over him with a menacing serious facial expression that could be seen through his cowl.

"Who do you work for?" asked Jordan.

Unexpectedly, the villain responds, but not in English. He starts to speak Japanese and confuses our heroes greatly.

"What is he saying?" asked Raven.

"Something in Japanese I presume," said Cyborg.

"He's not from here. Let's interrogate him. That's how we will get our answers," said Jordan.

"Before we interrogate this fool, let's fix up our tower first. Just look at my baby. What a disaster!" said Cyborg.

Ten minutes pass. The Titans now stand in their broken tower all sad and gloomy.

"He trashed this place well," said Raven.

"We need a vacation, man," said Beast Boy.

"I can repair my car and the tower, but my sofa! I can't even look," said Cyborg.

"We have to start cleaning this place if we want it to look good. So, instead of moaning and groaning, let's get to work," said Raven.

"We wouldn't need to work if we went on vacation. When was the last time that we took a vacation anyway?" said Beast Boy.

"Never. We don't take breaks. We don't work at Walmart. We're Titans. Premier superheroes. Does Batman, Flash, or Wonder Woman take breaks?" said Jordan as he fixes the computer.

"No," said Beast Boy.

"Then, we don't either. Basic systems are back online. If you need me, then you'll know where I am," said Jordan.

Jordan hops out of his seat and walks past his friends towards the interrogation room. He turns the corner and reaches it in only thirty seconds. He slowly walks into the room and stares at the detainee with a stern face. He continues to rant in Japanese, but Jordan understands everything he says.

"Answer my questions or I start with your legs. Who are you and who sent you here!" said Jordan.

"I am Saico Tek. I was sent here against my will. If I don't destroy you, he will erase me," said Saico Tek.

"Who!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Brushogun," said Saico Tek.

"Brushogun? He's still alive?" asked Jordan.

Saico Tek stops answering questions and flips out of his seat. He then kicks the sprinkler system and water fills the room as he vanishes in midair. Saico Tek has escaped and disappeared like a ghost.

"Brushogun," said Jordan.

Jordan exits the interrogation room and walks back to the main room. He enters it and water drips from his body, creating a small puddle.

"Did you take a shower or what?" asked Beast Boy.

"Saico Tek escaped," said Jordan.

"How?" asked Starfire.

"He hit the sprinkling system and disappeared like he was never there," said Jordan.

"Can he teleport?" asked Cyborg.

"If he could, he would have destroyed the tower. He was scared of someone called Brushogun. The Brotherhood had other contacts that didn't participate in the final battle. Brushogon was one. He's Japan's first supervillain. After being overpowered and possessed by dark magic, he gained the ability to create creatures and beings out of ink. He reigned over Tokyo for decades before the first superheroes popped up and took him down. He was reported dead. He should have died, but he's back and ordered a hit on us. We have to take him down. Pack your bags. We're heading to Tokyo," said Jordan.

"Why specifically Tokyo? He could be anywhere in Japan," said Raven.

"Supervillains always stay in big cities. Plus, Japan is pretty close to us. He's planning to rule over Japan with an iron fist and he needs us out of the picture to do it. We take him down and then we make sure that Brushogun stays a myth," said Jordan.

"So, vacation?" asked Beast Boy.

"Call it whatever you like," said Jordan.

"Sweet! We're finally going on vacation!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

Four hours pass. After packing all of their bags and surviving a boring and annoying trip, our heroes have finally arrived. Tokyo, meet the Teen Titans.

"We made it," said Cyborg.

"The city looks beautiful. Even better than the biggest cities in the Snorthlum Galaxy," said Starfire.

"It may look good from here, but on the streets, something evil is down there and we need to deal with it. Quick and hard" said Jordan.

"What's the first move?" asked Raven.

"The first move we should take is-" said Jordan.

"Hello, Japan! So, when are we going to see the Great Wall?" said Beast Boy.

"Never. We are in Japan, not China," said Raven.

"Ahhh, but I know something that is in Japan. The greatest Manga company in history Wakamoto Shuppan!" said Beast Boy.

"Ok," said Jordan.

"Ok? We have to visit that place. We have to go there while we're here. We can't leave Tokyo without visiting such a legendary building," said Beast Boy.

"We came here to take down Brushogun. If we have time after we defeat him, we'll go visit your manga company but now, we are heroes on the clock," said Jordan.

"You're no fun," said Beast Boy.

"Where do we start searching first?" asked Cyborg.

"The Shinjuku district. It's the most crime-ridden part of town. Brushogun must be around there," said Jordan.

"Where is it?" asked Raven.

"East side of town. We're going to need to fly or take a cab if we want to make it over there before sunrise," said Jordan.

Leave it to me," said Raven.

Raven uses her magic to create a large black circle and the Titans hop on it. They rocket towards the Shinjuku district at high speeds as they hunt for Brushogun. They continue to ride with no interruption until they are interrupted. A giant beast comes out of nowhere and nearly smacks them away. Raven maneuvers out of the way in time before they are turned into dead fly meat.

"What is that?" asked Beast Boy.

"Gojira," said Jordan.

"Should we interfere? This isn't our turf and we don't want to anger local officials," said Raven.

"Doesn't matter. We may be visiting, but that doesn't mean that we just let bad things happen. Titans, go!" said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out some Explosive Claws and throws them at the giant beast as the other Titans launch their own attacks, but it doesn't affect the beast too much. It easily regenerates while flashing colors like a disco ball.

"How is it able to do that?" asked Starfire.

"Maybe it's an alien," said Cyborg.

"It flashed the same colors as the color of the suit that Saico Tek was wearing. This thing must have been created by Brushogun and Saico Tek may have been his creation as well. Brushogiun is making moves and I don't like it," said Jordan.

"Let's just take down this beast before it destroys Tokyo," said Raven.

"I'll distract it. You guys get ready to destroy it," said Jordan.

Jordan hops off the roof and lands on the street. He then runs away and the giant beast chases after him. It shoots out green eye beams, but they don't even get close to touching him. It then turns around and tries to hit him with his giant tail, but Jordan jumps out of the way before he is smashed. Raven hops in and throws multiple cars at the beast. It doesn't affect him and he grabs her. Beast Boy saves her by turning into a gorilla and punches him in the face. This enrages the beast and he grabs the changeling and throws him into a building.

"I heard that baseball is big here! Here's the walkoff!" exclaimed Cyborg as he picks up a pole.

Cyborg leaps into the air and tries to swing at the beast, but he is sent flying through a building thanks to a couple eye beams. Starfire flies in and punches the beast a few times, but she ends up flying into some wires as the beast is surprisingly good at dodging. Before she is grabbed, explosive disks hit the back of the beast and he angrily turns around. He turns his focus back to Jordan and the hero runs away as the beast quickly follows. Jordan is chased by Godzilla for a few minutes through the streets of Tokyo, causing much property damage but no casualties due to the efficiency of the route. He continues to run until the beast uses his eye beams to create a ring of fire around him. Jordan proceeds to pull out his katanas, ready to cut the beast to shreds, but local enforcements arrive and quickly act. They hop out of their vehicles and run towards the beast. They lay down a giant trap and a laser cage forms around the beast. It traps the beast and Jordan is surprised by how good they are at doing this. Too good.

"These guys are way better in person," said Jordan.

"We get that a lot," said the officer.

Jordan turns around and sees a middle-aged man that looks like a detective walking towards him. He sticks out his wrinkly hand and Jordan shakes it.

"You must be the leader of the Teen Titans. Welcome to Tokyo," said the officer.

"Who are you?" asked Jordan.

"Wahara Daizo. Leader of the Tokyo Troopers," said Daizo.

"Your troopers are fascinating and pretty built," said Jordan.

"I make sure that my officers are always at peak level. We don't want any fatties on the team. Now, I have some questions," said Daizo.

"Ask them," said Jordan.

"Why are you here?" asked Daizo.

"We're looking for Brushogun. He attacked our tower. We have come to bring him to justice," said Jordan.

"Brushogun? My American friend, he is just an urban legend," said Daizo.

"Impossible. He ruled Tokyo from the shadows for decades. He was in contact with the Brotherhood only a few days before we took them down. He's here somewhere. He has to be," said Jordan.

"Brushogun does not exist. If he did, we would have captured him. If he does exist, he probably died years ago. You can go home. There's no threat," said Daizo.

"I can't do that. I need confirmation. I need a body. Not the words of a police officer," said Jordan.

"Harsh, but I understand. As a student of the Batman, you will not quit. I advise you, boy. You will find nothing," said Daizo.

"I'll be the judge of that," said Jordan as he walks away.

Twenty minutes pass. Jordan and the Titans now stand on a building overlooking the massive city. Jordan stares at the rising sun as his cape flows in the wind.

"He was lying. I know it," said Jordan.

"Why would he cover for a criminal?" asked Raven.

"Don't know, but we will just have to find out. Brushogun is still out there and he is sending more of his henchmen to slay us. We need to draw him out," said Jordan.

"Vacation! We can explore the city and have fun. That would have to draw him out," said Beast Boy.

"Did he just come up with a good plan?" asked Cyborg.

"Yes, he did. We split up and do things that would make us seem like just regular tourists," said Jordan.

"Wakamoto Shuppan, here I come!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

"I'm going to grab some grub. I'm starving," said Cyborg.

"Allow me to join you, friend," said Starfire.

"Sure," said Cyborg.

"Umm. Do you want to join me, Raven?" said Jordan.

"Sure. I need a translator," said Raven.

"Nice joke," said Jordan.

"I wasn't joking," said Raven.

Even though Raven wasn't joking, Brushogun isn't either. From a dark place in a factory somewhere in the city. A stern expression lays on his face as he stares at the screen.

"The Titans refuse to leave. Well, my plans may be complicated a little, but they will be removed from the picture soon enough," said Brushogun.

Brushogun moves his right hand and uses it to press a few colored buttons. In the background, the violent screams of someone can be heard as four new creatures are created to serve the villain.

"Sadly, the Titans will never be able to return home, but they will have a good ending here in Tokyo. Hopefully, a quick and painless one," said Brushogun.

I know. I know. I know. "Trouble in Tokyo" takes place after "Things Change", but I'm doing something different, so don't kill me please. Also, next chapter will be for all the horny bois out there. Stay tuned. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

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