
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · TV
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66 Chs

The Brotherhood of Heroes

Five months have passed since the Titans started expanding to combat the threat of the Brotherhood of Evil. They have gained many new members to join their ranks from all over the world. The countdown to the destruction of the Brotherhood is near. Now, the Titans ride in their T-ship above the Pacific Ocean. They want to go home, but it is not time to relax. There are still villains to deal with in the world.

"I can't wait to finally get home. First, I'll play Mega Monkeys 4.2 and then eat a veggie burger. Or, I will eat a tofu burger first and then play Mega Monkey's 4.2. Or I can do both at the same time," said Beast Boy.

"We aren't going home, Gar. Not yet," said Jordan.

"What do you mean? We traveled all around the world to get new heroes to join us. Why can't we go home?" said Beast Boy.

"We have to act now. The Brotherhood will act soon and we have the upper hand. We have a spy in their little villain club and we know where they are at. All we have to do is draw them out," said Jordan.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Cyborg.

"The Brotherhood is tracking us by using the communicators. We bring them to our new allies and draw them out. We defeat them and then we go after The Brain and Mallah," said Jordan.

"The quicker we move, the quicker that we can return home," said Cyborg.

"Let's make with the haste. I hate missing time with Silkie," said Starfire.

"Wait. That giant silkworm has been alone all this time. He may have eaten everything," said Raven.

"Jason has been watching over the tower. It should be fine," said Jordan.

"I won't be not worried until I see it for myself," said Raven.

"Then, let's do that after we defeat the Brotherhood. Disengage and separate," said Jordan.

"Ok!" exclaimed the other Titans.

The parts of the T-ship separate and go off in different directions to become prey for the Brotherhood to hunt. The Titans reach their targets, give them communicators and hide to wait for the Brotherhood to pop out and fall for their trap. They don't have to wait for long before their prey looks for them. In Australia, the young Titan Argent uses her constructs to fix a broken dam. She continues to fix the dam until she notices an old man hovering over her, surrounded by robot soldiers. She prepares to attack as General Imortus sends his army after her. Once the robots come after her, she decides to run. They fire at her, but she weaves and runs in zig-zag formation to avoid the laser fire. The robots drop bombs, but Argent speeds up to avoid the explosions. She pulls out her communicator and taps it.

"Starfire, now!" exclaimed Argent.

"Alright," said Starfire.

Starfire rockets out of the trees and zooms like a speeding bullet and bursts right through all of the robots. She then rockets up to General Immortus and grabs his neck.

"What? How did you get here? You aren't supposed to be here," said Immortus.

"You won't destroy us. We will destroy you," said Starfire.

"Fine. You may have stopped me, but I have many many friends, girl. You won't defeat us all," said Immortus.

"We'll see about that," said Starfire.

Starfire holds back her punch as she punches the old man in the face, knocking him out. Before she can safely place him back on his hovercraft, she is hit by a mothball. She turns around and sees Killer Moth and his deranged daughter standing on giant moths.

"Hello, Starfire! Remember me!" exclaimed Kitten.

"Umm. Who are you?" said Starfire.

"How don't you remember me! You took Jordan-poo from me!" exclaimed Kitten.

"Huh?" asked Starfire.

"Remember! Three years ago at my prom!" exclaimed Kitten.

"Ohhh. That. I'm sorry," said Starfire.

"You're not sorry, you bitch! Now, I will destroy you!" exclaimed Kitten.

"Relax, sweetie. We will defeat her together," said Killer Moth.

"Shut up! I'm taking the lead here!" exclaimed Kitten.

Kitten and her father are no match for our alien princess. Their anger and psychopathy don't help them outmatch Starfire's speed and strength. She one taps both of them and knocks them out cold. What a waste of time and resources. Starfire pulls out her communicator and contacts her leader.

"Jordan, are you there?" asked Starfire.

"Yes," said Jordan.

"Argent, Kitten, and Killer moth are down," said Starfire.

"Good. Make sure Argent is fine and go somewhere else. This will be a long night," said Jordan.

In Jump City, Johnny Rancid rides his crimson motorcycle at high speeds towards Titan Tower. He laughs loudly and smiles as he gets closer to the tower. Before he even gets close, three shuriken are thrown into his bike and explodes, sending him flying off his bike. He tries to quickly get up, but Jason steps on his head.

"Come on. You have to try harder than that," said Jason.

"Let me get up and I will show you how strong I am," said Johnny.

"No," said Jason.

Jason stomps on his head and knocks him out. He then pulls out his communicator and contacts his brother.

"The Brotherhood came for the tower, but I dealt with him," said Jason.

"Nice. Protect the tower. I don't believe that whoever you fought will be your only opponent tonight," said Jordan.

"I'll be ready," said Jason.

"I know," said Jordan.

Even though there are many victories, there are some losses. Some heroes are defeated and captured by the Brother of Evil. An hour passes before Jordan decides to enact his own plan. After helping a Japanese hero, he lands on an island a few miles away from Tokyo. He hops out of the ship and taps the center of his utility belt. It starts to beep red as he waits for someone. That certain someone walks out of the shadows and towards our young hero.

"Madame Rouge. I knew that you would come," said Jordan.

"Are you ready to meet your fate?" asked Madame Rouge.

"Take me to your leader," said Jordan.

"Ok," said Madame Rouge.

Madame Rouge pulls out some rope and ties Jordan up. She then throws him on the back of her ship and enters it. She enters the pilot's seat and places both of her hands on the wheel, presses a couple buttons, and rockets towards Paris, the base of the Brotherhood. Three hours pass. After the long ride, the doors to the base are swung open as Madame Rouge drags in Jordan. The room is filled with many villains and in the center stands The Brain and Monsieur Mallah.

"Madame Rouge, what a surprise. You have brought to us the biggest prize of all. Welcome to our little hideout, Jordan," said The Brain.

"Glad to be here," said Jordan.

"You don't seem scared or shocked. Why?" said The Brain.

"Why would I be scared of a bunch of c-listers, a french monkey, a bootleg member of the Fantastic Four, and a brain in a glass tube," said Jordan.

"Very disrespectful. I would advise you to shut up before my friends get too angry," said The Brain.

"Why would I? You bastards are too weak to even touch me," said Jordan.

"There is no reason to be a sore loser. Now, wanna see your friends?" said The Brain.

The Brain and Monsieur Mallah move to the side as they reveal a small pile of unconscious Titans. Jordan gets a little angry but stays calm. He will save them in a moment.

"Do they make you feel angry? Do they make you want to try to escape and save them? Well, you won't. You have lost. You may have defeated some of my allies, but that will not be enough to defeat the Brotherhood of Evil," said The Brain.

"You may be a brain, but you're a fool," said Jordan.

"What do you mean, boy?" asked The Brain.

"You should have seen this coming, Brain. You weren't hunting us. We were hunting you. We have been listening to all of your conversations and tracking you for the last five months. We even placed a spy in your ranks," said Jordan.

"Nice story, Jordan. You should have chosen to become a writer instead of getting in our way," said The Brain.

"You just don't get it. That's sad. Rouge, untie me," said Jordan.

"Yes, sir," said Madame Rouge.

"Huh?" asked Monsieur Mallah.

Madame Rouge pulls out a knife and quickly frees her boss from the ropes. He gets up and cracks his neck while all the villains in the room are shocked and scared.

"So, Madame Rouge is the traitor? Truly shocking," said Monsieur Mallah.

"She didn't do this voluntarily. After defeating her in India, I took her back to the tower. Cyborg and I did a surgery on her brain and placed an advanced microchip in her. This microchip made her subservient and she became our spy. Without her, we would have still won, but it would have been harder," said Jordan.

"Madame Rouge may be on your side, but you will lose. We have the numbers and your friends are miles away from us. You won't get any assistance," said The Brain.

"I don't need any," said Jordan.

"My villainous friends, the time has come to finally defeat the Titans once and for all. We have their leader right in front of us. Once he is taken out, the rest will be easy. Low morale always leads to defeat," said The Brain.

"Hail, the Brotherhood of Evil!" exclaimed the villains repeatedly.

"Rouge, are you ready to fight your pals?" asked Jordan.

"Yes, let's defeat this villainous scum," said Madame Rouge.

"Brotherhood of Evil, go!" exclaimed The Brain.

Madame Rouge and Jordan both take deep breaths seconds before the fight begins. A couple of silent seconds pass before both sides charge at each other like bulls when they see red. Jordan runs towards Cinderblock as he chooses him to be his first target. Jordan pulls out his grappling hook and grapples to the head of the giant villain. He then gets on top of his head and drops two little objects in its mouth. His body starts to deteriorate and crumbles to the ground seconds later.

"One down. A million to go. Great," said Jordan.

Madame Rouge chooses her first target and goes after Adonis. She extends her arms and somehow fits them inside the giant blue suit. She then tears the suit apart from the inside. The suit falls to pieces a few seconds later and the scrawny pilot falls to the ground. She steps on him and knocks him out easily. Mammoth is next. The hulking villain charges at Jordan, but he easily jumps over him. He then pulls out a few darts and throws them into the back of the brute. A serum is injected into his body and he starts to lose consciousness.

"Not. Feeling. Too. Good," said Mammoth as he fell to the ground already asleep before touching the cold floor.

Private H.I.V.E tries to swing at Madame Rouge, but she punches him a few times in the face to knock him out. Behind them stands Andre le Blanc, but he is no threat. Jordan just kicks him in the face to take down this giant menace.

"There are still many threats," said Madame Rouge.

"We can deal with them. We just have to take on bigger numbers of these clowns," said Jordan.

"I'm moving as fast as I can," said Madame Rouge.

"Then, let me make some space," said Jordan.

Jordan grapples halfway to the roof before he grabs three explosive disks. He then throws them at the large crowd of villains and they explode. He incapacitates a couple villains, but many still stand. This will be a long fight, but a fight that they must win. Even though there are only two of them, they fight hard and don't hold back. With their combined attacks and one-liners, they defeat many villains in a temporary amount of time, but this won't be enough. They may have a lot of gadgets, good strategies, and good fighting styles, but they can't beat them all. After around ten minutes of fighting, they are both sadly defeated and slammed to the ground. The villains around them smile and jeer as they stand over their greatest enemy.

"I told you, Jordan. You can't win. My team is unbeatable and you are just a mere human," said The Brain.

"And what are you? A god?" asked Jordan.

"No, a hero," said The Brain.

"Well, you are optimistic, but you are mistaken about something," said Jordan.

"What is it?" asked The Brain.

"You have soldiers. I have friends," said Jordan.

Seconds pass before one explosion is heard. Then another. And another. Jordan's friends have come to assist him and finally defeat the Brotherhood.

"When I said that I had no assistance, I wasn't completely lying. I was just buying time for them to get here. Tip for next time, don't put your secret base in Paris. Maybe put it in North Korea. It will be harder to get in the country," said Jordan.

"No matter how many friends you have, we will win," said The Brain.

"Ok, Brain! First rule! Never throw me down a hole before you make sure that I'm dead!" exclaimed Cyborg.

"Rule two! We never give up, so you better not either!" exclaimed Starfire.

"Rule three! Make sure that you have a good secret base! This one sucks!' exclaimed Raven.

"Rule four! Don't mess with us unless you want to get beaten!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

"Rule five! We're all Titans, so get ready to get destroyed and imprisoned! You can't win because we never lose! Titans, go!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Wait! Before we take these guys down, what's the plan!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

"Take down the villains and freeze them with the cryogenic machine!" exclaimed Jordan.

"We're on it!" exclaimed the Titans as they engage the villains.

"What do we do?" asked Madame Rouge.

"Fight your former friends. I'm going after the leader," said Jordan.

Madame Rouge charges at her former allies as Jordan grapples towards the Brain and Monsieur Mallah. He lands in front of them and immediately pulls out two Claws.

"Game over," said Jordan.

"Is it time to leave, sir?" asked Monsieur Mallah.

"Yes. Let's take our leave," said The Brain.

The Brain pops off from the rest of his body and Mallah grabs him. He then jumps up the beams with his master in tow. Jordan is annoyed by their perseverance to escape and just casually grapples towards them. He then grabs onto Mallah's back and shoves both of his claws into his shoulders. The giant gorilla screams in pain and drops his master.

"Master!" exclaimed Monsieur Mallah.

"Don't fret, monkey. You will be with your master in a sec," said Jordan.

Jordan then pulls out a gas mask and places it on the ape. The ape tries to escape, but Jordan is surprisingly stronger than the gorilla. The gorilla starts to fall asleep as he tries to fight back, but he can't before he passes out. He falls while crashing into the parts of the wall and then crash lands on the ground as Jordan lands on his stomach. He then taps his cowls and connects with his team.

"Monkey and Brain down. How's the fight?" said Jordan.

"Done. The villains are down all we need is Mallah and The Brain and we have won," said Beast Boy.

"I'm bringing them in," said Jordan.

Jordan picks up The Brain and drags the ape towards the freezing machine. He places them on top of each other and walks over to the freezing machine. He hovers his hand over the red button but doesn't press it yet. He loves the tense atmosphere of the room.

"Any last words?" asked Jordan.

"You may have defeated us now, but we will-," said The Brain.

"Ohhhh, shut up already," said Jordan.

Jordan presses the button and freezes the last of the villains. The Brotherhood has been defeated, but there is a sore thumb sticking out.

"What are we going to do with her? She is still one of them," said Raven.

"She isn't. She is still on our side for now. We can use her to our advantage. We always need more Titans," said Jordan.

"Welcome to the team stretchy assassin lady," said Jason.

"Glad to be part of the team," said Madame Rouge.

"Guys!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

"What?" asked the Titans.

"It's a brain freeze!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

"Your jokes still suck, Gar. They always do," said Jordan.

In the Jump City Bank a few hours later, Doctor Light brute forces his way through the guards using light beams. He quickly reaches the vault and uses his light gauntlets to break it. He takes as much money as he can in a few minutes and quickly exits the bank. He reaches the street and looks up, but sees something scary. He sees hundreds of Titans waiting for him on the rooftops of multiple buildings across the streets. His mouth comically drops at the same time as he drops his money.

"Oh boy," said Doctor Light.

"Umm. Isn't this a little overkill? It's just Doctor Light," said Cyborg.

"I don't believe in overkill, Vic. Let's show the criminals of this city to stay home. Titans, go!" said Jordan.