
The New Monster Hunter Is A Pervert

Darren's father leaves him for a wench; therefore he moves to Quillgrad. As fate would have it, he became a monster hunter. (A pervert monster hunter). The Sauce of the book - MC is cool af and loves to break the fourth wall

Playwright · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

The Goblin Duo

As the sun began to rise, casting a warm golden light over Quill grad, I found myself eagerly awaiting the arrival of my incentive. I had been told that it would be delivered by a courier, and I couldn't help but imagine the possibilities.

When the knock finally came at my door, I opened it to find a stunning woman standing there. She had a slender yet curvaceous figure, accentuated by her form-fitting courier attire that hugged her every contour. Her long legs were emphasized by knee-high leather boots, while a leather corset cinched her waist, drawing attention to her hourglass shape. Her flowing dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, framing a face with soft features and captivating green eyes that hinted at hidden depths.

She introduced herself as Thalia Greywood, the courier responsible for delivering my incentive. "Hello, Darren. I've come to deliver your incentive. It's quite a unique item, I must say."

I couldn't help but stare at her tits and ass as she spoke, my eyes drawn to the curves hidden beneath her clothing. I was finding it increasingly difficult to focus on anything else.

Thalia noticed my gaze and smiled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You like what you see, don't you?"

I couldn't help but blush and nod. "Yeah, you... you have an amazing figure."

Thalia laughed and stepped closer to me, her breasts brushing against my arm. "Well, I'm glad you think so. Now, let's get your incentive and see what it is."

As we stepped inside, Thalia handed me a small wooden box. "This is your incentive, Darren. I hope it's everything you hoped for."

I carefully opened the box, revealing a stunning necklace with a large gemstone pendant. "Wow, this is incredible! Thank you, Thalia."

Thalia leaned in closer, her lips brushing against my ear as she whispered, "You're welcome, Darren. But remember, this isn't just a gift. It's a symbol of your commitment to the guild and the adventures that lie ahead."

With that, she gave me a quick peck on the cheek and turned to leave. "Good luck on your journey, Darren. I'm sure we'll meet again."

As I admired the stunning necklace that Thalia had delivered, I noticed another letter tucked away in the box. Curious, I opened it and found that it contained information about a goblin duo that had been killing and stealing people in a village by the Great Lake. The bonus for taking them down was 100 coins, and I knew that this was an opportunity I couldn't pass up.

Feeling a bit uncertain about how to proceed, I decided to consult the bowl for guidance. As I held it in my hands, I asked, "What should I do about the goblin duo?"

To my surprise, the words "Take Seraphina's help" appeared in the water. I couldn't help but feel that this was a sign, so I decided to head to Seraphina's shop to seek her assistance.

As I made my way through the bustling streets of Quillgrad, I couldn't help but notice the attention I was receiving. With the stunning necklace around my neck, I felt like a celebrity, and I couldn't help but bask in the attention.

When I finally arrived at Seraphina's shop, I found her behind the counter, mixing various herbs and powders. She looked up as I entered, her eyes widening in surprise. "Darren! What brings you here?"

I explained the situation with the goblin duo and the bonus, hoping that Seraphina would be willing to help me. "I was wondering if you might be able to help me take down this goblin duo and claim the bonus. I've heard you're quite knowledgeable about herbs and potions."

Seraphina chuckled and nodded. "I can help you with that."

As we returned to Seraphina's place after our encounter with the goblin duo, she quickly set to work preparing the potions we would need for our next adventure. "Alright, Darren, we're going to need a couple of potions to help us take down these goblins. The first one is a Potion of Speed. I made it by combining the essence of a jackal's howl with the tears of a mountain lion. This potion will help us move faster than the goblins, since they're known for their speed."

I nodded, intrigued by the unique ingredients. "That sounds amazing, Seraphina. I can't wait to try it."

Seraphina then moved on to the second potion. "The second potion is an Enhanced Hearing Elixir. I crafted it by boiling the wings of a hummingbird and mixing it with the essence of a bat's echolocation. This elixir will allow us to hear the goblins' movements, even if they're trying to sneak up on us."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of drinking a potion made from hummingbird wings. "That's quite the unique recipe, Seraphina. I'm sure it'll work wonders."

As Seraphina handed me the two potions, she added, "Just remember to drink these before we face the goblins. They'll give us an advantage in the battle."

With the potions in hand, I felt more confident about our chances of taking down the goblin duo. "Thanks, Seraphina. I'm grateful for your help."

 I couldn't help but notice her struggling to reach a stool that was mounted on a high cabinet. She stood on her tiptoes, trying to grab it, but her balance seemed to be off.

Before she could fall, I quickly stepped forward and grabbed her ass, steadying her and making sure she didn't hurt herself. Seraphina looked at me, her eyes locking onto mine, and I could feel the sexual tension between us growing stronger.

After a moment, Seraphina managed to grab the stool and place it beneath the cabinet. She stood up, her eyes still locked on mine, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building inside me.

Seraphina then opened a container and pulled out an empty jar. "I'm working on a breakthrough potion, but I need a rather hard-to-find ingredient. Human semen."

My eyes widened at her words, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and excitement. "You... you want me to...?"

Seraphina nodded, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Yes, Darren. I need you to provide me with some human semen. It's a crucial ingredient for this potion."

I hesitated for a moment, my mind racing with thoughts of what it would mean to provide Seraphina with what she needed. Finally, I decided to go through with it, my curiosity and attraction to Seraphina overcoming my inhibitions.

"Alright, Seraphina. I'll do it."

Seraphina's eyes lit up with gratitude, and she stepped closer to me, her body pressing against mine. "Thank you, Darren. I promise, this will be worth it."

As I stood in the corner of Seraphina's adobe, I began to wank off, my mind filled with thoughts of Seraphina and the erotic situation we found ourselves in. I knew that it wouldn't be easy to provide her with the human semen she needed, but I was determined to help her with her breakthrough potion.

After a while, Seraphina couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "Darren, are you done yet? This is taking a long time."

I chuckled, trying to keep my composure. "If I'm not turned on, it'll take me a very long time, Seraphina."

At that moment, Seraphina raised her top, revealing her beautiful tits to me. The sight of her breasts, coupled with the sexual tension between us, was enough to make me cum a little faster.

Seraphina watched me intently, her eyes filled with desire and anticipation. "That's it, Darren. Keep going. I need that semen for my potion."

As I continued to wank off, I couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and excitement. The fact that Seraphina was watching me and encouraging me only fueled my desire to provide her with what she needed.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I came, my ejaculation a testament to the sexual tension that had built up between us. Seraphina watched me intently, her eyes never leaving mine, as I filled the jar with my semen.

Once I had finished, Seraphina carefully capped the jar and placed it on a nearby table. "Thank you, Darren. That should be enough for my potion."

As Seraphina and I arrived at the village by the Great Lake, the sight of burning buildings and panicked villagers greeted us. It was clear the goblin duo had wreaked havoc here. We wasted no time and set about strategizing our trap.

"Now, Seraphina, where do you think we should place the Potion of Speed trap?" I asked, scratching my head as I scanned the village square.

Seraphina surveyed the area thoughtfully, her eyes narrowing with determination. "I reckon right here, near the well. They'll have to pass through to get to the fleeing villagers."

I nodded enthusiastically, impressed by her tactical thinking. "Brilliant! And the Enhanced Hearing Elixir trap can go over by that alley, where they might try to sneak around."

We quickly set up the traps, hiding them as best we could amidst the chaos of the village. Once everything was in place, we crouched behind a nearby cart, eagerly awaiting the goblins' arrival.

"This is it, Darren," Seraphina whispered, her voice tinged with anticipation. "Let's hope these traps work."

I nodded, feeling a surge of adrenaline as we waited in tense silence. The sounds of distant screams and crackling fires filled the air, but we remained focused on our mission. Soon, the unmistakable sounds of footsteps echoed through the village, growing closer with each passing moment.

"Get ready," I muttered to Seraphina, clutching my sword tightly.

With baited breath, we watched as two shadowy figures approached cautiously, their pointed ears twitching in curiosity. As they stepped into the trap zone, the Potion of Speed was triggered, releasing a cloud of swirling mist that enveloped them.

"Well bugger me!" I exclaimed quietly, watching the goblins stumble and falter as the potion took effect. "Looks like they're in for a wild ride!"

Seraphina stifled a laugh, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Hold steady, Darren. Now for the next trap."

We watched as the goblins, now disoriented and stumbling, unwittingly triggered the Enhanced Hearing Elixir trap. The potion burst into a cascade of shimmering sparks, momentarily blinding the goblins and causing them to trip over each other in confusion.

"Ha! They didn't see that coming," I chuckled, feeling a rush of triumph as the goblins floundered helplessly.

Seraphina grinned, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Nicely done, Darren. Now, let's move in and finish this."