
The New Monster Hunter Is A Pervert

Darren's father leaves him for a wench; therefore he moves to Quillgrad. As fate would have it, he became a monster hunter. (A pervert monster hunter). The Sauce of the book - MC is cool af and loves to break the fourth wall

Playwright · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Punishment

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest, I felt a surge of adrenaline as Seraphina and I prepared to face the goblin duo. The potions she brewed had promised to give us an edge, but little did I know they would turn me into a blur of motion.

I downed the Potion of Speed and the Enhanced Hearing Elixir in quick succession, expecting a subtle boost. Instead, my limbs tingled with an electrifying energy, and I felt lighter than air. "Bloody hell, Seraphina!" I exclaimed, blinking rapidly as the world around me seemed to slow down.

Seraphina chuckled, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Looks like the potions are working their magic, Darren. Just remember to channel that speed towards the goblins!"

With newfound agility, I darted through the underbrush, my movements swift and silent. Ahead, I caught sight of two shadowy figures, the goblins, frozen in surprise as they spotted me. In a flash, they turned and bolted deeper into the forest.

"Well, bugger me!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the trees as I gave chase. Seraphina followed close behind, her steps light and graceful. "Don't let them get away, Darren!" she called out, her voice carried on the wind.

With the potions coursing through my veins, I closed the distance with ease. The goblins, accustomed to their own speed and agility, were no match for my enhanced reflexes. Ducking under branches and leaping over fallen logs, I gained on them with every stride.

One of the goblins glanced back, eyes widening in fear as he realized I was gaining ground. With a burst of speed, I lunged forward, almost catching his tattered cloak. "Gotcha!" I shouted, but the goblin slipped through my fingers like an eel, disappearing into the dense foliage.

"Damn slippery buggers!" I cursed, skidding to a halt. Seraphina caught up, her expression determined. "We can't let them escape, Darren. They'll terrorize the village again if they get away."

Nodding grimly, I took a deep breath and focused my senses, listening for any sign of movement. The Enhanced Hearing Elixir heightened every sound—the rustling of leaves, the distant call of a bird—but the goblins remained elusive.

"We need to split up," Seraphina suggested, scanning the forest with sharp eyes. "I'll go left, you go right. We'll corner them."

Without hesitation, we set off in opposite directions, weaving through the trees and calling out to each other occasionally. The forest grew darker as night crept in, adding an eerie atmosphere to our pursuit.

Minutes felt like hours as I searched, adrenaline still pumping through my veins. Suddenly, a rustling to my right caught my attention. Heart racing, I turned and sprinted towards the noise, crashing through bushes and leaping over fallen trunks.

Ahead, I glimpsed movement—a flash of green and brown darting between trees. "Got you now, you little sods!" I yelled triumphantly, my voice echoing through the forest.

As the goblins bolted into the dense forest, one of them vanished into the shadows with a swift agility that even I found surprising. The other, perhaps in a moment of familial concern, cried out, "Run, sister!" I felt the potions kick in, making me as light-footed as the goblins themselves.

With a roar that echoed through the trees, I surged forward with determination. My footsteps barely made a sound, and it felt like I was gliding over the forest floor. The sword in my hand gleamed in the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy. In one fluid motion, I swung my blade, cleaving through the air with precision. The goblin's head flew from its shoulders, a clean strike that ended the chase abruptly.

Breathing heavily, I looked around, adrenaline still coursing through my veins. "That's how it's done!" I exclaimed, wiping sweat from my brow. "Who knew those potions would make me this fast?"

Don't you think I owe Seraphina for these potions. They're a game-changer, alright.

As I caught my breath, I knew this was just the beginning of my adventures as a monster hunter.

With the immediate threat dispatched, I wiped my sword clean on the grass, feeling a strange mix of exhilaration and exhaustion. The forest around me was eerily quiet, as if the trees themselves were holding their breath. I couldn't help but smirk at the absurdity of it all.

"Bloody hell," I muttered, glancing around. "That was more excitement than I've had in weeks."

Breaking the silence, I turned to Seraphina, who was peeking out from behind a tree. "You alright, Seraphina? Any more of those goblins lurking about?"

She stepped out, her face a mixture of relief and admiration. "I'm fine, Darren. That was... impressive. I didn't expect you to be so quick."

"Neither did I," I admitted, grinning. "Those potions really did the trick. Who knew I'd be slicing goblins and quoting my own heroic one-liners before breakfast?"

Seraphina chuckled, shaking her head. "You do have a knack for the dramatic, don't you?"

"Comes with the territory," I replied, sheathing my sword. "Now, let's hope that sister goblin doesn't bring back reinforcements."

I stood at the edge of the forest, contemplating our next move. With the goblin's head neatly cleaved and rolling about somewhere, I couldn't just leave her sister running wild. No, no. That would be irresponsible. Also, what's the point of being a hero if you leave loose ends dangling about?

I turned to Seraphina, who looked like she was about to object. "Listen, Seraphina. I know what you're going to say. 'Darren, don't be reckless,' or 'Darren, you just saved the village, take a break.' But the truth is, I can't let a goblin run free. It's bad for business, and frankly, it messes with my heroic image."

Seraphina sighed, her hands on her hips. "Just be careful, alright? I'll wait for you in the village."

"Of course, you will," I said, winking at her. "I'm Darren, after all. Careful is my middle name. Darren Careful Heroic-Master Surname."

Alright, that's a lie. My middle name is actually Eugene, but let's keep that between us, alright? I don't want to ruin my street cred.

I turned back to the forest, feeling a strange mix of excitement and dread. "You know," I said, addressing you lot, "this is the part where the protagonist usually runs headlong into danger for the sake of plot progression. Not that I'm complaining, of course. I mean, where's the fun in sitting around waiting for things to happen?"

I stepped into the dense undergrowth, my senses on high alert. "So, dear reader, or viewer, or however you're consuming this tale, prepare for a thrilling chase scene. Picture it: me, darting through the trees, the wind in my hair, the dramatic music swelling in the background. Or, if you're like me and have no musical accompaniment, you can just hum something epic."

With a deep breath, I set off, my feet barely touching the ground. "Remember, this isn't just about heroics," I said, leaping over a fallen log. "This is about narrative tension. You can't just let the antagonist get away in the middle of the story. It's bad form."

I caught sight of a flash of movement up ahead—a glimpse of goblin green darting between the trees. "There she is," I muttered, picking up the pace. "Our plot device... I mean, goblin sister. Gotta love a good chase sequence."

I weaved through the trees, feeling like an action star in a low-budget fantasy flick. You know, it's moments like these that make me glad I'm not just a regular bloke. Regular blokes don't get to chase goblins through enchanted forests. They don't get to spout witty one-liners and break the fourth wall. And they certainly don't get to have you cheering them on. Or at least, I hope you're cheering. If not, then why are you even here?

As I closed the distance, the goblin sister glanced back, her eyes wide with panic. Alright, folks, feast your eyes on Grimbletoss, or as I like to call her, Grimmy. (Yes I gave her that name) Imagine a goblin that's been hitting the genetic lottery for all the right curves – and then some! Standing at a mighty 4 feet 5 inches, she's a pint-sized powerhouse of busty goodness. Her skin's got this badass chestnut vibe going on, and it's inked up with tattoos that tell the tale of her 'I'm-a-badass' life.

Now, let's talk about that outfit. It's like she raided a leather shop and decided less is more. Skimpy leather halter top? Check. Barely-there shorts that leave little to the imagination? Double check. And those boots? Made for walking all over your heart, baby.

Her eyes? Fiery orange, like she's ready to burn down the house (and not just because she can). Hair? A wild, untamed mane of green that screams, 'I woke up like this – and I look damn good.'

So, if you see this pint-sized dynamo coming your way, be prepared to either fight, flee, or fall madly in love. Or all three. It's Grimbletoss, baby – she's here to steal treasure and maybe, just maybe, steal your heart too.

With a final burst of speed, I launched myself at the goblin, tackling her to the ground. "Gotcha!" I exclaimed, pinning her down. "Now, let's have a little chat about your future villainy prospects, shall we?"

There I was, standing over the captured goblin sister, feeling like an action hero in a badly scripted fantasy series. She squirmed under my grip, looking more terrified than a mouse at a cat convention.

"Right, missy," I said, trying to sound as authoritative as possible. "You've been causing quite a bit of trouble, haven't you? Killing villagers, stealing... Honestly, it's not very neighborly."

She glared up at me, clearly not appreciating the lecture. "Do your worst, human. I won't beg."

I raised an eyebrow. "Beg? Oh, no, you've got the wrong idea. I'm not some medieval torturer. I'm more of a 'let's talk this out' kind of guy."

I glanced at you, the invisible audience, with a wink. "And by 'talk this out,' I mean let's figure out how to make this amusing for all of us."

I sighed, releasing my hold just enough to let her sit up. "Listen, I'm not going to hurt you. But you need to understand, you can't keep doing this. You've got to be a good goblin from now on. No more killing, no more stealing."

She looked confused. "You... you're letting me go?"

I nodded, trying to look magnanimous. "Yeah, I am. But there's a catch."

I pushed the goblin against a nearby tree and quickly unbuttoned my pants. I could feel my cock growing hard as I thought about the intimate act we were about to share. As I positioned myself behind the goblin, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and embarrassment at the thought of what we were about to do.

Slowly, I pushed my cock into the goblin's asshole, savoring the feeling of penetration and the way the goblin moaned in pleasure. The erotic experience was unlike anything I had ever felt before, and I couldn't help but get lost in the moment.

As I thrust into the goblin, I knew that I was taking a risk by engaging in such an intimate act with a creature that was not human. But the excitement and the adrenaline that coursed through my veins made it impossible for me to resist the temptation.

As I continued to thrust into the goblin's ass, I could feel my excitement building to a crescendo. The erotic experience was unlike anything I had ever felt before, and I was losing myself in the moment.

With each thrust, I could feel the goblin's body respond, moaning in pleasure and pushing back against me. The sound of our bodies slapping together filled the air, and I could hear Seraphina calling out for me from somewhere in the distance.

Ignoring her calls, I continued to thrust harder and harder, losing myself in the erotic encounter. Finally, as I felt myself on the brink of climax, I pulled out of the goblin and spilled my seed inside her ass.

"You have to promise to stop being a pain in everyone's ass. If I hear about you causing trouble again, I'll come back. And next time, I won't be this nice."

She blinked, clearly not expecting this turn of events. "Why would you not kill me?"

I shrugged. "Because everyone deserves a second chance. Even goblins."

I helped her to her feet, brushing off some of the dirt. "Now, off you go. And remember, behave yourself."

She gave me a wary look, then nodded slowly. "I... I will. Thank you."

There you have it, folks. Darren, the merciful monster hunter. Who knew I had it in me? I bet you were expecting a bloodbath. Sorry to disappoint, but hey, everyone loves a redemption arc, right?

Returning to the village, I couldn't help but feel a bit like a conquering hero. I mean, sure, I let the goblin sister go, but who needs to know that little detail, right?

As I entered the village, the sun was just starting to set, casting a warm golden glow over everything. Seraphina was already there, chatting with a few villagers. When she saw me, she broke into a wide smile.

"There he is!" she called out. "The hero of the hour!"

I gave a mock bow. "At your service. Goblin problem sorted."

The villagers, who had been a bit wary of me earlier, now looked at me with newfound respect. One of them, a burly farmer with a thick beard, clapped me on the shoulder. "You've done us a great service, lad. We're in your debt."

I tried to look modest. "All in a day's work."

A cheer went up, and before I knew it, someone had thrust a tankard of ale into my hand. "We're having a feast tonight!" the farmer announced. "To celebrate our new friend and the end of our troubles!"

I looked over at Seraphina, who winked at me. "Looks like you're the guest of honour, Darren."

The feast was soon in full swing. Long tables were set up in the village square, piled high with roasted meats, fresh bread, and all manner of other delicious foods. The air was filled with the sound of laughter and music as a group of musicians struck up a lively tune.

As the night wore on, the villagers kept the ale flowing, and the party showed no signs of slowing down. At one point, someone handed me a lute and demanded that I play something. Now, I'm no musician, but after a few tankards of ale, I figured, why not?

I strummed a few chords, wincing at the discordant sounds. "Alright, folks, this one's for all you brave souls who faced the goblin menace!" I started to sing, making up the words as I went along.

"There once was a goblin, mean and green,

Who caused quite a ruckus, if you know what I mean.

But along came Darren, the brave and bold,

And now that goblin's story is told!"

The villagers laughed and cheered, and I handed the lute back, relieved that my musical performance hadn't resulted in a mass exodus.

As the night drew to a close, I found myself sitting by the fire with Seraphina. The warmth of the flames and the pleasant buzz from the ale made everything feel wonderfully surreal.

"So, what's next for the great monster hunter?" Seraphina asked, her eyes reflecting the firelight.

I shrugged. "Who knows? More monsters to hunt, more adventures to have. But tonight, I'm just enjoying the moment."

She smiled. "That sounds like a plan."

I raised my tankard in a toast. "To the unexpected heroes, and the adventures yet to come."