
12): Knowing (2)

"Alright," She said while taking a deep breath, "Then you should know that I am a WerePanther."

When Isaac thought he was going to fall asleep because she would start telling him something that wasn't really that important, but she thought it would be enough to warrant to tell him, well he couldn't anymore. His eyes shot open as he looked over to the girl who was chewing her lip as he watched her.

He took a moment to calm himself down though, he was suppose to be someone who didn't know anything about the supernatural world so it would take some acting here, "What do you mean you are a WerePanther?" He asked sitting up more in his seat.

In his hand to the side was a fireball though, he wasn't going to hesitate to throw it at her and escape, although it would kill him to harm her he wasn't going to let her attack first. He was all about women being equals, if one set out to kill him why shouldn't he kill them right back, so he was going to stay prepared.

She got more nervous but seemed to want to pay attention to the road to not see his expression, "Look I am not crazy or anything like that. I really am a WerePanther, and the reason that I couldn't see you after the party was because I was transformed all weekend, I am different from the normal werewolf or anything else out there that is similar."

"Different how?" He asked but it didn't escape his notice that she was surprised that he was asking questions rather then just thinking she was crazy.

Clearing her throat she nodded her head, she has probably had this talk with someone else and didn't get this far, they must have not believed her either. He could see that she was really nervous at the moment, and he was still ready to kill her too if she attacked, though he was giving her a big chance at this moment.

"Well on the full moon, usually on the first night I have until around two or three am before I shift. After I shift though I am stuck in my WerePanther form for three days so this time it was until Sunday night, this is why I also miss a lot of school sometimes when the moon falls on a weekday, but we just say it is medical." She said with a nervous chuckle.

"Keep going." He said surprised hearing this, he hadn't heard anything like this in the show well at least the main parts that he could remember, he honestly couldn't remember much past season 5.

"Yeah so, I am what is called an Alpha in my little world. I have my own pack too, but I didn't turn them it is more of some stray omega's who found me actually, then it just became me having a pack, though there are only three of us. Anyway what else can I say...." She then went on to tell him pretty much everything thing else that he already knew from watching the show.

Though he was surprised to find out that her eyes didn't glow red to show she was an alpha, apparently as a WerePanther they glowed purple instead, it was just Werewolves that actually went red. For WerePanther's it went omega having a golden yellow like werewolves, then beta's had a green glow to them, then finally purple for Alphas, though they could show green to throw off enemies.

This put his head in a spin, and when she looked over at him all he did was stare at her, they had already pulled up to his house but they were just sitting in the car at the moment. The fire that was in his hand was gone by now, he knew she wasn't going to attack him, if anything she looked afraid and really nervous.

"Show me then. How do I know this isn't some sort of prank, I mean I can see that you are being serious but without you actually showing me then I would just believe this to be a joke." He said looking at her with a raised brow.

She nodded her head as she flexed her fingers on the steering wheel, "Remember that it is only a partial shift, I still don't have full control to make myself go full panther on you, I am still working on that."

He nodded while watching her, seeing that he was watching her she let out a breath she was holding before her features started to change, first it was her eyes which were now glowing purple. Next was her face which took on a more animalistic state with fur that blended in with the night started to grow on her face more.

Isaac sat there for a moment looking her over before he got out the car, he went to walk away but stopped and looked back through the open window, "I will call you."

With that he walked away, though he did see that she was really disappointed from him, but his world was tilted, not rocked but it was tilted finding out what she was. He was trying to find out how to feel about this, at the moment he was no longer tired, instead he was wide awake and thinking about what this all meant.

Though of course he didn't not expect to meet someone else from the supernatural world, he knew that the Hale's couldn't be the only ones in town, especially when they were now mostly dead. He could see how more would move here, but at the same time he was wondering is the world was doing this for him.

Sighing he thought it over as he was in the shower, running his hands through his hair he made up his mind and when he got out he got dressed to leave. He needed to go see about a girl.... shaking his head he smile, Good Will Hunting was a great movie.

Taking his fathers keys he left the house and went through town speeding a little, it helped that it was so late at night so he wasn't at risk to running into a police officer as often. Before he reached the house he stopped and parked hiding on the side of the road, getting out he walked down the street and made it to the house with a smile on his face.

Walking to the side he saw the air unit outside the house and stepped on it, it didn't take much for him to lift himself on the garage roof. From there it was just a quick walk to the window, whistling lightly he reached to the bottom lifting it up, he smiled seeing that it went up so easily.

Crawling inside being as quiet as possible he walked over to the bed, he decided right then and there that he was being creepy, on a side note it seemed to work though. Allison who was sleeping at that moment woke, when she did her eyes grew wide seeing Isaac to the side, Isaac on the other hand was smiling at her while sending her a small wave.

She sighed laying back looking at the ceiling, "Is there a reason you are in my bedroom at," she looked over to her alarm clock, "Two thirty in the morning, hours before I will see you at school."

"Well other then the fact that I get to see you in the cute blue panties with a Monday Night written on them, though I wouldn't mind staying so I can get a look at Tuesday Morning, they look just as good?" He asked while sliding into bed next to her, she blushed but didn't move to push him out the bed.

"Why are you here exactly?" She asked moving to lie on her side pushing her hair out of her face as she did so.

"Firstly because I was really curious about the whole window thing after our other conversations. Secondly was because there is something that I needed to talk to you about that is actually pretty serious, I am trying to undercut it with laughs because it is making me sweat." He said with a sigh while reaching over and brushing some hair out of her face that fell into it.

She raised a brow, "Is it really that serious?"

Isaac nodded, telling someone about the supernatural world was always serious and stressful, he actually didn't know how she would handle all this when it came from him. At most he could show her his flames, but everything else she would need to figure out herself, and she would then need learn all the other information herself.

"So it has to do with three people in you life, well more like your family, me, and Scott. We all connect in one major way, which also happens to be a reason you moved here, though I am the only one to know the connection though. Scott might be in trouble if your family knew about him, while I am fine but who knows." Isaac started while looking at her he raised a finger to shush her when she tried to talk though.

"Let me explain some things first before you say anything, this is a long story and I need you to learn it all before I fall asleep, I am still tired. I am running on fumes at this moment." He then launched into what he knew about the supernatural world, while he did he made little flames that danced around the room. Her mouth was wide open as she saw.

Since he needed proof about everything he thought this would be the easiest way, she seemed to watch the lights but she was also listening to him very intensely her eyes searching his face. When he went to explain about Scott after telling her about her family she was shocked, after knowing it was a full moon Friday she seemed to connect the dots herself a lot.

Learning he was a beta of the psycho wolf running around made her a little scared, it wasn't until he explained to her about Scott being new and not knowing she calmed down a lot more. When she asked why her family would care so much though he had to explain about Kate, of course he didn't go to deep into what he knew about Kate but did explain her being crazy.

After he was done explaining about himself they lay there in silence, he didn't want to interrupt her as she was sitting there with a cute thinking expression. After seeing his power though she seemed to be taking it really well, the only thing he wouldn't explain is how he was reborn, at this point it was pointless to tell anyone since they wouldn't be able to handle that.

"How did you get you get your powers?" She asked after thinking for a moment.

That was something that he didn't know how to explain to her, so he just made something up, "I honestly don't know, I just sort of woke up one day with them. I have been slowly leaning to control them over the past week when they manifested."

She nodded, "There goes my chance of getting my own. What am I suppose to do now with all this information."

"Well I wanted to tell you to help you. I figured that if I told you all this then it would be easier for you to live life without being in the dark about everything else going on in your life." Isaac explained.

"I see." She said while thinking about it.

"Sorry if it broke your world view, we are best friends and honestly I didn't like keeping the secret from you, it was really hard." He said while sighing since it really was, ever since he thought of it the thoughts had been in his head. It wasn't until Ana came out tonight to him that he actually got up the nerve to tell her about all this.

"No it is fine. I would eventually learn it anyway, I am just glad that someone is telling me. I always resented my family for dragging me around and now I know why, though it isn't all that great of a reason really, just makes me more weird then I already am." She sighed shaking her head.

He knew she was talking about her being older then others in her class, which was a little weird from other peoples perspectives, 19 and a senior, yeah that was a little weird.

Reaching over he took her hand and she squeezed it while shutting her eyes, he didn't say anything as he let his magic dim down no longer lighting up the room any. The room was quiet and all the sounds that were heard was the crickets from outside, Isaac didn't bother leaving since she was letting his hand go, though he didn't want to leave either.

Pulling her close she curled into him while letting out a little sigh, "This is going to be a lot isn't it?"

"From the little information I got from all the people dying and stuff, it is connected, I can't put it all together but I can place that these people know each other." Isaac explained but didn't tell her about the cause of it all, how was he to explain something like that in detail when Kate hasn't even come to town yet.

"Fine, no more thinking about this for tonight, can you hold me though? I don't think I want to be alone tonight." She said pushing herself further into his body, all he did was nod holding her a lot closer.