
The New God Of Destruction

This book is a mixture of Dragon Ball, DBZ, DBS and DBH. Mc is Jin Mori from God Of Highschool but is a Saiyan who is born with God Ki.

TrueCulture_io123 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

What The Fuck?

The journey of the Z fighters on earth followed the same path and history as most of the other timelines, with only slight differences. In the end, the biggest threat the Z fighters ever had to face was against Cell. Who because he had the genes of every single Z fighter, both Frieza and King Cold, as well as the late Jin Taejin and his wife Ichigo's genes, ended up becoming a threat that far surpassed the likes of even the great evil Majin Buu.

But still, with the help of everyone especially Gohan, they managed to finally kill Cell once and for all and a few years later they too ended up managing to beat Kid Buu saving the world.

And in the year of 775, the universe was plunged into chaos as shockwaves traveled the entirety of universe seven.

Heaven, Hell, the Kaioshin's planet, all of them felt the shockwave eliciting shock and dread for all the universes residence.

(4032-Green-877 Planet Earth)

The Z fighters were all busy enjoying their time off with their friends, family, or even themselves. But then, they all could physically see the shockwaves travelling all over the planet alarming everyone as they wondered just what is happening.

(Capsule Corporation)

Bulma was busy upgrading her husband Vegeta's gravity chamber, when she physically saw the massive shockwaves that travelled all around her. She called her husband pn the intercom as she questioned.

"Vegeta! What's going on?! Is there some kind of new villain?!"

Vegeta stretched his senses to their maximum yet he couldnt find any trace of where the shockwaves were coming from. He clicked his tounge as he spoke.

"Bulma! Get out of your laboratory right now! Whatever is going on, it's too dangerous to be by yourself. I'm at the garden, so come out now!"

Bulma was surprised by Vegeta's words, but she understood his intentions so she rushed out of her laboratory and headed straight towards the garden with both her mom and dad quickly following behind her.

(North Kai's Planet)

King Kai trembled in fear and horror as the shockwaves traveled all across his planet as Goku questioned him upon witnessing the Kai trembling.

"Hey King Kai. Do you perhaps have any idea what's going on?"

King Kai gulped as he responded.

"Today, a God Of Destruction and his candidate are fighting for who will rule over the entirety of Universe Seven…"

His tone was ominous and foreboding which caused Goku to tilt his head in confusion.

"A God Of Destruction and his candidate?"

(Sacred World Of The Kai's)

On the land of the supreme Kai stood the current Supreme Kai, who was once the former East Kai. Shin. As well as former Supreme Kai of the fifteenth generation now commonly refered to as Old Kai who acts as an advisor to the current generation Supreme Kai. They both stood watching solemnly as the shockwaves reached even their dimension.

"It has begun so soon?"

The Old Kai spoke solemnly. And Shin spoke.

"Elder, I feel my connection to Lord Beerus has been cut off. Is the reason for this shockwave have anything to do with it?"

The Old Kai nodded his head as he answered.

"As of right now, Beerus is fighting against the person who is most likely the candidate raised to take over his position as God Of Destruction."

Shin frowned as he questioned.

"But Elder, shouldn't the candidate take over the position only when Lord Beerus retires?"

The Old Kai sighed as he spoke.

"A God retiring isn't the only way to take over the position. If you believe yourself capable enough, you may challenge the God of destruction and usurp them through the challenge. Although, cases where a candidate usurps their God through combat is extremely rare, it isn't impossible to happen. And to ensure that the current supreme Kai connected to the God doesn't die with them, the two are disconnected from each other until one or the other emerges as the victor."

Shin looked worried as the shockwaves began growing more intense.

"The shockwaves are growing stronger!"

The Old Kai sighed as he spoke.

"Shin. This is what a Battle Of God's is like."

(Beerus Planet)

After the first collision of their fists, Beerus immeadiately struck Jin Mori with another punch which Mori merely sidestepped before he struck Beerus in his solar plexus with his elbow. One of the many techniques of Renewal Taekwondo.


Beerus coughed out spittle before he was kicked away by Mori.



Beerus was sent crashing into his castle as Mori spoke to his mentor.

"Whis. Could you erect a barrier to prevent our battle from affecting the rest of the universe? This fight might end up bringing too many casualties should you fail to contain it."

Whis hummed before he nodded and tapped his staff on the ground erecting a barrier that surrounded the entirety of Planet Beerus as he thought to himself.

'Wonderful. He is already taking precautions against unecessary destruction of life to the inhabitants of universe seven. He's already proven himself the better God just with those words alone.'

Whis glanced at Beerus's castle where a massive aura of purple exploded and Beerus walked out of it with anger on his face. Mori also took notice of this, but he was completely calm.

"I must admit, I underestimated you slightly. Be prepared saiyan, I'll start getting serious."

Mori's crimson eyes burned in excitement as he replied.

"Then come."


Faster than he had moved earlier, Beerus appeared in front of Jin Mori seemingly instantly as the two pair's of eyes met in the sky.

(Boom!) (Boom!) (Boom!)

In the span of a single second, hundreds of thousands of blows were exchanged between the two. Yet if one paid closer attention, they would notice how Beerus was the one throwing all the blows whilst Mori kept blocking and deflecting every blow.

Yet Mori's actions served to anger the God even more as he roared and picked up the pace of his strikes.

"Dont you dare mock me! I'm the God Of Destruction Lord Beerus!"

Beerus's aura grew larger and more powerful as he began blasting Hakai's at Mori who dodged all of them with extreme ease.

Beerus paused to catch his breath, only for him to be sent crashing downwards as he heard.

"Renewal Ax."


Beerus was sent crashing down cratering the ground and yet he instantly recovered and once more rushed Mori. But unlike before, his temperment was now more calm as he utilised what little he knew of Ultra Instinct to fight Mori.

Beerus frowned as he began to notice how even utilising what little of Ultra Instinct, he knows of, Mori was still seemingly unaffected. Blow for blow, Mori now clashed against the former God on equal footing. Everytime Beerus increased the force of his attacks, Mori would strike with the exact same amount of force.

Whis watched the fight happening as he sighed.

'He's testing himself against lord Beerus. Not just to test himself against someone other than myself, but he's hoping that Beerus will adapt and improve to help himself grow even more.'

Mori's eyes glimmered in slight excitement upon witnessing how Beerus had began slowly improving in their fight. Though the power gap was increadibly large, slowly, ever so slowly Beerus is growing in strength.

"Brazilian Kick!"

Mori struck Beerus with a kick that slamed him downwards. With just that one kick, Mori had struck Beerus at the top, middle, and bottom of his entire body.

Beerus groaned in annoyance before his eyes widened as a massive thundercloud larger than an entire galaxy appeared directly above him as he heard Mori speak.

"The last time, you were able to nullify this divine bolt. Can you do it once more I wonder?"

"Oh Shit!"

Beerus cursed as Mori calmly raised his hand as he spoke.

"Geundoowun… Nebula Thunderbolts."

He cleched his fist, and immeadiately a massive bolt struck down on Beerus that would've caused massive casualties if not for the barrier set up by the astonished Whis.

"How frightening. I only saw him use this ability once and now it's grown that much more powerful? But, if the strength of the lightning is based off of the casters own strength, then this isn't the thunderbolts most powerful strike!"


Jin Mori stood high in the air as his eyes looked past the smoke where Beerus stood. His entire body glowed with the power of destruction, as he glared viciously at Jin Mori.

"Colour me surprise. You survived that attack?"

Beerus clicked his tounge as he responded.

"Your one hell of a monster you know that? Not only have you surpassed me in just thirty eight years, you even mastered Ultra Instinct to such a high level. No matter how hard I try to deny it, that silverish glow around yourself is no doubt Ultra Instinct. However, don't believe I'd willingly give you my position as the God of universe seven! If you want it, then come take it over my dead corpse! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"


Beerus roared unleashing all his strength as he rushed Jin Mori as the two began trading blow after blow against each other. Soon, days passed by them in the blink of an eye, before it turned into weeks and weeks turned into an entire month. The Battle Of God's was truly a spectacle that unfortunately was only witnessed by three individuals.

Whis, The Oracle Fish, as well as the Grand Priest who's interest over this mortal saiyan named Jin Mori was piqued upon witnessing how fast his level of growth had become.

Over the course of one month, Whis had only had to restore the stamina of the two combatants no more than a single time allowing their fight to not end and for the both of them to constantly grow. It also had the added benefit of gifting Jin Mori a single Zenkai boost as his stamina had far surpassed Beerus as well. Thus making him only needing his stamina replenished once after the month had almost ended.

Mori deflected a kick from Beerus before he grabbed Beerus by his leg downwards and struck his chin with his knee.


Beerus crashed into the barrier Whis created causing large cracks to spread as Jin Mori spoke.

"All right, I've had my fun. Now, It's time I ended our little bout."

Mori exhaled slowly and immeadiately, all of Beerus's insticts warned him of danger. A bright silver light blinded Beerus and when he opened his eyes, Mori stood before him. Now Garbed in the uniform of the God's of destruction. His once crimson hair was now pure silver, and though his crimson Irises never changed, his once golden cross pupils were now the same colour as his hair. Pure Silver.

The barrier Whis had created couldn't withstand the raw power of Jin Mori's Ki as it shattered allowing his Ki to reach the entirety of universe seven, and even cross into universe six.

(Scene Break)

(Universe Six: Champa's Palace)

Universe Six's God Of Destruction Champa, who was also the twin brother of Universe Seven's Destroyer Beerus was just lazing around in his palace until his body tensed up feeling the large God Ki signature as his mentor Vados who was the older sister of Whis hummed in curiosity.

'Could it be Whis? Unlikely, us angels are to remain neutral at all times. But it's also unlikely it belongs to Lord Beerus. For as powerful as he is, he's nowhere near as powerful enough for his God Ki to reach all the way to universe six. Then, perhaps a candidate for the position of the Destroyer of universe seven is the cause? I'm quite curious now.'

Vados finally came back to her senses upon hearing Champa calling out to her.


Vados smiled as she spoke.

"Forgive me Lord Champa, I was a little lost in thought at the moment. How may I help you?"

Champa looked irritated as he spoke.

"Dont daydream! Quickly find the source of this Ki signature!"

Vados sighed softly before she summoned her sceptre and looked through it. Her expression became one of surprise.


Champa was getting impatient as he spoke.

"Well?! What is it?!"

Vados shook her head in disappointment but still answered.

"It's coming from universe seven. More specifically, Lord Beerus's planet."

"What?! That monstrous Ki signature is it Beerus?!"

Vados shook her head and tapped her staff on the ground revealing a holographic projection of Beerus's planet. And more specifically, Jin Mori who was in his Ultra Instinct transformation.

The table infront of champa was destroyed as he looked at the silver haired individual in disbelief. He gulped as he questioned his mentor.

"Vados… That silver hair, and aura."

Vados nodded her head as she replied.

"There's no doubt about it my lord. That is Ultra Instinct. And quite the high level of mastery over it might I add. I dare say whoever this mysterious person is, their power and mastery over Ultra Instict might even rival most of us angels."

Vados's smile widened when she spotted the mysterious individual gazing at the two of them directly through her sceptre's orb. His scarlet eyes and silver pupils intrigued Vados deeply.

'Theres no doubt about it. He is a candidate for becoming the next God Of Destruction. How envious of you Whis. To get someone like him, and leaving me with a Destroyer as lazy as Lord Champa.'

(Beerus Planet)

Jin Mori sensed the gaze of someone else as his eyes gazed in their direction before facing once more on Beerus. He raised his palm before him and was prepared to eliminate the former God when he paused and dissapeared from where he once stood.


Jin Mori struck a certain part of space that surprised Beerus, Whis, Vados and Champa. But unlike the rest of them, only the Grand Minister was aware of why he had just attacked that space as he thought to himself.

'He's taken notice of someone who was trying to ambush them in secret. Alas, that person willingly revealed themselves to your senses to lure you into a trap.'

In that same instant that Jin Mori attacked that space, he had also completly dissapeared from the senses of both Whis and Beerus. The fact that everything happened so fast caught everyone watching off guard. And when they realised what had just happened, their expressions morphed into one of disbelief.

The strongest Saiyan, and the next candidate for becoming the God Of Destruction for universe seven had dissapeared completly from their sight and senses.

(Crack Of Time)

Fu clenched his abdomen where a fist mark was imprinted on his shirt as he wiped away the blood deipping from the side of his lips as he laughed in astonishment.

"Hahahaha! What A Monster! He actually managed to strike me within the same instance he sensed me! And he's no older than forty three?! Truly, it was wise of me to create that teleportation magic using the knowlege of the time rings to send that absurd monster to an entirely different timeline. Honestly, I'm glad he isn't aware of how Magic works. If he did, I dont think it would've been as easy to teleport him away."

Fu was brought out of his musing when he heard the sounds of footsteps approaching him. He turned his face and met a beautiful woman of curvaceous and slender frame with long white hair, light blue skin, and purple eyes. The right side of her hair is longer than the other and hangs in front of her chest.

She has a golden infinity sign shaped hair accessory that covers the back and both sides of her head. She wears gold earrings that resemble Potara's. Below the neck she wears a golden brooch. She was wearing a white lab coat over a black and red high-neck mini dress which covers the upper parts of her bodysuit that she wears underneath her dress, showing only the leg parts of her bodysuit while wearing red high heels.

It was Towa. Fu's mother. She looked at him and spoke.

"Was it wise to do what you did? What if that Jin Mori interferes with our plan to grow the universe tree?"

Fu chuckled as he spoke.

"Dont worry so much. As long as we dont interfere with that timeline, he will be too busy fixing it as it's new God Of Destruction to care about us."

Towa remained silent before she turned on her heels and walked away whilst speaking.

"I pray that you are right Fu. If he ends up our enemy, our plans will all be for naught."

(Meanwhile With Jin Mori)

Jin Mori stood floating in the air above what looked like an abandoned, destroyed and ruined city. His hair was still the pristine silver of his Ultra Instinct transformation as he blinked in confusion before he blurted out what sums up how he feels right at that moment.

"What the fuck?"

And thus begins Jin Mori's journey in an entirely different timeline.