
The plan

Hmmmm yes finally got this stopped machine to work. (Clears throat) Hellow I am the narrator the God of the small worlds you may be asking why I am recoding this. You see I have seen that our rase the mite gods have lost most of our numbers. We ones number 1000 strong now only 100. We'll that may not be completely acuret we estimate 100 but we now we are around 100. But then again it's been a while since all that remained met up so it could be way off. Now that I think about it. ( Clears throat) sorry about that let me get to the point before I get off track again. I recoding this to all the gods that remind or find or return if this works. I have found a way to give power back to the fallen gods this should revive them or at least speed up their revive. You see in one of my words I found a way to recover some of my power. A few more experiments later I found a way to power up? Yes power up if I create false God then tern that power to a specific God it should revive the God avenculy. Sadly in order to make this plan work I needed to destroy my old worlds. Luckily the other gods In the Dark gods liked my plan so thay will get me new specs. Man I really hate that we still can't agree on a fuuuuuccccccccciiiiiiinnnnnnggggg!!!!!!name it shouldn't be this hard. (Clears throat) I need to stay on topic since we don't know if this will work I am creating these recodings will be me telling you about these worlds with a few updates in the plan in between. We will see anyways that is the end of the first recording let's hope this works.