
Creashin of A.N.T land

(Clears throat) Experiment 0001/2 AKA Antland. Despite its name thar and more than ants that ant sentenen in this world the sentenen species are these (Shows a list of species)







Before I continue let me explain on how I celebrate this worlds even thow I am known as the god of small world that not exactly acuret its more of a small warp in space. The space in my force field is still physical in space but also in my room so it's still the size of a plant or moon. So I create this by getting moons and putting my force field around them then I got a plane and ternd it rectangular attached the moons by cutting them in half yoused there half then yousing that half to create a tunnel that attached them to the rectangu.It took me a bit to make it all work with the sun then season but it all works now. Well kinda I was only able to get 4 sessions to work spring,summer,fall,winter and thay get extreme quickly the moons not so much. There are 48 moons and it goes 16 by 8 the world and moons only has rivers but no ocean the next record we will get to the spices we got most of these species by finding them (Clears throat) I other gods dimensions. Luckily for us most of those gods are in a war fucking morons. ( Clears throat) the next record we will talk about era of the moons habitashi.

If you just want to skip to the creates history skip the first episode of all the world's and thanks for reading.

NotAgainStudiocreators' thoughts