
Chapter 18 The Climactic Battle Begins

"Hehehe! All For One, you didn't think I'd be able to challenge you so soon, did you?" Jin said as he constantly kicked down to keep himself in the air. Due to this the building underneath him continually quaked, but no severe damage was done.

"Y-You, you're smarter than you let on, you actually exploited that child's ability to push yourself to 100%." All For One said as his arm began to vibrate. "No matter, spring-like limbs, kinetic boosters, strength enhancers." All For One said as black and red electricity began to crackle around his arm.

"Not today!" Jin said as he immediately kicked behind himself at full force, causing him to propel forward at high speeds. Almost instantaneously Jin appeared in front of All For One as he punched forward. "Air Cannon!"

And with that, a gigantic blast of wind shot towards Jin at point-blank range. His punch and the blast of the air clashed as they nullified each other. "Hmph, let's see which is faster, my punches or your blasts!" Jin said as he sent another punch hurdling All For One's way.

Immediately another blast of wind shot towards him, but it was negated as Jin's punch clashed with it. As Jin fell back a bit he kicked downward and sent another punch at All For One, again All For One countered, this continued bout after bout, soon All For One began to get tired.

'How, how! I know he's the 9th inheritor but still, he should be disadvantaged considering he has nothing to stabilize himself on.' All For One thought as he began to get panicked. "Hmm, you're weakening? I guess playtime is over." Jin said as he suddenly disappeared.

"110% Fiend God's Smash!" Jin said as his fist connected with All For One's back sending him flying.


All For One flew as he crashed into multiple buildings, eventually, he reached a nearby burning road where there were about 10 Pro Heroes and 2 Nomu. "Get him!" All For One said as he pointed at Jin who was currently in pursuit.

They all jumped towards Jin but they could barely perceive him making them fail. "Useless all of you!" All For One said before being kicked into the air. "What in the..." One of the Pro Heroes said in confusion.

"Don't bother about them get those monsters!" Another hero said as he went for one of the distracted Nomu's.

All For One who was now flying in the was punched again the stomach by Jin, again and again, he flew through the sky and he was beaten like a ragdoll till they reached the center of the city where the majority of the Nomu and Pro Heroes were.

"What is that?" Endeavor said in confusion as he caught a Nomu in front of him and looked in the sky. He had just arrived by his helicopter and was confused about the person in the sky. 'No, it can't be that kid?' Endeavor thought in severe doubt and confusion.

"Stop getting distracted, we have a job to do!" Death Arms said as he dealt with another Nomu. "Tch! Shut up!" Endeavor said as he formed a flame spear and threw it at another Nomu.

"S-Stop! Please stop!" All For One said after Jin continually beat him. "Fine, fine, fine, I'll stop." Jin said as he looked down below at the current situation. The civilians had already been evacuated a while ago so all that remained was burning buildings, Nomu and Pro Heroes.

While Jin was distracted though All For One grinned as he got his ultimate attack ready. "Chec-....." He said before getting punched in the back again by Jin, this time it wasn't just him though as All Might had also come flying in punching All For One in the face.

"I AM HERE!!" All Might said as All For One began spinning in the air. "You've done well student, but All For One isn't such a simple opponent." All Might said as he also began to hop in the air. "By the way, this a nifty little trick you invented." All Might said as he tried it as well. "But I rather stand on a solid object." All Might said before lunging at the spinning All For One as they began hurtling towards the ground.

"T-That's All Might!" The News Reporter in the helicopter said as the cameras focused on him. Soon All Might landed on the ground with All For One captured in his arms. "All Might if you think it's over like this, then you're more wrong than you've ever been." All For One said as a jet of air blasted All Might away and into multiple buildings.

At the same time 3 figures appeared on the buildings, they resembled Nomus but weren't at the same time. They had a large muscular build with a comparatively large neck. Their head was shrouded in darkness by a hood of skin and the muscles on their neck and shoulders were left exposed.

Two of them had a pair of wings while one of them stretched out its arms and turned them into wings. 'High-ends.' Jin thought as the situation looked bad.

It got worse though as a hooded man walked through the burning streets. "You!? What are you doing here you have to evacuate!" A hero said as he walked towards the man. Immediately though he was slapped away as he was sent flying into a building.

With that he took off his hood, he was an enormous individual, with a tanned body, he was about the size of a tree. His hair was spiky and parts of his body appeared to be jagged, even rock-like. His teeth were prominently pointed, and his lower canines were protruding out of his mouth on either side.

'Is that... no, it can't be,...... it really is Gigantomachia!' Jin thought in some fright as he allowed himself to fall to the ground. "I didn't realize you came so prepared." Jin said as he looked at the frightening characters which had arrived.

"Hehehe, you underestimated me, child, I had long since known of your partnership with that Yakuza so I knew I should call some backup." All For One said as All Might got out of the rubble.

"Teacher, I am going to have to trouble you with finishing off All For One then." Jin said as he turned around and looked at a High-end in the sky. "Endeavor, I am going to need your help!" Jin said before shooting through the air and grabbing a High-end.

"This is yours!" Jin said as he threw the High-end down to the ground with all his might. "What in the?!" Endeavor said as he looked at the creature. "Y-Yu b-bastard." The creature said as it got up from the ground.

Immediately though, it looked around. "W-Who i-is t-the strongest!" It said as it gazed around. Hearing this Endeavor immediately knew what Jin meant. "That would be me!" Endeavor said. "Then die!" The High-end said as it launched itself at Endeavor starting a fight.

The other High-ends weren't at rest either as they began to swarm around looking for an opponent, that didn't last long though as Jin appeared and immediately grabbed one with each hand.

While this was going on Gigantomachia was ripping through the street attacking any hero in sight till a squad of cars drove down. "I hope we aren't too late." Kai said as he got out of the car. "Oh, and what is this lug here?" He said as he gazed at Gigantomachia.

"Take care of him, boys." Kai said as he sent the Eight Bullets to fight him. "Yes, boss!" They said before engaging in a fight with Gigantomachia.

Izuku had now just arrived at the edge of Hosu City. "I hope I am not too late." He heaved out before he continued running into the city.

On the news, though there was currently still the alert broadcast running and in fact heroes everywhere were still making their way towards Hosu.

'If we fall here, this will either be the end, or a new beginning for Japan.' Jin thought as he threw the 2 High-ends into a nearby building before dashing after them.