
The Mother's Colony

A being that, following the laws of nature, shouldn't exist, was born. And with her came the inevitable union of the world under one banner. --- The mc is a futanari, so if you don't like it please don't read it. The mc will also have a lot of 'children'. There will be a lot of kingdom building. This novel might contain gore and tragedy. There will probably be R-18 chapters in the future

noDNA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 9 - She came out

"Well, seems like we got no luck."

For basically the entire day, both Diana and Danny were trying to find what the ability of the slime was, but they just couldn't.

It seemed like a normal slime except with stronger acidic properties. Unlike a normal slime that would only be able to dissolve natural fibers easily, Evienne's spawn could dissolve rocks without any problem. But even then, it wasn't anything special.

Another point worth standing out was that the slime didn't appear to have a nucleus like the other slimes. Which theoretically made him immortal since the only known method to kill slimes was to destroy their nucleus, which was quite fragile once struck with a pointy thing. Slimes were notorious for killing themselves when walking into spikes on the plants.

Although being immortal was something that would make him a formidable opponent, it was quite useless if he had the strength of a normal slime.

Even after running various tests, they didn't find anything noteworthy. It was also pretty hard because the slime didn't seem to be able to communicate through the hive mind, either because he was very young, or because he chose not to talk, or simply because he was just a slime.

Although slightly disappointed that they couldn't find anything out about the blue thing, that wasn't something that was occupying their minds. It was already dark out and they were having dinner in the mayor's (Mark's) house. Diana, Danny and Mark's family were sat at a pretty big table in a spacious room.

Unlike before where they had to dine with just the lights either from the campfire or from the moon, thanks to Danny and the other mana artisans all the town already had light powered by mana that illuminated the ambient quite well. The streets outside were also starting to get those lights, although that will still take a little time since building lamppost through the whole town is a long task.

At one end of the table sat Mark, at his side his Wife and his daughter. On the other end sat Diana with Danny at her side. Now, the food at the table was already very good, even when compared to when Mark lived in the imperial city. Here, everyone had access to spices unlike in the city where they were expensive. The food was also distributed through the whole town so that everyone could eat meat and fish.

Currently Mark and Diana were discussing the next steps that they had planned. With a lot of people in their community they could finally advance to what they had planned next, that is, start mining the mana stones and selling them. That way they could build a strong economic foundation very early on that would open a lot of doors later on.

Not to talk about that, depending on the quality of the mana stones deeper onto the nest, they could potentially create a monopoly of high-level mana stones.

Anyway, as Mark and Diana were talking so were Danny and Mark's wife, Maria. Mark's family was expecting a new member, as Maria was already heavily pregnant she stayed a lot of time inside their house so she had a lot she wanted to talk with someone.

Meanwhile, as their daughter had already finished eating, she was playing with the slime in her arms. As a child she could neither understand what they were talking about nor was she patient enough to just sit at the table.

Suddenly, they heard their front door opening and someone walking inside. Thinking it was someone from that came to pay them a visit Mark excused himself and got up to welcome whoever it was.

But he still hadn't gone up when that person stepped into the kitchen and took a seat beside Diana.

"I didn't expect you to come out today."

As Evienne took a seat everyone was a bit surprised. The most surprised was Danny, she was quite literally stunned with Evienne's beauty. Every day that passed she seemed to be getting more beautiful. For Danny, she heard the empress was beautiful but she did not expect to see a woman that made her pants a little wet with just a glance.

"Hm, the last egg hatched today so I came out to see you."

Mark quickly started offering Evienne food, which she gladly accepted and started eating calmly. Although before she didn't have any particular fondness for food, now that she tried it well seasoned and cooked, she started liking it quite a lot.

"Did everything go smoothly?"


Diana heaved a sigh of relief; she was also a lot worried about the eggs. Thankfully, although there were problems some things still went well.

As Evienne chatted with everyone Danny was sneaking glances at her once in a while. Truthfully, she hadn't ever thought of a woman 'that' way, but suddenly her sexuality seemed to have changed to something she was feeling quite strange about.

Evienne was obviously noticing her glances but she wasn't paying it any mind. Currently, she was enjoying her time in a family dinner. Perhaps, after so much time of living in the barely illuminated nest, she would start living the town. Together with the people that 'serve' her.

When everyone finished eating Mark explained to Evienne the town's situation in detail since she had been absent for some months already.

He also got her approval on mining mana stones to sell. She would have the ants mine and transport them outside while the town's people would be in charge of selling them. She also talked with him about making a house in the town for her and Diana, a big house, since her children would also be there, the smaller ones of course.

She also congratulated Maria on her pregnancy, although she was a bit jealous.

Deep down, Diana was also feeling kinda jealous, so much trying that they did for a baby and she had yet to get pregnant. But she wasn't as sad as before, she had been taking care of her motherly urges with the eggs.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

noDNAcreators' thoughts