
The Mother's Colony

A being that, following the laws of nature, shouldn't exist, was born. And with her came the inevitable union of the world under one banner. --- The mc is a futanari, so if you don't like it please don't read it. The mc will also have a lot of 'children'. There will be a lot of kingdom building. This novel might contain gore and tragedy. There will probably be R-18 chapters in the future

noDNA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 7 - The Mother Of Everything That Lives

"Let me see if I understood that correctly. This village… Is technically ruled by monsters?"

She did not sign up for this shit. She thought she was just going to work on a normal village with a few people, never in her wildest dreams did she expect the village to be ruled by 'friendly' monsters that supposedly were related to the leader of this place.

"I know it is a little hard to believe but I can assure you that they will not cause you any harm. As long as you don't harm them."

The mana artisan, named Danny, had been traveling with them in the carriage when they started to actually explain how this village worked. From what they told her the monsters are friendly and understand what they say to them and will also help them in various tasks.

They had such trust in them that they let their children roam free because they knew they posed to danger.

Although it seemed it would take her a little time to get used to it, she tried to act normal and wanted to start her work right away.

'The sooner I finish what they asked me I can start doing my research without any problems.'

"As I said before, I'll need mana crystals to start making what you asked me."

Now at dinner, they were eating all together when she told them what she needed. It was of no surprise to Mark as he already knew that mana devices needed a power source that always came from crystals that were filled with mana.

Thanks to the empress he wasn't worried about lacking them as he had already seen how the whole interior of the nest was illuminated by them. Right as they were eating a few ants were bringing a few of those crystals outside.

With a simple nod he told Danny what type of devices they needed more urgently.

"For now, we need something that can heat us, the nights get kind of cold now that we are approaching winter. We also need something that we can use to get water, we can use the river since that water is clean. Light sources would also be nice but aren't an urgent need."

"I can make that without any problems. Just give me the crystals."

"They're right there."

Danny turned to where he pointed and lo and behold, a small pile of glowing blue crystals and an ant bringing more.

She swiftly got up and went to the pile looking at the ant awkwardly.

"T-Thank you."

Its antennae twitched a bit, and she assumed it was their way of communicating. Seeing it walking away she kneeled over and picked up a crystal that was as big as her hand.

"T-This is perfect." Her eyes got a newfound shine.

"With this I can make the things with 0 problems!"

"What are you doing?"

Seeing the mother sitting outside the cocoon, on the floor, Diana was a bit confused.

The mother looked at her for a bit and gestured for her to get closer.

As Diana was going to sit by her side, she suddenly felt a hand on her waist, and she got 'forced' to sit on her lap. Feeling her breasts squishing against her back and her breath on her nape.

"S-So? What are you doing?"

She showed her what she had in her hand, a small egg that wasn't much bigger than a normal chicken egg. She held it cautiously, and her hands emitted a soft glow as she touched the egg in various places.

"I'm egg-laying, it's already time again."

Although her expression didn't give anything away Diana could still feel a slight tremble in her voice.

"Are you scared?" She put her hands on top of hers.

"A little. I've done this a lot of times, but I still can't get over the ones that never see the light. I remember every single one of them."

Diana knew there was nothing she could do to help her with the eggs. She didn't have strange abilities like her, nor was she proficient in genetics to give her tips. All she could do was offer her moral support.

"You don't have to risk it. If the thoughts of them dying hurts, you then you can make them more stable. It doesn't matter if they're weaker, in the end something we don't lack is time."

She gave her a little nod and continued moving her fingers through the surface with the egg, the places where she touched shining the colours that changed with every touch.

Diana continued to watch her fingers, mesmerized by the beauty of what was happening. She ended up sinking deeper into her lap, to the point the mother had her head on top of hers and they were both looking at the egg.

As her touches on the egg started getting dimmer, she gently put the egg on something that looked like a blanket made of spider silk.

In her hands, another egg started forming, this time bigger, basically the size of a human head.

The mother could freely change the size of the eggs when making them, she would make it smaller if what was coming out of it was smaller and bigger if it was bigger. Sometimes she miscalculated and had to change their size a bit but there was no problem.

"What is going to come out of that one?"

"I used the DNA of a fish that the villagers caught and mixed it with a wolf. I made it very stable so it should be born without many problems."

"Are you sure? A fish and a wolf are nothing alike…"

Diana was a bit worried; it was the truth that those were two completely different animals. Not only did they have different environments they also breathed through different systems, reproduced with different methods and even had different skin types.

"I'm more worried about my DNA that I put in. It doesn't matter what I mix in the egg formation since abnormalities will never surge though them. If anything goes wrong, it's my fault."

 They continued making eggs together for the whole day, eventually moving to the cocoon.

Talking with the mother about the eggs amplified Diana's urge to have children even more. Although in a way, the eggs were also her children.

"I've thought of a name for you. How about Evienne? It means 'Mother of everything that lives'."


Don't be afraid of correcting my gramatical mistakes.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

noDNAcreators' thoughts