
The Mother's Colony

A being that, following the laws of nature, shouldn't exist, was born. And with her came the inevitable union of the world under one banner. --- The mc is a futanari, so if you don't like it please don't read it. The mc will also have a lot of 'children'. There will be a lot of kingdom building. This novel might contain gore and tragedy. There will probably be R-18 chapters in the future

noDNA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 15 - The church

"The monsters here live peacefully with the people is that what you're saying? They're not being mind controlled or something of the sort?"

Quite unbelievable for them, but they didn't have any reason to doubt Evienne's words. How could they when they literally came here and passes through a lot of people just going around with monsters?

They came here knowing that there was a possibility of them dying and that if they left, they would have to organize a raid to subjugate all the monsters here.

But after learning this, things changed quite a lot. How were the monsters living with people? How was everyone so sure that they were safe? Why was Diana working with Evienne?

A lot of questions surged in the noble's head. The guild member wasn't as smart and wasn't as used to social relations as much as a noble so a lot of subtle things went over his head, but the noble knew what this could imply. And he was ready to make a deal that brought him benefits.

Turning to Diana, his eyes took a more calculative nature.

"I would like a cooperation."

His friend turned to him with wide eyes. This wasn't the script! They were supposed to just get information and report it back, if they didn't make it back this whole town was to be marked for death.

Seeing her nod, he continued speaking.

"You know I have some influence in the imperial court, even with the new emperor. In exchange for us not reporting about this to the guild I want you to help our faction dethrone the emperor. I believe this is also in your interest, no?"

In his head, Diana wanted the emperor's head on a plate. He would too if he was in her position. Working all her life as the assistant of the former monarch, managing all the empire, bringing it glory. Just for a young, sheltered kid to take the throne and immediately destroy everything she worked for.

She would surely desire revenge.

And he would be right, if this was the old Diana. Now she didn't need any of that. The empire hadn't crossed her mind a single time if not for how she could use it to grow their colony. Evienne's influence on her life had changed her from the deepest parts.

From her point of view having the current emperor was the best outcome for them. In no time the empire would be divided due to his tyranny, and when that time came, they just had to slowly conquer it. Be it economically or by force.

"How about this, I'll help you getting that tyrant out of power. In return… I want the empire."

She didn't sugar coat her words. She had nothing to lose, she hit straight where it hurt. The man in front of her was now with such a surprised expression that Evienne could barely contain her laughter.

He was stuck between staying with a tyrant or having a woman he knows nothing about take over the empire.

The last option seemed arguably better, since someone like Diana was with Evienne.

"I can assure you that I would never mistreat my people."

Looking at her face brought them a warm feeling. Like how a mother would look at her child.

"Do you think they will agree?"

Evienne was alone with Diana now, their guests ended up leaving promising an answer soon. She expected this, a decision so important couldn't be taken without careful consideration.

Even with them explaining about how their colony worked he still couldn't decide alone.

He would throw their offer onto the ground as soon as he heard it if it wasn't for the current state of the empire. The military forces were all dancing in the emperor's hands, he had their families imprisoned under the name of 'protection against someone threatening the families of the shining shields of the empire'. All lies and deceit.

This is why he was even considering their offer, without the help of the military under the emperor they would need help from other countries which would probably turn worse than accepting Evienne's help.

"If they don't, they are the ones losing. We don't need their help after all."

"You're right, and with their visit here we now have members inside the higher ups."

Exactly, when they left Evienne made sure to have a few spiders and flies cling to them. This way they will have eyes and ears inside the capital. They could also grow their influence in the empire with them.

"That doesn't matter right now does it though?"

From behind Diana, Evienne embraced her and rested her hands on her belly. Finally, after countless tries, they had done it.

"Hey! Is it true? Did you really see the Mother Goddess today??"

"It is I swear! I saw her leaving her house today!"

Inside a big chapel a group of women were gossiping excitedly. These women were part of the religion that worshipped Evienne as their goddess. Although mainly composed by women some men were also members and they did not discriminate each other. If the Mother Goddess would love humans and monster alike, who were they to discriminate based on gender?

Evienne's statue was massive, about 10 meters in height which caused the chapel to also be very big. Being the second biggest building in the whole town, only losing to their goddess's house.

"C'mon ladies, let's calm down. I've brought some things for us today."

From behind the statue Arachne appeared. The members of the church respected her to incredible degrees since she was their goddess's daughter, so they immediately quieted down, but their excitement only rose.

Every time Arachne brought something it was related to Evienne. Sometimes it was her worn clothes, that they didn't wash and stored it as 'holy artifacts', others were simply other children but this time it was something more.

"With Danny's help I managed to get something amazing for us today. Behold! A photograph of your goddess!"

A/N: Hello again! First of all, I hope you have a happy new year!

This is likely the last chapter of the year so I wanted to say that.

Next, I think the plot's progression is very slow. Do you think it should be faster?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

noDNAcreators' thoughts