
The Mother's Colony

A being that, following the laws of nature, shouldn't exist, was born. And with her came the inevitable union of the world under one banner. --- The mc is a futanari, so if you don't like it please don't read it. The mc will also have a lot of 'children'. There will be a lot of kingdom building. This novel might contain gore and tragedy. There will probably be R-18 chapters in the future

noDNA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 11 - The smile

'This is where we stopped advancing in the forest'

Arachne and Evienne reached the inner most part of the forest, here the ambient was eerily quiet and few animals were seen. The tree population was a lot denser making the forest appear a lot darker since the sun couldn't pass through the leaves.

'I'm sure mother can also feel it'

"I can"

From this point onwards Evienne could feel a strong presence telling them to not get any closer. A strong monster had claimed this part of the forest as their territory and was threatening whoever got close with death.

Although for the ants and members of the colony that were not directly related to the mother it definitely was a terrifying presence, for the children there wasn't much problem. Still, they decided to wait for Evienne since they were not sure of what was out there.

As they walked deeper into the canopy of trees the intimidating presence got stronger and they eventually reached a place where there was no animal in sight and in front of them was an entrance to a big cave.

The presence was starting to put a little strain on Arachne's face but she wasn't worried. There was nothing that could harm her. She knew, as long as the Mother was at her side no harm would befall her.

The interior of the cave was dark, the deeper they got the wider the cave. When they finally reached a place that was barely illuminated, they finally saw the cause of the presence that was dominating the inner part of the forest.

In the middle of the cave a large reptilian being was looking at them with its yellow eyes wide open. Its body was large, two hind legs and two massive wings. It's brown scales looked hard and gave it a menacing look.

When its body rose up almost against the ceiling it started growling at them, already promising them death.

Even though she was a bit scared Arachne took the front and decided to fight the giant wyvern. One look at its eyes was all she needed to know there was no way for it no join their colony. The only way to get the whole forest for them was to kill the overlord in front of them.

The wyvern suddenly lunged forward, hell bent on killing Arachne in one bite but its body got stuck mid air. Arachne moved her hand and a strong force pushed it backwards onto the wall.

All around the room, Arachne had already placed webs in every corner with the help of the little spiders. Moving her arms like a maestro she started pushing the wyvern around trying to cut into his scales with only her threads but its scales were too hard for her.

Using its claws the wyvern started cutting the threads, eventually getting a place from himself, free from Arachne's influence. Getting annoyed from her, its throat started bulging and glowing and a wave of flames was released on their direction.

Since there was no way she could defend she dodged to the side, and using her spider legs ran towards the wyvern's head while it recovered. Her legs sharpened and she tried piercing its scales using them.

With a lot of effort, she managed to draw a drop a of blood from the giant lizard. And that all she needed. Her legs changed again and bulged, glowing purple but the wyvern shook its body and threw her off him.

Arachne landed next to Evienne and started only defending from the wyverns' attacks. Since he couldn't fly inside the cave the fight was much easier than it was supposed to.

In a few minutes the lizard lost its strength and fell to the ground barely being able to move.

'It finally took effect.'

When she had wounded the wyvern earlier, she didn't mean to kill it by piercing its brain. All she needed was access to the interior of its body so she could inject her poison, which was her strongest weapon.

Evienne nodded her head and approached the monster that was almost unconscious. She touched its head and formed a link to the hive mind.

"Do you submit?"


The rage in its eyes grew. He was a descendant from the mighty dragons! How could he ever submit to a being that didn't even give it a little bit of bloodline pressure? A mere human at that!

The mother pressed her hand harder on its head, breaking his scales in the process and drawing more blood from him. The beast roared a bit in pain but the rage in its eyes did not seem to calm down.

"Do you submit?"

She asked again, this time with a heavier tone. Her voice sending goosebumps through the beast and Arachne's body.



His scales cracked and he could feel an enormous amount of pain shoot through his body. Evienne's eyes were no longer indifferent like before. A single glance from her could freeze hell ten times over.

Her hand went deeper into his head and she took out the wyvern's brain. Instantly killing it.

"I'll make you suffer for eternity in the being you swore to kill"

Her mouth stretched, forming a distorted smile that went ear to ear showing her now sharp teeth.

She crushed the wyvern's brain above her mouth drinking its blood like it was ambrosia from the gods.

She savored it thoroughly, liking her lips a few times.

"Call the ants, let them feed on this worthless worm."

'Yes mother.'

Her voice was steady, but her body was shaking from seeing her mother in that state. It wasn't out of fear, but out of excitement. Just seeing her like that brought her a unique sense of euphoria, like she was unstoppable.


So, first fight scene. I know it was short and probably very bad but ill try to get better.

Updates, should be getting a little more frequent now.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

noDNAcreators' thoughts