
Part 30 - Making a friend

Ichibe was confused. Why was the Living Tribunal trying and stop him from going through with his deal? He said something about the cosmic balance.

Maybe he would get too powerful for any universe to contain or something like that.

"May I know the reason why I'm not allowed to go through with this deal? I was not planning to allow Oblivion access to the Universe or anything like that."

"I know, but you would start destroying the universe you are in, with your presence alone. This is something we don't want and therefore we ask that you don't take any deal."

"I see. Well, I can understand that. If that's the case I shall leave it at that."

"You have our thanks."

That was the last thing the Living Tribunal said. After that, he vanished, and the space returned to normal.

"I apologize, Oblivion. I am unable to take you up on your deal. I'm sure we shall meet again.

If you want, I'll visit you. Then you know a bit of what happens in my universe and won't be that lonely."




After some silence, Oblivion started to laugh out loud. It was a very loud and deep laugh.


This went on for a long time. It seems what Ichibe said was very funny to him. Ichibe didn't understand what was so funny though.

"Why are you laughing?", asked Ichibe when Oblivion had finally calmed down.

"… haha you have the social skills of a child. Hahaha, offering to visit me, like a prisoner, a patient, or something like that.

But I guess you are correct. We truly are similar to each other.

I accept your offer, Ichibe Hyosube."

"Cool, I'll see you later then, Oblivion. Bye."

"Farewell, Ichibe."

After that Ichibe returned to the same spot he was at. He had to smile. This was quite surreal.

He just met Oblivion and the Living Tribunal on the same day. That was quite the experience.

But now he was on his way to doing something different.

His idea was to go to Vormir. That planet was theoretically his. So he was going to use it for his training.

He could use the Mirror dimension for training, but he had the suspicion that the next thing he was planning, might break something.

His plan was this. He wanted to recreate the technique of Isaac Netero's 100-handed Botthisava and Hashirama Senju's true Several thousand hands.

And to do that he was going to use his spirit energy.

So, trying to create something like that using spirit energy, would take Ichibe to condense it massively. And until he finds the right concentration, there were bound to be accidents.

And even better is that it would help him train his spirit energy control.

He could also adjust the amount of power he emits.

Ichibe also thought about the Susanoo from Naruto. Something along those lines was also an idea. He might be able to protect himself and not be out in the open.

Yeah, he was probably going to go for a combination of all three techniques. He wanted to have the protection and maybe the weapons of the Susanoo, the unpredictability of the 100-handed-Guaynin and the number of hands of the True Several Thousand Hands from Hashirama.


Ichibe travelled in a random direction. Now, a lot of people might ask, how does he know what way to go? He is in space, so that should be impossible.

Well, he can feel the planet. He is now a fusion between the Soul Stone and Ichibe, so he can feel the remnant energy that is somewhere in the universe.

Ichibe was using Shunpo to its maximum. He could finally use it and not worry about travelling across the whole world or something like that.

It is true, when he woke up and just started his journey to Kamar-Taj, he was 'only' able to cover a distance of approximately 4000km. But what you didn't know, was that Ichibe was constantly growing.

As long as he pushed himself, there was progress. And the more stressful it is, the faster his growth.

This is thanks to his powers. He, unlike others with such powers, first and foremost focused on his mind.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is true in every sense. So Ichibe made sure to train his mind first and foremost.

But even before that, he had to get his feelings and emotions in order. All the things that happened to him and that might happen had to be sorted out and accepted fully.

Ichibe is not called a Monk for anything. He is a monk and a very good one at that. He has his emotions under control.

Unlike the Jedi, he does not lock away his negative emotions. He accepts himself fully and therefore also accepts his faults and his weaknesses.

And due to accepting himself fully, he has managed to achieve inner peace.

Inner peace allows Ichibe a calm mind and body. It bears quite a number of perks that come with it.

His thought process is inhumanely fast, and his body is something out of this world. The sky's the limit. Literally.

He has nothing that stops his growth because he doesn't have any stones or problems that litter his path. He has cleared his path.

Another thing that comes with inner peace is another mind perk. He has gotten indomitable will and unbreakable focus if he sets his mind to something.


Ichibe improved the use of Shunpo the more he used it. His endurance was impressive. Because it had been over three days of constant travelling and using Shunpo now.

He could feel his connection with Vormir getting stronger and telling him that he was close now.

The speed at which he was travelling now was ridiculous. As he was getting better at using Shunpo, he got faster, and his velocity increased.

And finally, on the evening of the fourth day, Ichibe could see Vormir in front of him. He could also feel the presence that was on it clearly. It seems like he was going to meet another character now.

Yoo everyone. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

Check out my new story. It something I'm very excited about it so please give it a try and tell me what you think.


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