

Hello readers! Thank you for taking the time to check this book out. Before you get into reading, I believe I should point out a few things about the MC (Nathan).

First, I believe it's important for you to know that even though Nathan has aspirations of becoming a hero, it's not to the point where he becomes super optimistic and believes he can save everyone. He's more like the MC that does his best to do what he believes is right. He rarely cares what anyone thinks about him, but he isn't necessarily a cold character either (though there will be instances in the story that makes him look cold).

Throughout the story, Nathan will be confronted by different scenarios that result in him questioning if heroes are real or not. To put it simply, Nathan goes through A LOT. At some points in the story, he'll look like a hero, others he will look like an anti-hero, and other times a downright villain. It's up to you as the reader to determine whether or not Nathan's actions are justified. His character is all about CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. He'll have weaknesses at the start of the book, but this is all a part of his growth.

Also, I know some people dislike younger MCs. Nathan is 16 at the beginning of the story, but his age is essential for the plot. He does get older as the story goes along, so I hope that takes care of the age issue. He should be at least 20-22 years at the end of the book.

Lastly, this book isn't harem, but it does have harem elements. For example, more than one girl falls for the MC for unique reasons. However, the MC will only end up with one of them in the end. They're introduced at different times in the story and fall in love with him for good reason. (They don't senselessly fawn over the guy, and you'll understand why each of them does fall for him). Choose your favorite and root for her!


Lastly, I utilize a common power trope in the book where the MC is special regarding his power (He has 2 of them). Now, while it is a common trope, I twist it to make it more enjoyable and relatable in my own way.

The first power he has does not define his strength. Instead, it makes it a lot harder for him to control and forces him to put in even more work than the average person to get it under control. It's so bad that he is unable to properly use the power for the first 2 Arcs which extends over 130 chapters.

Second and lastly, he has another godly power inside of him. At first, this might seem a little broken, but trust me when I say that in the grand scheme of things, he's far from the strongest and is not the only one with that godly power. However, you would have to read up until the Fake Paradise Arc to see what I mean come to full fruition to avoid major spoilers.

If you're still concerned about anything, feel free to leave a comment and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can!

Thanks for taking the time to read this long introduction! Happy reading!