
The Beginning

Arc 1: The Tragic Hero


Part 1: The Mind World

Sweat and fear mixed for a bitter scene worthy of any horror movie. Their feet smashed against the broken bones that filled the forest floor. The stars and the moon loomed over their heads, looking down at the danger that pursued them.

Nathan's lungs troubled him for more air. He couldn't keep running for much longer. He glanced back at Sindy and Andrew, who were desperately doing their best to stay alive. Fear and desperation were written all over their faces. They dodged numerous dead trees and jumped over fallen logs as if they were filming a parkour scene.

Behind them was a monster they had never seen before. Its massive paws crunched against the forest floor, and its five-metered body smashed through brittle trees with ease. It snarled and bared its sharp teeth aggressively as it closed in for the first kill. It was like a nightmare brought to life. Never in their wildest dreams would the trio of friends expect such a massive wolf-like creature to appear.

Regrettably, Sindy mistimed her jump and stubbed her toe against a fallen tree. Her feet were flung from beneath her, and her face met the forest floor with a thump. Nathan and Andrew stopped as they looked on in horror. The massive wolf now stood atop her. A single bite was all that it would take to swallow her whole.

With death flashing before his eyes, Nathan recalled everything.


A Few Hours Before Being Attacked...


Nathan was suddenly kidnapped from his sleep by a shrill voice. He jumped in fright, quickly finding himself lying painfully on the floor beside his bed.

Groaning in pain, he looked up to see a 13-year-old girl dressed in pink pajamas. She had mousy drab mid-brown hair and pale-brown eyes.

"Geez, Liz! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! You don't do that to someone who's sleeping!" He complained as he comforted his bruised head.

"But big brother, it's your special day today! I wanted to be the first to sing you the birthday song! HAPPY BIRTHDAY—"

Nathan quickly covered Liz's mouth, not wanting to hear that awful celebratory song.

"Not to kill your vibe, but you know I'm not a fan. Birthday songs make me feel awkward..."

"Hmph! You're such a killjoy sometimes! You'll never get a girlfriend with an attitude like that!"

Nathan sighed as he picked himself up, "Sigh... It's not like I need one anyway. Relationships are a pain."

"Denial isn't good for the soul, you know. Anyway, mom's waiting for you downstairs with the biggest breakfast I've ever seen! Come on down when you get changed!"

"Thanks for waking me up, I guess. I'll be down in a minute."

Nathan stretched his skinny arms as he alleviated the sleepiness from his system. Before he was woken up, he had a very strange dream. However, he could hardly remember what he was dreaming about. He could only recall the angelic voice of an unknown woman that spoke about something called "The Mind World".

Choosing to ignore it, Nathan proceeded to the bathroom, where he quickly prepared himself for the rest of the day. He then carefully gazed into the bathroom mirror, ridiculing himself for his physical flaws.

His physique was quite average, and he stood at only 5 feet 7 inches. He was, however, far from hideous as he had quite an appealing face. His hair was smooth brown, shaved in an undercut hairstyle, complementing his cool dark brown eyes. Regrettably, this did not stop him from being a complete outcast at school and around most others his age.

Nathan strongly disliked how modern society worked and wished to see it change someday. This labeled him as a crazy idealist who refused to fit in due to being too different. This influenced him into wanting to become someone of great importance that could change the world someday— this and his nonexistent father, "James".

A few minutes later, Nathan appeared before his mother and little sister, wearing a thick red and white jacket with black jeans and white sneakers.

"Happy Birthday, hun!" Greeted his mother cheerfully. Her aging silver eyes gleamed brightly with happiness.

"Thanks, mom. But wow! I know Liz said you prepared a feast, but this is just insane!"

Nathan sat around a table filled with exquisite food. The delightful smell penetrated Nathan's nostrils like a knife to a cake. The table was filled with pancakes, eggs, sausages, macaroni, syrup, cheese, and fruit. It was much more than the three of them could hope to eat all at once.

"Mom's just trying to fatten you up, big brother! We've been thinking that we've never seen you romantically involved with women before. So mom and I concluded that you had no game because you're so skinny!" Mockingly stated Liz.

"Sigh... Can you stop making it look like I'm desperate for a girlfriend?"

"By the way, hun, what are you planning to do today?" Asked his mother, taking a bite out of one of the sausages."

"Well, Sindy and Andrew have a lot planned for me today. I think Andrew decided that we're going to see a movie first..."

"That's comforting to know. I can always depend on those two to have your back if anything happens. I think they're the only friends you need at your age."

After another fifteen minutes, Nathan ate his share of breakfast and was ready to leave to meet up with his friends.

"Okay, I'm heading out. The movie starts soon, so I should hurry and meet up with those two before Sindy chews me out for being late..."

"Okay, be safe out there! Remember to get home before five, so we can celebrate with a party!" His mother reminded him.

Nathan then gave one final wave before leaving them behind.

"He seems a lot happier these days, mom. Do you think he's finally gotten over the trauma of the past..?" Questioned Liz.

"It would be best for all of us to get over the past, Elizabeth. Not having that monster in our lives is something we should be thankful for."

Elizabeth and her mother smiled as they watched Nathan disappear through the front gate. Little did they know that it could easily be the last time they would ever see one another again.