
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
115 Chs

Chp. 17 Names...

[The next day]


Paul called Fury about the possibility of him travelling the globe so he might need some sort of diplomatic immunity stuff like that in case he gets stopped over by border inspection police or something.


Which he got easily as he also registered a RV he personally created which was the closest he got to a hybrid between artifacts and technology. The engine is purely technological but its gas tank is a slightly modified storage unit which could house 2 tons of diesel fuel.


Thus enabling him to travel really long across many places and it's engine oil is a personal invention of Paul which he could only make from the fat of some kaiju sized Elephant beast about 60 meters tall when on the cultivation world. He still has a ring with the volume of 100 cu.m full of it but the great part is that the oil is very heavy duty so the engine will be properly lubed.


And he also has the large building which he learned to be called a pagoda full of different animals and beast caged is different biomes. One of those has three of such beast in their juvenile stage which was already a large being about 10 meters tall.


Thought he does not care much about them because they are not something he should carelessly handle as he still has no sufficient knowledge of these guys other than how and what to feed them.


The windows and everything inside is also considered artifacts but they were mostly given defensive formations so even if dozens of RPGs bombard his super tank bus it will keep itself intact. Fridge with an expansion formation enabling him to keep food for a month inside fresh, the inside was also given expansion formation so the area is thrice what it is from the outside.


To top it off it has its satellite systems installed as Paul did a quick trip outside putting three of his personalized satellites. Though not the top of the line it is still better than having to share some that has the names of other people on it, so he could watch any channel he wants in any country.


Paul was very proud of his personal tank home as he took it out in the gym when no one was inside and no surveillance of any kind is present. Fury was surprised at the appearance of the RV but he did not care much as long as he got a tag on where Paul is in the planet.


Besides, from what he can deduce, Paul can appear anywhere he wants with no one stopping him at all. So it made the cautious director to be very wary of Paul regardless of how he does not give any sh*t about what SHILED is going through.


Paul was also happy with his robot workers in his man-cave as he was now slowly able to transform the place as his secret hideout or something. He also made an elevator system in another side of the Mountain near the Marguerite Bay.


He made it even able to receive in the future Quinjets as it could open up and descend to a small hanger where at least ten of such can be placed. He also has a railway system almost ready to be used as it would lead from the receiving area to his very own Man-cave.


One of his robots also found a different exit on a tunnel which was indicating some sort of warm atmosphere present in the air but the protocols Paul made stopped them from exploring further in case something else will follow the robot back.


Now all he needed to wait for the Central Park Zoo to sign of the papers of the two cubs transfer to Dahomey Reserve. Paul was happy he got a girlfriend even when he is sad deep inside, Shanna might not be able to understand him much but she somehow was accepting of the fact he is a super powered individual.


Thus he gave some protection to her out of her knowledge and another as a gift to her for double measure. One was a talisman that'll teleport the one it was used on to the one that planted it which has now hidden itself under her skin. The other was a necklace that will let out a shield once the wearer/owner is struck with a life threatening blow.


Paul then test drove the RV around Hell's kitchen as he tested the various things needed to be done. He did make sure that if someone goes inside the Bus they will not notice the difference so the extra room was only accessible to two doors near the master bed room.


Those two has the gaming room/computer room, mini-garden, small bath, mini-gym, small lab and lastly small garage where a door is connected to the back side of the bus which can be only opened from the inside.


Paul felt that he now has a real home on wheels as he now left his apartment for good as now he hoped to travel the world in relaxation. This thing is even water proof and a small convertible into a submarine or boat, pretty sure he'll gain the envy of Fury this time.


Unbeknownst to him another group has taken notice of his presence mostly because of what happened in Egypt, because other than almost alerting the world, there were old ancient beings that felt the awakening of Apocalypse as well as his soon silence that made those beings scared.


Out of all of them, En Sabah Nur was the least to be expected to die just an hour after he has been reborn. These beings were externals, immortal mutants that have a weird connection with each other once one of them experienced their first death.


They were un-killable beings that were virtually immortal unless all of them killed each other and absorb or eat out the hearts of the others. They were scared at the prospect of someone out there that could kill someone as strong as Apocalypse alone living in the planet so they used their connections to find out who it was.


And all their findings led them to one person, Paul, who for the novelty of experience dulls his senses and powers every time he is not using them. Thus did not notice the various shadowy figures lurking to every place he goes in New York.


And most of these people were members of the part of the Thieves Guild New York branch. As well as some private investigators hired by many powerful organizations wanting to know more about Paul who was very easy to find since he is not even hiding.


It was just that his erratic schedule and eccentric activities made the people observing him have no idea on how to approach the guy. But they did know some personal connection of his like Shanna but there were not proper evidence that Paul care's enough for her or his attitude would be to save her if they did intend to use her as bait.


They all lack information about him, they just know he is very strong and pivotal during the appearance of Apocalypse. Most interested of them all was someone called Mr. Pearson but mostly known as Nathaniel Essex, a brilliant Victorian Era scientist who deduced the appearance of mutants within the future.


For years he had been planning to find a way to be rid of Apocalypse and now a person appearing which is also a possible mutant defeated that nightmare of his and now roams the world care free. His curiosity sparked into flames as he wanted to dissect Paul wanting to know what made him tick and what is different from him.


But he must still take it slowly because someone who could kill his tyrannical master is not someone he can easily approach. So while he has investigators try to find something he made plans on what he will do to know Paul's inner workings.


But Paul did not care as he knew that as long as he showed no signs of hiding then it is a sign of confidence and it is unnerving for many including Fury who already noticed various groups watching Paul's actions


If he wanted too he would rather chain Paul to his side but his gut tells him not too, it is not like he can control the guy who is possibly a time displaced person. Even now he still was thinking about the information he gave him recently.


Since Paul knew that many powered individuals might be dealt a bad hand he gave Fury some names that needed to be given extra attention. But he warned that he should only assign people that he is sure were in his pockets and has no connection to any of the Council members.


Paul did give a few help here in there identifying someone that might be infiltrating Fury's circle. But Fury did not give those people up as he used them for his benefit in case time comes he might need their presence.


So he went to his computer room and connect to his satellites to find names of various individuals that could exist in this reality, he knew he was not in the MCU since the Mutants exist here so he typed many names that he remembered to search for and chose some as possible recruits.



HYDRA being deep seated made him more paranoid than ever thus even if he still doesn't understand Paul sometimes. He knew that he does not like HYDRA as well so he trusted his judgment on these matters. The names he gave earned him two million dollars as Paul just explained their possible powers in the future.



"Tell me where I could find them Mr. Esteban." Fury said as he felt it might be cheating but at least he could get first dibs on any possible super powered individual.


"I will, but please remember that to make this Avengers Initiative you plan on to be an Independent entity that can't be used by any government groups for their private purposes. You know who is lurking in the dark and they might get their hands a little bit itchier if they knew there would be many super powered people at hands reach."


"I know, but I'll need the approval of many country leaders if we want to have the Avengers to be out of reach of many groups." Fury nodded at Paul's words because he knew that HYDRA hiding would pounce on an opportunity like this.


Currently he is just doing his job as he is supposed to and even made Paul known to the Council even if he downplayed his abilities a bit for reasons only he knows.


But his actions focused more in monitoring the activities of the Brotherhood of mutants because he knew of their danger as well as the high profile fugitive Cassandra Nova who is currently powerless and weak.


Paul did not know his simple sealing technique is not something people in this world could escape from as no one knows how to counter chakra or energies similar of nature to that matter nor does he know that the bald evil twin is still alive, not that he cared much after he just left her in the hands of the X-men.


But Fury was able to take custody of her when he asserted the fact that Cassandra took government property and used it when it had been considered 'black listed' or whatever Fury said that made the X-men or most likely Magneto to make a move.



"Okay first on the list is someone called Thomas Fireheart, a young teen who is a member of the Kisani Native American Tribe." Paul said "He is a mutant that could prove to be a boon if you could recruit him in the nearby Future. Maybe his name as 'Puma' is already at the Assassins for hire in the world but there were no records yet for the moment."


"How do you know there are no records for the moment?" Fury picked up on these words.


"Well, I have made my own computer with connection to three Satellites." Paul did not hide this from Fury as he already checked their connection was safe.


"Satellites? Whose satellite are you using Mr. Esteban?" Fury's brows raised as he thought Paul was a good hacker if he did this.


"What do you mean whose, the satellites are mine. Mine alone, I made them and placed them on space." Paul said nonchalantly as he revealed this.


"B*llsh*t, I did not receive any rockets going to space placing new satellites there." Fury just wanted to know which satellite Paul was using because he does not even hide such things thoroughly.


"I'm serious, don't you already know I can fly and pop out anywhere. I could just carry my satellite and pop as high as I can in space and viola I have three personal satellites." Paul smiled as he got more names matching his search.


"…" Fury was totally silent as many one eyed monkeys in his head were working overdrive on how to exploit this knowledge.


"Well second is an Australian guy named Frederick Myers, who is currently a college varsity baseball pitcher with a mean arm." Paul was able to make Fury wake up from his thoughts. "The guy has no possible mutant powers but he already showed great talent in throwing stuff so he'll be like Barton only with boomerangs."


"Ok…" Fury still thinking more things in his mind.



"Next one is someone you need to fnid on your own, he might have records left when he was active during WWII but you would have a hard time finding this guy. Mark Todd, you might know him as Smoking Head but he can be useful for you if you could find a therapist for him. Living that long does some damage to your brain…"


"Another guy is close to someone called Dr. Abel Stack who is currently working for a top secret military project in making 51 super intelligent self-thinking robots to be used as spies. There are currently no positive results in their research but the Doctor did is raising one robot on his own. You only need to look out for a man named Aaron Stack appearing in the future because that's the guy you'll hire."




"Then a guy called Manfred Haller, who is currently known as a generous philanthropist and a great hydraulic engineer. You already have files on him and his possible project of making an exo-skeleton that could help humans exert more force than possible, keep an eye out in case his company spirals."


"He's going to have lucky encounter in the future." Paul left those words which made Fury mad a bit at the vagueness of the way Paul gave the info. Yet he did take note as they could be great assets in the future but the last name did make the Bald Black pirate raise his brows.


"Tony Stark, this one you'll just have to observe." Paul's words made Fury double take as he could not imagine a rich spoiled playboy like Anthony Stark to be a hero.


"Ain't no way this man baby here will be hero material…" Fury was unbelieving.


Of all the possible names given to him by Paul, this was by far the most unbelievable of them all. This includes the fact that maybe a robot will gain sentience and be friendly, a boomerang version of Hawkeye and a hydraulic Engineer aspiring as a business man.


But remembering his father being a founder of SHIELD made Fury gain hope that there might be something redeemable in the young billionaire. Yet it was all burned down as another scandal of Tony appeared with him sleeping with this year's Miss Universe just as he searched for his name on their data base.


After that Paul also gave shiny head in wheels a call asking if he wanted info of possible mutants that could be great addition to his emotionally unstable student group. Since from what Paul could remember Charles is old money rich and he has about $3.5 billion in his name so a few million missing wouldn't hurt the guy.


"Yo Charles, for $4million dollars would you like to know names and places where you could add more scared and traumatized people in your group?" Paul said flippantly as he waited for the answer.






"Tell me…"