
The Mates of Dragons

Xerxes is the last of his kind, living to try and complete a promise. The last one before he can just fade off like the rest of his kind. There is nothing left here, no mate is coming. Xerxes is the last living dragon. So why when he comes across one headstrong female. It feels like there is a chance? Kendra herself feels used, lost and trapped. A prisoner of those she works with. Those that hunt down mythical creatures in the world. Kendra however is about to find out that the world is far more vast than anyone could imagine. Especially when she comes face to face with the last living dragon. A deadly creature that has set his sights on her. Volume1: Mates of Dragons Volume2: Souls of Dragons Volume3: Atlantean's Mate Volume4: Atlantean's Dragon Volume5: Atlantean Souls Volume 6: Hearts of Dragons

Lee_C_Conrad · Fantasia
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458 Chs

Do We Open It

Baker was fucking exhausted and he just wanted to close his eyes and sleep. However, that was just not happening. He didn't understand why he was this unlucky to be tormented like this. He'd stayed up to help Telly, he'd gone and checked on all the others helping them too. The second that he'd gone to lay down that damn voice had started whispering to him. It had been silent when he needed to focus, but then when he wanted to rest it was whispering to him. Sending him sensations that felt like his own. 

Incredible loneliness, the feeling of just being trapped in the dark with no sound. This sense that someone important was close. Really close, and in the very little bit of sleep he got it was just this dark black image. The sense of being stuck and all sound was gone, like he said he was feeling isolated and knew something was showing him this. That something had to be in this freaking box.