
The Master (A MHA Fanfic){DROPPED}

A budding psychopath dies in a mugging gone wrong and floats in limbo for a long time. After a fortuitous encounter with an unknown entity, he gets the chance to reincarnate in a world with a power. Now thrown in a world full of superpowers with the power to control minds, he sets on an epic journey of world conquest for fun and proceeds to create a new faction thus becoming the greatest villain the world has ever known. Disclaimer: I don't own My hero Academia as it is already owned by Kohei Horikoshi. Also I don't own Marvel and the cover that I am using. Note: This is my first story ever and my spoken language is not English. Constructive criticism appreciated. Thank you for reading this. Also posting on royalroad.

Klazy_Labbit · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Ch 14: A new pawn.

[I AM BACK with another chapter which is 1780 words without AN. Also please do read the Author's note at the end as it is important. Thanks for reading.]

My plans were successful yet again and now I had the Qīngshuǐ (clear water) clan under my thrall. All I had to do was commission an assasination from them and when one of the members came to do the job, I put them under my thrall.

After that it was an easy job. I marched to their base with the Bai Hu clan members and surrounded it. Then I used a loudspeaker and issued commands.

Soon all of them under my thrall and I spent a few days assimilating them into Hydra. There were other clans but with the help of clans much stronger than them, they were quickly subdued.

Next I created many units and assigned the clan members according to their expertise in their fields.

Then I took over their assets and companies and distributed their wealth around for my purpose. With all powerful clans under my thrall, I was able to take over the city.

The city is now in peace since the clans are fighting each other. I even had them put on a show of alliance to throw off other clans not in this city, they will grow wary of such a huge clan alliance and will probably try to form one of their own which will make it easier for me in the long run.

I did some extra work by getting some government officials under my thrall and even got some new Hydra agents to infiltrate the government. With these people, it was easy to get AIM a permit to mine here in China and another main one was a contract with the military that gave AIM the opportunity to make weapons.

Next up was the underworld, it was better than the one in Japan and was more chaotic too. With no central leader, and with the clans fighting all the time, it was no wonder why it was like that. This place didn't have a symbol of fear like how All for one and now I could create one and unify the underworld.

I didn't expand too quickly and only kept to one city for now as I had only come here for manpower and to expand Hydra. Also it would have been difficult to get the entirety of the country under my control anyway because of two main reasons, one was the huge population which I won't be able to control with the current Hydra and then the other reason was that people here were not dependant on one Hero like Japan which solely depended on All Might as the symbol of peace so I couldn't shatter their will easily.

Again this also presented an opportunity as I could create a symbol and then use it for my benefit. Seeing that the country lacked a figure on both sides, a plan began to form in my head.

But right now, I had to deal with an interesting situation.


[POV change] [Possible spoilers for My Hero Academia:Vigilantes]

[Link for Knuckleduster wiki:https://bokunoheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Iwao_Oguro]

In a crowded street of Hong Kong city walked an unkempt man with an unshaved beard and overall menacing looks. Nothing much could be gathered from his face as it was covered by a hoodie he was wearing but one look at his hands would tell many that he was not a person to mess with. His hands were covered in bandages that had become dirty but they still didn't hide the red stains on them.

This man was the vigilante Iwao Oguru aka Knuckleduster.

Iwao Oguro was a determined man, he had finally found his daughter and had rid her off the parasite bee possessing her. He was happy to get his daughter back but life was never kind to him.

By the time he took his daughter to the hospital after he basically electrocuted her, he received news that his wife had passed away. A feeling of loneliness enveloped him again but he needed to continue keeping himself distracted and so he continued doing vigilante work alone this time and tried finding more trigger users.

After obtaining information from various places, his search led him to an apothecary in Hong Kong. He knew this place as he had dealings here back when he started as a vigilante.

Opening the door, he asks the old man present, "Looking for some grub, you got some dim sum?"

The old man removes his eyes from the book he was reading and takes a look at him, "This is an apothecary,Sir."

Iwao tries again, "Far away turned onto Nathan road seven times."

The old man takes a long look at him, adjusting his glasses, he closes the book and gestures, "Follow me to the back."

Once they reached the back, the old man asked, "What are you after specifically?"

Iwao grunts and says,"Not drugs, just information on this." and then shows a tube containing a near transparent liquid.

The old man takes a look and becomes vigilant, "Sorry Sir but if you are not here for drugs then I cannot help you. Also what you said was the old password, we have had a change of management lately."

The old man rings a bell and three lackeys walk in, one of them, a man who was smoking pulls out a knife and says, "We don't take kindly to window shoppers, Sir"

As soon as the man grabs Iwao, he flips him over and then twists his arm.

"Ahhhh.."the man cries out as he drops his knife, the other two lackeys step back and take out their weapons, a machete and a pistol.

"Now...now, don't be so rude, I am just here for info"

"Who are you?" the old man asks but soon his eyes widened in recognition as he realised who the man was.

"No, it can't be. You are Ciupan Seikyun:Hyper Quadfist?!"

The other lackeys are also scared as they step back.

"No way, he's supposed to be dead. Guy got his face split and had his quirk stolen!"One goon cried.

Iwao grinned as he slowly pulled his hoodie up, "You are right.THAT guy died long, long time ago. Nevertheless, I am...HERE."

Iwao cracked his knuckles and walked towards them, he knew their kind. They wouldn't understand until they had a few beatings. As he neared them, something out of his expectations happened.

Two blades appeared out of nowhere and he was forced to duck. He turned back to face his assailants when he found two daggers right in front of his neck. He knew they had him now so he slowly raised his hands scanning the room for any weaknesses as he did so.

As he looked at his opponents, his eyes widened in surprise as he realised who they were. They were two assassins from the infamous Qīngshuǐ (clear water) clan, it was obvious as they were the only ones here with blue hair and such skills. He was surprised because he couldn't understand why they were here and that too protecting this broker.

He would tried fighting his way out but he knew that it would be futile. One thing he knew about the Qīngshuǐ was that they were nearly immune to physical attacks which was the only thing he relied on now. He might have had a chance if he had his tasers but he had left them in Japan. He also might have had a chance of escaping if he had his quirk but that was stolen by that 'man'.

So with no option being available to him, Iwao surrendered.

The pair of assassins injected a syringe on his neck and he lost control over his body. With great effort he asks, "What's going to happen to me?"

He didn't hold much hope and was not expecting them to answer when they spoke, "You have been deemed as an interesting person by our Master and have the honor of meeting him."

Okay.....Now that left him with more questions, he would have asked more questions but he was feeling numb all over his body and couldn't muster the strength and then everything turned black.


[A few hours later]

Iwao opened his eyes and tried moving around only to realise that he couldn't. Where was he?

His head hurt and he remembered the Qīngshuǐ assassins capturing him saying something about meeting their Master.

He scanned his surroundings and found that he was chained to a wall in a dark room. He blinked as his eyes adjusted, he took a look at his hands and found them chained to the wall. He tried pulling them but his body was still weak from whatever they had injected him with and thus couldn't muster the strength needed to break free.

After lying in the room for a long time, the door opened and in walked two people wearing white robes. They had defining features which were white hair and glowing cat-like eyes.

Iwao instantly recognized those features and came to the conclusion that these two men were members of the Bai Hu clan. Now he was confused and a bit wary. He couldn't fathom why these two strong clans were working together and how they even served someone.

Was it a new clan? No, that can't be as no clans can rise that suddenly.

As he was pondering over his thoughts, the two tiger men released his restraints and then handcuffed him. They pulled him up and began dragging him with them.

"So who is this Master you are taking me to ?"he asked but all he received was a 'shut up' and a 'keep quiet' from them.

He wanted to distract them, make them lower their guard and make a run for it but immediately discarded that thought as they led him to a large room. This room was filled with Bai Hu clan and he even saw a few Qīngshuǐ assassins hidden in shadows.

The room itself was very spacious and there was a huge banner hanging from a wall. On this banner was a symbol of sorts which was a red skull with six tentacles coming from it. It was quite menacing but Iwao couldn't recall anything about this symbol.

It didn't belong to either of the clans as far as he knew and it also didn't belong to any organization he knew off.

They soon reached a desk where a long chair was turned away from them. As they arrived in front of it, the chair turned and it revealed a young man sitting on it.

The young man had a grin on his face and flashing his pearly whites, he said, "Hello there."


[Author- So here's another chapter. The next part will be out tomorrow.

Now I know that some of you are probably wondering why I didn't update this story and some of you might have even assumed the worst but fear not as I am not dropping this.

I had written half of this chapter a few days ago when I received news that my online classes have been extended from two hours to five hours. Because of that, I didn't get any time to update this.

Also update speed will be slowed down from now as I won't have enough time but I will try to make chapters longer as a sort of compensation.

You can expect a chapter every two or three days.

Thanks for reading and leave some votes,reviews and comments to keep me motivated. See you next chapter.]