

"Please marry my son" Mr Wilson said. "What!, I mean what are you talking about sir?". This is Mr Wilson, the wealthy old man that owns the restaurant Ella worked for as a waitress, telling her to marry his son that she barely knows. Mr Wilson is one of the top richest man in US who has two sons and a daughter but different mothers. His elderly son's name is Desmond who was so full of evilness and jealous of his stepbrother. The younger son is called Richard, so handsome, smart and intelligent who controls most of his father's companies as the heir of the family because of his intelligence, but he's cold and never smile at anyone, just always focus on his work and nothing else. The daughter is the last born of Mr Wilson, she's called Jessica, she's beautiful and calm, she's not like her mother Rebecca and elder brother Desmond, who are full of envying the heir of the family. Jessica loves his step brother and always wants to support him even though her mother and brother Never liked Richard since he was the heir of the family that Mr Wilson trusted and love him so much. What happened to the cold son Richard when his Dad set him a marriage with just an ordinary waitress?.. What's the reasons of Richard’s coldness and do you think Ella would cope with this marriage?.., What makes Mr Wilson to chose this commoner that's just an ordinary waitress?, when there are girls that's up to his son's standards that he can possibly choose. And would she even agree to do this and why would she agree to this deal?.... This questions can only be answered when you sit calmly and read the contents in this novel. Let's find out guys...

Rikky_joy · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Get Ready to Marry


"Mum, don't cry please" I said and hugged her.

"What do will do now? You've tried a lot, you can't just face this alone and besides where do you wanna see the money." Mum said and burst in tears again.

"Mum please I'll find something to do about this okay?, just relax" I said patting her back.

"The landlord said he wouldn't take half payment again, I can't relax Ella." Mum said again crying.

"Shhh, I promise everything will be okay trust me" I said assuring her.

She nodded her head and wiped her tears.

"Why are you home so early? Do you get sacked or what happened?." Mum asked and sniffed in.

"I feel tired so, Mrs Bianca asked me to come home and rest." I lied.

"Okay, go get some rest okay? You look very tired" Mum said and kissed my forehead while I nodded.

"Promise you won't think about anything or cry please" I said looking directly into her eyes.

"Okay, I promise I won't." Mum said and forced out a smile.

"Okay, thanks" I said faking a smiles and left the sitting room to my room.


Ella walked into her room closing the door behind her.

She walked to her small size bed and collapsed on the bed with hot tears, rolled down her smooth cheeks.

"What do I do now?." She thought with tears that kept fallen from her eyes.

"House bills, Mum's medicine and other bill to clear off this same month, God, this is too much for me." Ella said to herself crying.

While she was crying then her mind went to what Mr Wilson said to her, "lose your job or agree to the deal."

"No I can't, never." Ella said to herself again.

" I will just apply for another job, and about the house bills, maybe I'll call my bestie if she could lend me some money to pay for the house bill and tried to get Mum's medicine by all means" Ella thought as she was lost in her thoughts.

She carried her small laptop and started searching for job online.

After some minutes she finally found one, secretary needed in a biggest company in the city, while she filled in a form and submitted it before closing the laptop 💻 and placed it back to the drawer close to her bed.

"I hope this works for me" she thought.

then she brought out her phone and called her childhood best friend Kate.

Kate picked the call after several rings, while they talked about how Kate would lend Ella some money to pay up the house bills.

"📞I'm so sorry Ella but I really don't have now but I promise I'll try and get it from someone I trusted, he could help me out okay.?" Kate said with concern on the other side of the phone.

"📞It's okay, thanks. I just hope you could get it for me, I promise to pay when I gets some money." Ella said sadly.

"📞Come on, I'll try, just relax okay.?" Kate said.

"📞 okay thanks bestie." Ella said.

"📞Alright, I'll call you later or possibly I can come over once I closed from work." Kate said and hung the call.



At Mr Wilson mansion.

The old man just finished making calls with his young cold hearted son, Richard.


"📞Your phone rang severally before you picked my calls." The old man said frowning with his phone on his ear.

"📞You should know I'm so busy right now father." Richard, the Wilson's second son said coldly with no expression.

"📞Are you even my son, is that how you talk to your father." Mr Wilson said angrily on the phone.

"📞What do you have to talk about father." Richard said from the other side of the phone, not touched or cared about what his father is mad about.

"📞You punk. well I don't need to talk much with you. Be ready to get married and that's final, whether you like it or not." Mr Wilson said angrily.

"📞What!...Father you know that can't be possible, marrying me off to a lady..you're so being ridiculous right now father." Richard said coldly.

"📞That's what I want, be prepared and I want you here next week and don't say or ask me anything until then." Mr Wilson said angrily and dropped his phone.

Mr Wilson stood up from the couch to his bed then his wife walked in.

"I could hear you yelling on phone now, is that Richard again?." Mr Wilson's wife said sitting next to him on the bed.

"Hun, I want him get married this month." Mr Wilson said adjusting his glasses to his face.

"Oh that's a great idea, I can find a nice girl for her if you want me to, honey." Said the wife.

"No, I have a girl for him already." Mr Wilson said and smiled.

"Oh that's nice, which family she belongs to honey?" Rebecca asked again.

"Doesn't matter, I just want a decent well home trained girl for him, I can't stand what people are saying about him again and there's a contract deal coming up that he will need this soon and the contract worth millions profit." Mr Wilson said while his wife looked him with anger but covered it with smiles.

"Okay. But you think he's gonna agree to this huh?." Rebecca asked.

"Leave that to me." Mr Wilson said and stood up while he walked to the table water on the table and poured a glass of it and drank it all.

"I have a meeting with a close friend." Mr Wilson said to his wife Rebecca before leaving the room.


"Hmm. your time will be up soon just wait and see while you enjoy for now." Rebecca, Mr Wilson's wife said and smiled devilishly while she picked up her phone before leaving the room.





"Sir the meeting is starting soon, all waiting for you." Ken said to his boss who never even acted like someone was talking to him.

"Hun. I'll be there soon" His boss said still not looking up as he was busy typing on the system.

"Okay sir." Ken said and bowed before exiting the the door.


That's Richard working on the system after he received a call from his annoying father, who looked busy and so handsome but looked cold like the devil son.

After typing for a while, he stood up taking his suit coat and picked up his phone and walked out of his large office to attend to the meeting.

As he walked in, everyone stood for his respect as the CEO of the company.

He walked to his sit while everyone got seated then the meeting started. After so many suggestions and ideas then he cleared his voice before saying something while they listened carefully and attentively.

He finished speaking while everyone was silent but like wow, this is why he was chose to be the leader as what he said makes so many senses and points which would surely works out and brings a good profit.

They all clapped and agree on what he said while the meeting was dismissed and everyone stood up. then he stood up and worked out looking gentle and as a successful businessman he's always be.

"Do you do what I asked you to do ken" Richard said coldly sounding so bossy.

"Yes sir, so many people applied for this but haven't selected any of them." Ken replied.

"Pick 10 of all of the applied and the interviews day should be scheduled in two weeks time because I'll be traveling for a business trip tomorrow ." Richard said and took the elevator.

The elevator stopped while he walked out and walked past some workers that kept on bowing their head before him because they all are scared of being sacked as he doesn't take nonsense, any mistakes or shit.

He walked to the garage while two bodyguards ran towards him and one opened the back sit door for him to hopped in, then the driver ignited the engine and drove out of the company.

"📞 Hey buddy, why didn't you pick the calls on time?" Richard friend's voice came up immediately Richard picked up the ringing phone.

"📞 stop sounding like you're my father, I can pick whenever I want or even don't pick if I wanted." Richard said coldly.

"You can never change, so what's up with you?." Drake said on the other sides of the phone.

"I'm cool as always, driving down to your mansion, I hope you're home?." Richard said.

"Yeah I'm home, haha what's up with you, having you today means something" Drake said on the phone.

"Just the hell up dick" Richard replied and hung up while he directed the chauffeur to the road to his friend's house.

After some minutes of driving, the car came to an halt while he stepped out as the car door was opened for him then he walked straight to the door and pushed it open.

His friend was sitting on the couch while he stood up and walked to Richard hugging him.

"Hey dude, don't suffocate me." Richard said while Drake released him hitting his arm laughing.

"Come on be seated, what brings you here today?." Drake asked smiling as he sat on the couch crossing his legs.

"I'm just stressed up with that old man, can't believe he wanna marry me to a girl I don't even know or meet" Richard said angrily.

"Haha, you mean for real?." Drake asked laughing his ass off.

"Are you gonna continue laughing or I should not bother telling you, this is so annoying and you're just laughing" Richard said angrily as he wasn't even in the mood.

"Okay sorry, but you can't do anything with it, whether you like it or not, you know that old man wouldn't give up, I just hope the lady is nice and beautiful, maybe nice ass and boobs will do too haha" Drake said laughing again.

"You're crazy, I forgot you're just an idiot...I blamed myself for this." Richard said while Drake stop his laugh and looked serious this time.

"Okay on a serious note, nothing you could do about it just take it, who knows what the future have for you" Drake said smiling.

"Whatever, I know what I'll do myself, I would do whatever he asked me to

but that lady will suffer for it because her life will be a hell and regret agreeing to this." Richard said and smirked.

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