
chapter 5 & 6 : Bra!!!



( For Her Sake... )


By, Blessing Cy



Mia concluded... That she found her soulmate.

"Follow my lead" Sergio spoke, and Franklin looked down from the window immediately.

Sergio gave him the dangerous smile again before starting to walk away, and he followed.

"So... he's the addition?" Sofia asked, coming out to the rest.

"I dunno how it's gonna happen, but he must pay for doing this to my face" Ghost said hatefully, slightly brushing his mouth wall with his tongue.

His jaw swelled up as a result of the punch from Franklin earlier, and it hurts than the several other punches he has received. It's like his fist was made of metal.

"Don't tell me he gave you that wound on your face!" Sofia gasped shockingly.

Ghost went in without a reply, and Sofia scoffed.

"I just asked you a question @sshole!" She shot, rushing after him.

Aurora is currently resting on the car, looking blank as she stared into space.

Armani removed his lollipop from his mouth after breaking it into his mouth, then he threw the stick away and faced her.

"He's quite cool, isn't he? I mean Franklin" he said, and Aurora stood straight, taking her body away from the car

"He is" she replied clearly and walked in.

"Did the cold ice just reply me?" Armani smiled.



Mia was still staring out of the window maybe she'd catch another glance of the handsome guy when a knock sounded on the door.

Only the mode of knocking made her know it's Romeo as usual, so she left the window and ran to open the door.

"Romeo!" She gasped, hugging him tightly.

"You should have told me immediately she did that to you, I'd have taken her out of this castle to my turf, and I'd have killed her right there" he said gently, stroking her hair as he hugged her back

"She's one of the top bodyguards, if you did that then father will get so mad that he might decide to punish you brutally, you know how much he values the top guards, and I definitely won't be able to stand your punishment" she replied.


She suddenly broke the hug and drew up the arm of his shirt to check the gunshot wound from earlier. It has already been treated and bandaged.

"You got it treated" she smiled.

"Yeah, I went to the hospital and Luciano got rid of the bullet" he replied.

"You could have come here, I'm a better doctor yunno?" She winked, and he laughed, stroking her hair fondly again.

"By the way Romeo, who's that guy from earlier?" She asked curiously, holding his arm.

"He's the one you drew" he replied.

"I know, but what's his identity, why is he here?"

"To join the top bodyguards like you heard in Eden earlier, they'd make R5, the best assassin crew in this country. He apparently has debts and father is ready to pay them off, and another crazy thing is his pay. The other top bodyguards gets 10M per mission, but he's getting double, seems he's really good, and father likes him" Romeo explained.

"Meaning he'd be living here from now on? I'd get to see his face everyday!" Mia jumped.

"Wait...you already have a crush on him? He only arrived minutes ago" Romeo frowned.

"It started after I drew his face, but after seeing his face, I tripped more! I'm 23 and I'm free to crush on a man in here right? I accept my fate of not being able to do anything outside this castle but please allow me to continue crushing on him, I'll just crush and nothing more" she blinked cutely, and Romeo sighed, holding her shoulders before bending over to her level.

"Be careful, don't get caught" he said, and she nodded with a bright smile.

Romeo left afterwards, and she quickly settled on her reading chair with a pen and pencil.

She began drawing Franklin's face all-over again. This time, it'd be hers.



"The f**k! 20 million for a mission?" Sofia screamed when Ghost said it.

"Now you understand the reason for my fury earlier, I hate him already and the fact that he's full of ego! The confident and bold look on his face! I badly wanna tear them off and replace them with fear! How dare he punch me in the face!" Ghost ranted, and Sofia grinned, grabbing an already opened bottle of cognac from the table.

She gulped it down at once, all before crashing the bottle angrily on the ground.

"We've got to do something" she seethed.



Sergio brought Franklin there directly, and immediately they got to the end of the table, Rocco came in, then Romeo afterwards.

Rocco dropped some books on the table in front of Franklin, and he gave him a resentful look before leaving for another side of the table.

"The moment you read the rules and take the Omertá oath of silence, no going back" Sergio said as he sat with his sons.

Franklin took the book immediately, and Romeo looked up.

"You can still ask questions before you make the decision, don't regret later" he said meaningfully, and Franklin looked at him for a minute, wondering about the questions he could possibly ask.

If only his brains produced the questions that moment, but the components refused to produce anything.

He took a light breath before opening the book, and right on the first page, he saw the rules, and he began reading.

1. Never be seen with cops or members of rival organizations.

2. Never go to clubs or pubs.

3. Always being available is a duty, even if one's wife is about to give birth.

3. Appointments must absolutely be respected

4. Wives must be treated with respect.

5. The answers to every question must be the truth. Otherwise, the penalty is death.

He dropped the book after reading the five rules, then he took the second one containing just one page.

Omertá oath of silence was written boldly in the page, and as he stared, he swallowed hard before reading.

"Even if i get caught by any authority on a mission, I'll never say the name of this organization. I'm ready to bear the pains to protect the stand of this castle....I stand with Maranzanos, always"

He didn't realize it till he finished the last line, and his eyes widened madly, but before he could retort, his thumb was suddenly pierced with a sharp needle, and the book fell from him to the ground.

His blood dropped on the written oath, and his eyes widened again.

"And now an additional rule for just you. No emotions, bury your heart deep inside the pit, feelings weakens the greatest, stay away from it" Sergio's husky voice said.

Sergio is currently behind him.

"Welcome to one of the largest crime organizations in the world, The Maranzanos crime family" Romeo smiled.

"Call me Rocco, the first underboss" Rocco said.

"And I'm Romeo, the second" Romeo said.

Franklin turned back immediately, and his eyes met with the devilish eyes of Sergio.

"Sergio Maranzano?" He muttered in utter shock.

"I'm wanted, but the face you see in the posters was my face five months ago, I change my face every five months" Sergio said, and Franklin began shifting back, sweating so profusely.

What the f**k did he just...jump into???

Now he knows what Romeo meant the other time when he told him to ask questions, how come he wasn't thinking of all these back then?

Is that how much money charms? He's trapped real hard, he fell deep into a pit of fire, and he's already burning.

The major mission of this organization is assassination!

He heard so much about them so he could write a journal of them, but now he's one of them?

The remaining top guards filed in immediately, and his eyes widened again.

The sweat was running down his backbone line, and he began panting.

"Call me Armani" Armani smiled.

"Aurora" Aurora said grimly.

"Sofia" Sofia frowned.

"Ghost" Ghost smirked.

"You R5 will make the biggest assassin crew in this country, I bet on that. My name is about to ring again!!!" Sergio shouted, facing the sky as his voice ran deep into every corner of Eden.

"No" Franklin muttered, rushing to the door.

He pushed it open and ran out, still sweating so much as he got farther and farther from Eden.

It was already dark when he got out of the building, but he continued running, to God knows where.

He has never made a mistake this big, and the fact that he's already regretting right now is mad.

Had he known, he'd have remained the talented driver he is, at least he'd be happy with Serafina, but now it's obvious that his happiness just got robbed.

He finally came to a stop and went on his knees, feeling cold water immediately.

He looked ahead and was surprised to see a lake in front of him. There's a lake in the castle too??

He kept kneeling in the lake, and before he knew it, tears dropped out of his eyes into the lake, and that was when he heard movements behind him.

He turned back slowly only to see Mia standing there, watching him while holding her favorite book to her chest.

It's already dark, so he couldn't recognize her as the girl he saw earlier.

He stood slowly from the lake, and the water began dripping down his body as he walked.

"Hey are you fine? I saw you run out of Eden and followed you here" Mia's voice said, but he kept walking till he got to her and bumped his shoulder on hers.

She fell heavily in the lake, and he didn't bother to look back till he went out of sight.

"I only wanted to comfort him" she muttered as the water drenched her and the book.



"A new masterpiece, so rare" Sergio muttered, smiling with the corner of his lips as he walked around the room, feeling extra hyper

It's rare to find a special specie, and this one he found, he'd use him till he gets bored of him.

He was still roaming the room when Romeo came in, and he sat, waiting for what he has to say.

"Why didn't you tell him about the organization before initiating him?" He asked.

Sergio's eyes landed on his pipe, and he took it, tilting his head to the side as he grinned slowly.

"I gave him the chance to ask questions, he wasted it so what else do you expect from me motherf**ker?" He asked in an extra low tone.

"You don't expect him to think straight after blocking his senses with his debts and the huge pay!" Romeo shouted, and Sergio spranged up.

"What's this? A f**king team work? He's new and you're already fighting for him?" He said.

"You broke the rule of this organization! No one gets initiated without knowing the missions!" Romeo snapped, and Sergio slapped him soundly.

Romeo staggered back, breathing heavily as he looked defiantly at Sergio again.

"I made the rule and I can break and reset it anytime! And that's cos I'm not the f**king ruler of my palace! I'm the king of this castle, head of this family and the boss of this organization! Instead of doing this, why don't you prepare to meet with the daughter of another family tommorow? It's hightime you get married like Rocco" he said authoritatively, and Romeo smirked.

"Ain't getting married till I die, and even if I will, not for your greedy desires for unending wealth!" He replied and walked out on Sergio.

Sergio smiled cruelly and fell back on the black couch, looking up slowly afterwards.

"Romeo...your wings are getting annoyingly longer and longer..."


Mia was just getting up from the lake when Franklin suddenly reappeared again.

He dipped his hand inside the lake and began searching for something while she watched.

He was searching so desperately that he began sweating again, determined to find whatever it is.

"Looking for this?" Mia asked suddenly, and he looked up to see her holding up what he's looking for.

An handkerchief!

His eyes widened immediately he saw it with her, and he rushed forward with the aim of snatching it, but she quickly hid it behind herself.

"You bumped into me earlier, you should apologize for that" she said childishly, and he looked her in the eye immediately.

Though it's dark, but the moon is sitting magnificently in the sky right now, shinning brightly.

He narrowed his eyes when he saw it's the same girl he saw by the window earlier, but the only important thing is the handkerchief right now.

"Hand it over" he said, his deep voice making her smile.

The sadness in his voice is so obvious, but she's too excited to hear hear his voice for the first time, so she didn't notice.

"You should say sorry, I'm the princess of this castle" she said.

"I don't say sorry" he replied again, losing his patience already.

What the f**k is she trying to do???

Mia smiled trickily immediately, and she did the only thing she could think of.

She dipped her hand into her blouse in the front, hiding the handkerchief in her bra.

"Get it if you can, but I can get it for you if you apologize to me" she smiled.

"Cool" Franklin said, and she gasped when he pulled her closer by her right arm.

Her eyes widened at his next action.

He dipped his hand into her brà and pulled out the handkerchief.