
Chapter 7 & 8 Bravissimo



( For Her Sake... )



By: Blessing Cy

He dipped his hand into her brà and pulled out the handkerchief, making her gasp again.

"What do you think you're doing!!!" She shouted shockingly, holding her b**bs to her chest protectively.

His fingers touched them when he dipped it, she felt the coldness of his hand on her right n**ple definitely.

"I hate brats" he muttered coldly, and Mia came closer to him immediately.

In the next minute, her hand flew to his face, slapping him on the right cheek.

Franklin neither looked shocked nor amused. Her palm felt like tissue, too soft to hurt his face, so he only stared on expressionlessly, and surprisingly, she began crying.

"I'm not a brat, I was only trying to talk to you, you think you'd be safe if I tell on you to Romeo? He'd kill you for touching me" she threatened.

A big smirk appeared on Franklin's face immediately, and instead of saying the next word he intended on saying, he turned and began walking away from her.

"I hate you!!!!" She screamed as he walked, but that wasn't enough to make him turn back.

He made a huge mistake that'd haunt him forever, becoming a part of this organization is a nightmare that'd live in his memories rent-free forever, he's doomed, and he's already hoping that this won't affect Serafina in the future.

He walked for extra ten minutes before he got to the gate since the castle is extra big.

Immediately he got there, he was blocked by several guards, and he came to a standstill.

"You can't leave without the boss's orders" one of the guards in suit said.

"Let him go!" Sergio's husky voice boomed from the balcony of his palace, and Franklin turned back to see him standing there like a giant that he is, smiling crookedly.

He has come to learn something about his smiles, and that's the fact that none is sincere, nothing is sweet about a devil anyways, he's a demon coated with immense sourness.

The guards left the way, and Franklin turned away from Sergio, then he walked out of the castle.

"Are you letting him go?" Rocco asked, appearing beside Sergio on the balcony.

"Yeah, he's coming back on his own, unfailingly" Sergio smiled and faced him.

"The land in Sicily, we should handle it before two days, Joseph has to die" he said.

"Why not give it to Franklin as his first mission?" Rocco replied, and Sergio grinned, snapping his fingers.

A maid brought in his pipe which he began smoking immediately.

He sat and Rocco continued standing in front of him.

"Now that I think about it, you're crueller. I mean... Joseph is a lunatic, he'd finish Franklin off at the snap of a finger" he said.

"You said it yourself that he might be stronger than the rest of the top bodyguards, why not confirm that?" Rocco replied.

Sergio nodded, puffing out smokes.

"Things are about to get spicy"



Mia went straight to his reading table immediately she came in.

She got the drawing of Franklin she made and tore it to pieces immediately, pouring it into the trashcan.

"Damn me for crushing on your at first sight, I thought you were a better human but you're just a mad fellow like Sofia and Ghost" she muttered, sitting on the bed.

She touched her b**bs gently, and when she remembered the coldness of his hand on it, she bit her lip.

"Wait...why was his hand so cold? Is he cold-blooded?" She muttered, but she slapped herself on the cheek immediately.

"What the hell am I thinking!" She snapped and spranged up, rushing into the bathroom.


Franklin went straight home from the castle with the plan to cook something for Serafina before going to the hospital, but he met loan sharks waiting in front of the house, and he halted.

"Welcome! Today is the deadline of the one month you told us! Go on in and get the money out!" The fat one said loudly, standing from his doorstep.

"Today? It's next week" Franklin replied, and the second one laughed.

"As if you'd be able to produce the money next week, get inside and get the cash!" He shouted.

"I really don't have any cash on me and...

A punch landed on his mouth from the third one, and he staggered slightly as his mouth bled.

"You have just five hours, we're coming back after five hours and in the absence of the cash, you're dead" the fat one said, and they left the house.

Franklin wiped the blood on his mouth with the back of his hand, watching as they drove off in their car.

Meanwhile, not far from the house, a black car is beside the road, and inside the car is Ghost and Sofia.

"He's living a wretched life obviously, I don't think it'd take five hours before he gives in" Ghost laughed, getting a cigar.

"You seem so interested in him" Sofia smiled cunningly.

"Of course, he has to pay for disrespecting me, and that won't be possible if he doesn't become one of us" Ghost smirked, smoking hard.


Franklin was met by the huge figure of the landlord when he climbed the stairs to the house, and he stopped walking again.

"You owe me five months house rent remember? Plus the money I borrowed you for your sister's drugs last week. I urgently need all of it by tommorow morning, and failure to provide means you want me to get the cops involved" she said and scoffed before descending the stairs.

Franklin couldn't talk, instead, he sat by the door, trying not to cry.

Why is life turning against him since he met Sergio? Why is everything happening at once?

"Why!!!!" He yelled.

He sat there for almost thirty minutes before going in to cook simple noodles which he took to the hospital for Serafina, but on getting there, he met the doctors struggling with her, and his eyes widened.

"Serafina!" He dropped the warmer with him and ran to the bed. She was gasping for breath seriously.

"She suddenly began bleeding some minutes ago, thankfully the doctors were fast" one of the doctors said.

"She'd be fine, right? Serafina!!" He shouted breathlessly.

"She'd be fine, but I can't promise her safety totally till the results of her test comes out" the doctor replied, and a nurse rushed in with the results.

The doctor took it and sighed, facing Franklin.

"I'm sorry, but what we've been trying to avoid finally came"

"Wait...the brain tumor? Don't tell me she's got the meningioma" Franklin's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, but we need to operate on the tumor before it gets bigger. If that happens together with her liver condition, then....

"F**k! F**k!! Why now!!!" Franklin screamed, going on his knees in tears.

"I'm so sorry Franklin, but you have to pay the payment you're owing the hospital first before we can even talk about the operation bills, so..." The doctor said, and Franklin laughed dementedly.

"I'm f**king ruined"

From the door, a girl in black cap and pants is watching, and when Franklin made to turn to the door, she quickly left her spot.

She rushed out of the hospital and drove away in a black Camry.

It's a long ride from Campania to Calabria, Anthony's castle.

She arrived after an hour, and she made her way to Anthony's palace straight up.

He's in the living room with some dealers from Dubai, talking business.

"Sorry for the interruption boss!" She quickly bowed, and Anthony stood.

He went with her to the door and faced her.

"Any news about the driver?"

"No boss, I'm sorry but I think Sergio is protecting him. I found nothing no matter how hard I searched" she lied, and Anthony grabbed her neck immediately.

"Azura!" He seethed.

"I'm sorry boss, I'll make better findings on him tommorow" Azura choked.

"Damn it! Out!" Anthony released her, and she staggered out of the palace.

She was swallowing emptiness every minute till she got to the girls quarters.

Since all of Anthony's bodyguards are girls, they stay in one quarter, different rooms.

Though the top three stay in a different quarter.

Azura got to her room and went to the scattered wardrobe, diving her hand in to bring out an handkerchief.

She began smiling as she stared at it, and she brought it closer to her nose, sniffing the scent, but the smile suddenly disappeared when she remembered how Franklin was crying earlier.

Someone suddenly snatched the handkerchief from her, and she turned back to see Greta, the second top guard.

"Give it back!" She ordered, and Greta laughed, swaying the handkerchief.

"I've always wondered why you cherish this hanky, did you get it with a dead lover?" She said, and Azura was about to draw her gun when the third top guard came in.

She snatched the hanky from Greta and threw it back to Azura who caught it immediately.

"Thanks, Neptune" Azura said, and Neptune nodded once.

"F**king boring peeps!" Greta hissed and walked out of the room.

"You should have gotten used to her b**chiness by now" Neptune said calmly.

"I know, thanks" Azura smiled.

"Did you get any info on the driver? He's pretty good" Neptune asked.

"No, sadly" Azura replied.



Rocco walked into the second floor and took his seat on his favorite chair, waiting for Elettra to show up any moment from now.

Elettra is his wife, and though they live together in the same house, they never stay in the house together at a time, else hell might break lose, so they meet here if there's a need to see each other.

He ordered for a bottle of rum, and the bodyguard he brought tested it before for poison detection before handing it to him.

He poured himself a glass and began drinking immediately.

He was about to lighten a cigar when she came in. His hotheaded wife, Elettra.

She's wearing a black suit, and her right hand is stuck in the pocket of the palazzo trousers.

She has several hoop earrings in her ears, then black shades despite the darkness, her short hair is in a bob, and she's holding a heavy briefcase in her second hand. Her steps were regal on her thin heels.

Rocco smirked till she got to him and sat, dropping the bag on the table before removing her shades. She's dangerously beautiful.

"Long time no see, husband" she smiled lightly.

"Get straight to business" Rocco replied sternly, and she opened the briefcase, pushing it to him..

It contains large bars of gold, many of them.

Rocco summoned his guard to count, they're thirty in number.

"This is 40 percent Elettra, we agreed on 50/50" Rocco said angrily.

"I did most of the job, dear husband. You did nothing than kill the pirates, so I changed my mind, it's 40/60" Elettra replied.

"I knew you'd do this and that's why I hate doing business with you! Your greediness is reaching the brink" Rocco stood.

"You have no other choice, I'm the best partner out there, and I literally grew on you" Elettra stood with a smile, and Rocco grabbed the bottle of rum

He flung it at her, and she quickly ducked, so the bottle hit the wall.

She stood afterwards, jumping over the glass table to meet him, grabbing him by the throat.

"You're too gutsy, and I f**king hate that!" Rocco gnarled, gripping her neck too.

Immediately his strong hands reached her, she lost her hold on his own neck, so she's the only one left on chokehold.

"Rocco!... You're crossing the f**king... line!!!" She screamed as blood poured out of her mouth.

Rocco laughed in a beastly manner before pushing her to the couch, doubling the pressure of his hand on her neck.

"Rocco!!" She cried again, struggling to free herself, and he grinned.

"Where the f**k is the remaining 10 that belongs to me!"

"Go get it in your... dreams!" Elettra replied, and Rocco immediately felt something pierce through his tummy.

"Arggggghhh!!!!" He shrieked, letting go of her.

She actually stabbed him with a knife, and he's already bleeding a lot.

She stood and kicked him in the face, wiping her bloody lips afterwards.

"You think I came here unprepared? I wouldn't make that mistake when I knew I was coming to meet a devil" she panted, smiling as she watched him suffer from the pains of the knife in his stomach.

"And you've been disobeying the fourth rule of your organization, wives must be treated respectfully but you're not doing that. What do you think will happen if I report you to Sergio? F**ker!" Elettra laughed, wearing her shades again.

"Call me when another business surfaces, dear husband" she smiled, waving her hand in the air.

Their wedding ring is still shinning in her ring finger.

Rocco was only able to get himself when she left the room, and immediately he removed the knife from his tummy, he stood, holding the wound.

"Why were you just standing!!!" He shouted at his guard.

"You gave me the rule to never interfere in matters involving you and your wife" the guard bowed, and he grabbed him by the hair, bringing his head down to the glass table.

He crashed it on it, and the table broke immediately.

"Elettra!!!" Rocco yelled ragingly.



Franklin's taxi drove in roughly, and he came out with the small bag he packed at home.

He looked up at the illuminated balcony of Sergio's palace and saw him there, smiling venomously as usual.

It's his cross now, a heavy one which he must carry. If not for anything, but for the sake of Serafina who's dying in the hospital.

If he'd have to kill and shed blood to keep the only one left for him in this world alive, then he's ready to get it done. Serafina mustn't die, he's ready to dine with the devil. He's ready to become his descendant, or if it comes to the worse, he'd become the devil himself.

"I knew you'd come back!" Sergio shouted, laughing loudly.

This time, he's with his advisor Barnabas in the balcony, and the whitehead has a bizarre look on his face as he stared at Franklin.

The top bodyguards came out the moment they heard Sergio's voice, and Mia's window opened too.

She looked out, and she smirked when she saw him again.

"Pervert" she muttered.

"Finally" Ghost smiled.

"You're one unlucky guy, Franklin" Sofia muttered.

Armani was smiling as he rolled his lollipop in mouth.

"Take care of him" Sergio ordered, and it was Aurora who walked over to Franklin.

She took his bag from him and threw it back into his taxi, then she got a keg of gasoline which she poured on the taxi.

Franklin's eyes widened, but before he could move, Aurora threw a lightened matchstick at the taxi, and it blew up together with the bag.

"You must come empty-handed to this castle, everything else will be provided by the organization!" Sergio's voice said from the balcony, and Franklin sighed as he watched the taxi burn.

"Get him to his room, have a goodnight rest, it'd be a long day tommorow" Sergio said, and Ghost walked over to him.

"Follow me, p*ssy" he said, and Franklin frowned.

"What did you just call me?"

"I said p*ssy, follow me fool!" Ghost replied and made the mistake of hitting Franklin's head afterwards.

Franklin grabbed the hand and dragged him back with it, shocking everyone including Sergio.

"D**k!" He spat at Ghost's face and punched him on the same spot he punched at the hospital.

He's super and madly fast cos before Ghost could return that one punch, he already lifted him off the ground like a baby toy...

"F**k!" Sofia gasped and began running to him to save him, but before she could get there, Franklin threw Ghost away easily, and he landed on the burning taxi.

Mia's eyes widened madly by the window.

"What!" She covered her mouth.

"Hell" Armani gasped.

Aurora on the other hand was staring at Franklin with a slow smile.

"Bravissimo!!!" Sergio clapped from the balcony as Ghost's clothes caught fire.


Say something about what you read in the comments section, reply to my comments if your hands don't hurt.