
The Magical Sword Master

Andy Linn, a high school boy who is always the victim of bullying by his friends at school. One time, in the midst of his despair from the delinquent children who were bullying him, he was suddenly saved by a mysterious girl, but the girl just disappeared a moment after saving Andy. In the morning, suddenly, the girl who saved him appeared in front of Andy's house and introduced herself as an angel who would serve as a servant of magic and make him a candidate for a king who was a master of magic.

Killer_Hunters · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 0 : Prolog

I experienced a troublesome school life moment in my first year of high school, my name is Andy Linn. Many people consider me to be the weakest student among the other students in my class. Therefore, every time I am always the victim of bullying in class by many male students.

I think that this world is so unfair to people like me. Where strong people will live their lives very easily. This is in contrast to a weak person who can only crawl and ask for help from someone stronger than himself.

That is the picture of my worldly life that is in my mind right now. In fact, this morning I was planning not to go to school because I couldn't stand things like this anymore. At that time, I was no longer enthusiastic about continuing my studies and suggested to my mother that I want to move from my current school to another school, but my mother immediately rejected the complaint.

Of course my mother didn't want to incur any additional costs for moving to my new school after less than a month after I entered my current high school, where my mother worked alone in our family to meet our family's needs.

Moreover, my father decided to separate from my mother and go with another woman when I was only 5 years old. Since then I have never met him again until now. Maybe I still remember his face, but he left my little sister without getting to know her father's face at all. Naturally, at that time he was still a 1 year old baby.

This is made worse because soon my little sister, Amilia, will enter her first year of junior high school.

So it could be said that my mother is the only person who looks after the house to look after me and my younger sister while also working. This is a burden for me as the oldest child in this family, especially since I have to work immediately after graduating from high school.

This reduced my hopes of being able to continue my studies at the college level of my dreams that I wanted to go to.

"There is a possibility that father is now married to that woman."

My mother, who heard me say things about my father, looked at me as if she didn't like me saying anything about her ex-husband who she really hated.

"How many times have mom told you not to think about that bastard anymore?"

My mother, full of anger, walked over to me who was lazily sitting on the sofa to at least scold me to immediately go to school.

I immediately rushed to prepare my things to go to school before my mother lowered her eyebrows even more.

There were only 2 minutes left before the school bell rang and now I was in front of the school gate, how surprised I was to see 5 delinquent students who usually bullied me, were waiting for me from behind the school gate.

"I was really worried about you coming late today, I thought my toys had run away and moved somewhere else."

Along with all his friends, William, who was the leader of the group of delinquent students in my class, laughed at me alongside the rest of his group.

Strangely, as far as I could see, there was no security guard who was usually always on guard around the school gate to ensure that the students arrived on time.

As if he knew what was going through the thoughts in my head. William walked casually closer to the gate, the end of which was half open. Now He is standing right at the end of the open gate.

"Are you thinking about the security guarding the school gates at this time."

William leaned part of his body against one of the pillars at the gate and in an elegant pose folded his arms across his chest while watching my every movement.

"Don't worry, the guard is currently busy with other matters. He was just called by Mrs. Ani."

I immediately widened my eyes, as if I didn't believe what he was saying. How can a guard whose main job is to guard the school entrance gate be negligent in carrying out his duties.

Moreover, letting delinquent children like Hayato wander outside the classroom during class time.

I'm sure there must be something wrong with the discipline of the staff at this school in carrying out their duties.

It seems that my previous views about this school were indeed correct. Even though this school is considered one of the best schools in the city, in fact, during the more than 1 month that I have been here, this has not been visible to me at all.

Are they cheating to become one of the best schools in order to get abundant funds from parents who think they are sending their children to the best school in the city but in reality they are just being extorted, it's time for me to demand that the distribution of the best schools in the city be changed as soon as possible.

I laughed seeing that thought coming to me like a hero of justice, how could a weak person like me be able to do it, the result would only end up being that no one would believe me and consider me a liar.

While that thought was going on, William who was standing in front of me suddenly pushed so hard that I fell. several wounds began to appear on several parts of my body.

It seems that he will soon start bullying me. I already knew that this wouldn't end well for me, if I stayed in this place any longer.

I managed to hold some pebbles in my hand that I found where I fell and quickly threw the small stones at one of William's followers who was about to tie my legs and arms.

Even though my hands and feet were injured, I ran as fast as I could while limping away from where William and his group of delinquent students were.

The follower of William's group screamed in pain holding his bruised face, caused by the throw I aimed right at his face.

"You're insolent Andy, I'm sure I'll torture you until you wish you'd rather die."

Instantly William ordered some of his remaining men to immediately chase me. Meanwhile I limped away from their pursuit in the hope of escaping.

"All of you quickly, catch Andy right now, don't let you fail to catch him."

"Okay boss, that's a very easy thing for all of us to do."

The group of delinquents started chasing Andy very brutally, they even shouted in very loud voices just to call my name.


This forced me to immediately run away as far as possible from their pursuit even though my knees and wrists continued to drip quite a lot of blood.