
The Magical Sword Master

Andy Linn, a high school boy who is always the victim of bullying by his friends at school. One time, in the midst of his despair from the delinquent children who were bullying him, he was suddenly saved by a mysterious girl, but the girl just disappeared a moment after saving Andy. In the morning, suddenly, the girl who saved him appeared in front of Andy's house and introduced herself as an angel who would serve as a servant of magic and make him a candidate for a king who was a master of magic.

Killer_Hunters · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Successfully escaping the target of bullying for the first time and staying away from the delinquent students led by William, I was confused about how to spend my time while I was not active at school.

It's impossible for me to go home now, mother is definitely suspicious of how her child can come home so quickly, of course she will contact the principal to provide information regarding my school.

I kept thinking and finally got a brilliant idea.

I decided to go to a building that provides various kinds of gaming consoles.

This building not only provides the purchase of the latest game consoles, but there are several service providers in the building who rent out their consoles at low prices to several game lovers to play on the spot.

I'm one of the people who is a regular customer in that place, every time I come home from school I always take my time to play some games that I like, such as games that are thick with fantasy scenes, with increased levels in it after defeating monsters.

Until there was a day, when I came home late at night which made me severely scolded by my mother.

Before I could get to that place, I had to go through a fairly narrow alley, if you can conclude this alley can only be passed by one person, so if someone else from the opposite direction wants to go through this alley then I who am here have to wait until that person is finished go through it.

Suddenly I was shocked to hear a scream that shrieked my ears, I turned to the source of the sound and saw William and his group of delinquents already behind me, they were preparing to approach me. Not only that, some of them were carrying baseball bats and rusty scrap metal that were even bigger than their own bodies.

"Hey, Andy! Don't try to run away after what you've done to my face." shouted one of William's group members whose face I threw a stone at earlier.

He and all the other members of Wiliam's group ran fast in the direction with screams which made me panic and rush as fast as possible to run away from their pursuit.

"Andy... Andy..." they all shouted in unison.

I ran as hard as I could in the narrow alley to avoid being chased by William's group of delinquent members, where in that place I didn't see anyone I could ask for help.

The place was completely empty of people, there was no one apart from me and William's group of delinquent members.

At that place I was so scared that my legs were shaking, cold sweat was flowing profusely all over my body.

I really hope that I can escape from their bullying actions this time, but on the one hand I ask myself how to think of a way to escape from them.

While running I tried to look behind me to see how close William's group of delinquent members were chasing.

After looking back, one of the hands of the child whose face I made red managed to pull my collar.

He then dragged and slammed my body to the ground, where I was shocked. How could they with a total number of children that many be able to pass through a super narrow hallway that could only fit 1 person to pass through?.

Then I cleared my eyes towards where they entered the hallway. There I saw clearly that they were all just sitting there waiting, while the only person who entered and passed through this narrow passage was one of William's group members who I had previously thrown a small stone at until his face turned red.

There it was very clear that the percentage of being able to escape was very small, even I, who couldn't do much to resist, received a raw blow to the face.

"How does it feel to be hit by my fist? How dare you, a loser, play me this far."

He hit me repeatedly with a happy look as if he had taken out all his anger on me.

With the remaining strength I had, I tried to fight. But my efforts were in vain, he strengthened his blows even more.

As a result of being hit by constant blows, my vision slowly began to fade.

I realized that sooner or later I would collapse in this dark and cramped place accompanied by a bunch of delinquents who were constantly yelling at me.

I don't want to end up in a horrible place like this, I want to get out? I kept saying that over and over again in my mind. Hoping that a miracle would happen and free me from this shackle that tormented me.

In the midst of despair, I suddenly felt the wheel of time around my current place stop. I, who was now face down helplessly after being hit hard by one of William's delinquent groups, with only a little consciousness left I saw him standing silent in a position to beat me as if time had stopped.

All of this felt very confusing to me, I was curious about the members of Wiliam's gang who were still outside the alley, whether they were also silence like one of their colleagues in front of me.

Immediately my gaze turned to their place and saw them all in silence as if time had stopped. But strangely my body can still move freely as if nothing happened.

Seeing the situation that was starting to benefit me to run away. I didn't want to waste this opportunity, with this I forced my body to at least be able to move away from where they were. At that time in my mind there was only the word 'go home'. My body is really not strong anymore, at least just to be moved. As a result of that hard blow, it left a huge wound on my body.

Realizing that I was no longer able to walk, my body lay limp on the ground several times. But my mind was still clear enough to at least dawn me that I had to leave that place immediately if I wanted my life to be saved.

As I limped step by step to get out of the entanglement of William's group of delinquents, someone suddenly pulled my hand. At that time I was very scared and assumed that the person who did it was a member of the delinquent group who had beaten me repeatedly earlier.

I started to see with my eyes very clearly where her hair was flying about part of my face which had previously been injured due to the previous fight. I thought it was true that the person who was pulling my hand was a woman, but after I looked carefully I didn't recognize her at all.

It cannot be denied that she has very beautiful white skin, she also has shining golden hair that is so beautiful and sky blue eyes. Plus she wore a long yellow dress that reached her toes.

The mysterious girl continued to lead me through and away from the narrow alley where William's group members gathered. The girl's footsteps stopped after the two of us were in front of a cafe which was very far from where William's members gathered. There I wanted to thank him because after all he had helped me hide and get away from where William's members had beaten me.

But before I had time to thank the girl, suddenly my little sister called from inside the cafe, immediately making my eyes divert to greet my little sister.

It seemed that his goal was to invite me to join him at the cafe. But after I turned my gaze back to the girl, she was gone.

I was very confused, making me wonder where the girl had gone even though I hadn't had time to thank her for her help earlier.