
The Magic Rings

Grey is reincarnated into a world of magic, unlike the protagonists he used to read about he did not even get a cheat method. Grey decides to enter the military to learn more about magic, there he is introduced to the wonder that is Magic Ring system. He will have to use his knowledge from his previous life to make the Magic Ring system better so as to get an advantage in the battles to come.

AuMi_Tebas · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
107 Chs

Chapter 102

Qila shouted at the top of her lungs as her voice pulled her subordinates from their stupor.

Only her and the lieutenants from Team 2 understood what type of opportunity that Grey had given them, and she was going to use it to do a large amount of initial damage.

June and Qila were the first ones to attack with John shielding the team from the effects of the green light.

John did not understand how the spell worked, but he knew that they should not get in contact with the light, thus whilst the two females were doing damage, he would make sure the team did not suffer from the green light.



"ARGHH. It hurts."

The sound of men and women shouting in pain due to the spell could be heard together with the explosions of June and Qila's spells.

The men and women in question just stood there whilst June and Qila's attacks devastated them.

It was only when the first person fell under June's spell that the Arinese understood that Grey must have done something.

As team that he targeted did not try and defend themselves they just shouted in pain as the lost hair and their skins developed all types of ailments.

Team Arin thus recognised the opportunity and attacked quickly enough to get rid of those who were suffering the ailments caused by the green light.

"Be careful! Grey must have done something!"

Francesca shouted to the rest of the teams that were there to support Grey's capture.

"Lt Crawford, I now understand your emotions when you came back to report about him. I am a light magic user as him, and I can tell you the previous spell was just only light concentrated. I have no way of telling you how it could do so much damage."

"Now is not the time for getting in love with him Graze, they are coming!"

"I know, I just had to say that he does deserve the A class bounty, it should be S class now, now that we know of his full abilities."

Grey looked at his team who had just finished the team who had just experienced the [Gamma Flash Bomb].

'We will never have it easy anymore, they should be more on guard.'

Grey looked in all four directions, in his mind they were all dead men and women.


As Qila's voice sounded, the Arinese team moved as a single unit.

"Graze, be careful! We don't have much teams to further lose."

Even though Francesca said that, the Ruhenese outnumbered Grey's team 1 to 4, even with the death of the other team under Grey's flash bomb.

They still had an advantage, it was just that Francesca had learn to never underestimate Grey.

Originally there were supposed to be five teams being led by five team leaders like Francesca and Graze, with one team completely wiped, they could only do with four teams under four team leader.

But even with those odds, Francesca would still be careful.

The four teams surrounded the Arinese in four sides with Francesca's team directly in front of them, Graze's team was on the left and the other two teams covering the rear and right side.

Team Arin moved towards the right side, Qila figured they were the weakest using pure intuition.

"John to the front! Kit cover our back!"

"Yes Mam!"

As Lt Kit Halifax and Lt John Ward moved to the assigned positions, those who could support them went with them, Ilse who was holding Kohler went to the rear to support rear defence.

"Grey, I need you focus on the most dangerous tier 1 mages, if you can take out tier 2 mages, do it."

Qila said with a cold voice.

"Yes Mam."

"The rest will do their best to kill as many as possible. I will not tell you we will survive, it is most likely that we will end up dead in this place, at least we will have people to accompany us..."


Qila did not get to finish her speech as John's voice could be heard as he warned them about incoming attacks.

Even when missing both arms, this fellow was still a master at defensive and control magic, such that as he warned the team, he was already summoning a giant wall of raging waters.


It was not only John who was having to defend, the people who were protecting Team Arin's rear were put under heavy pressure.

"Lt Halifax, Incoming!"

"Ilse, Kohler Barriers!"


Grey did not waste time when the order to attack came, with his buff robe, all his magic became more powerful.

This showed as [Multiple Luminosity Drills] did not short work of a tier 1 mage's defence killing her without giving a chance to ask for help.

Grey felt she was a threat as the defence she had shown was genius, giving the tier 1 mages from Arin a tough time.

"Be careful of Grey's spells!"

"But he killed Ren!"


"Get your act together, we knew what we were getting into. Even if he kills some of us, he will run out of supporters before us."

Team leader Byron steeled his face as he saw the corpse of his favourite tier 1 defence type mage.

The girl was talented with earth magic, but there she laid on the ground with holes on her body, with one ghastly hole on her head.

'We must. We must. We must. We must endure. To capture him, we must endure.'

Team leader Byron thought to himself as he saw the other three teams from Ruhen attack from three other sides.



As Grey's voice travelled through Team Arin, all the members ducked, immediately after that a nearly invisible beam of light travelled towards the team in the rear.

The beam of light was only 0.1 millimetres in diameter, but the heat and destruction that beam carried was to a different tier.




The beam travelled right through the centre of the rear team, that team lost some members.

A giant ravine was made when the spell hit the ground, the ground melted, and some of the members of the rear team got killed by the residual heat.

Team leader Mia had a neutral face on her pretty face as if what had just happened did not involve her team, but if someone looked carefully, it was possible to see the team leader was gritting her teeth.

Even with Grey's surprise attack, the exchange of spells did not stop, it just got more heated.

"Lt Stein, Gale is down and Ilse is injured!"

"We continue."

'We must. We must continue. I won't let you take Grey from me, I would rather the rest of the team die before you take Grey from me.'

Abe Kohler had a hard face as he looked at Ilse who was bleeding in many parts of her pretty body, these two, together with Lt Kit Halifax had been securing the rear.

The pressure they were under was difficult to explain. The rest of the team was focusing on attacking the team Byron, whilst they had to make sure the rear was not breached.


Grey saw Scarlet get thrown by a big explosion, it was lucky that she did not die immediately, he did not comment as he focused on the fight.

"Be careful!"


Giant white spheres were flouting around Grey, these were made of powerful concentrated fire and light, each sphere was at least five metres in a diameter.

Team Byron were full aware that if those sphere hit, death was guaranteed to come.


The shields put up by Team Byron did not have to be used as Team Graze exploded in fire and light.

Grey had stopped using buff cloak and un summoned the white spheres in order to capture team Graze with [Explosion] when they were the most cluttered.

The white spheres were only distractions, taking the fear the Ruhenese had developed for him, it was easy to make them focus on that and lower their guard.


"Don't get complacent!"

Francesca had a difficult face, she knew this would be difficult, but seeing team Graze going up in flames and light, made her realise that she was also in danger.

"You don't the range of his spells."

Team leader Graze was too late when [Explosion] dropped on top of them, and lost his arm, it had been turned into ash together with three tier 1 mages.

"Qila! Autumn has completely lost consciousness!"

"I will carry her!"

Miranda volunteered to carry the unconscious Scarlet.

Grey glanced at Scarlet, the girl had 3rd degree burns on her body, it looked scary, some of her red hair was missing, making her look bald.

"Lt Stein, David will not make it."

Grey looked at Sophia's teammate, the fellow had a giant hole on his chest.

The whole situation was turning into one big tragic story, where the killing must continue, however mages were strong, even with their deaths coming soon, no one stopped.

"Ilse, leave me behind! You are going to die! Sharon would not forgive me if you died."


Ilse did not hesitate when Abe Kohler said that, she already had an idea what he wanted to do. The fellow was out of mana, and his injuries had just increased as the fighting continued, he was close to death.


Team leader Mia shouted as she saw Abe Kohler still alive and being abandoned by Team Arin, but she was still too slow.


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