
Something that you should not know

Following the glowing ball of light jenny reached at an abondoned place, far from her house there was an abondoned place which is an old mansion with a beautiful garden in front and a big door which is beautifully carved with antique design. Since the door is too old and broken there are alot of holes . People believed it to be haunted but it was too beautiful to believe that for jenny. Since there was no logic behind it being haunted so jenny wasn't afraid. She saw inside through the hole. There that glowing ball of light landed and its light decreased, slowly that ball of tranformed into a humanoid figure with beautiful wings of green color. Since it was night of full moon so everything was clearly visible. That was a fairy like creature but it happened to be male fairy with beautiful green eyes. When jenny was looking at him he noticed her and opened his wings to fly and then in the sky she saw green colored light coming towards the land and then with a flash of light she woke up at her home and got to the conclusion that this whole event was her dream. But was it really a dream?