
Unexpected events

When jenny woke up with a flash of light, she believed it to be a dream but that dream was unusually real to her and she also remembered it vividly. So it is daytime and jenny is getting ready for her school thinking about her dream. Jenny reached her school and told everything to her best friend lucy. Lucy listened to her well and told jenny that her dream is like a good omen for her and told her not to overthink.

Jenny was convinced by lucy and was happy too. The day was over at school evertone went back home but jenny was studying in the library with lucy.out of blue lucy asked jenny about her ideal type. Jenny was a little bit shocked by this question and then she calmly replied that she is not into these kind of things she just focuses on her studies but in jenny's mind she started thinking about it. She thought about that green eyed person from her dream although she only remembered his eyes. Meanwhile lucy mobile rings and she suddenly gets up and take her bag to run back home and told jenny that something is very urgent so she need to go immediately. Jenny was a little surprised and was worried too. So after completing her study she packed her things to leave, jenny knew that she was alone at school but still sge hqd a feeling tgat someone is looking at her but she can't see anyone.while In the school ground she heard someone calling her name she followed the voice and went in tge direction where the voice was coming from she opened the door of one of her school classroom but she reached the same place which she saw in her dream qnd there it was him.