
Rude interruption

Sung Jin Woo has no more mana left to spare, his shadows are gone but his fatigue has not yet settled in. From the looks of it, his opponent has a lot to spare as well.

Suther single handedly eliminated a gauntlet of summons that could destroy this world with the guidance of a commander. Yet he still has the will to continue. In his eyes, the flame of life is still burning bright. He could see a little bit of himself from him. The table have turned, irony and nostalgia struck him.

*I've gained something new again. From aura to this thing. I wonder what it is. My aura also developed. Is the effect relative to how much I receive damage?* Suther dwelled on his arms, simmering with some sort of blue and purple energy.

After examining the terrain and his state, he requested.

"We should end it here." The Shadow Lord said. "I think we've done too much destruction for today."

He then surveys the area. Trees pulled out from the ground, pierced ground, the landscape ruined. It was clear that they needed to stop. "Looks like we've done a tad bit of fighting. Well then let's g-"

Something entered the scene.

A Wyvern drops down from the sky and pummels to the center of the area, Intervening the duel that Suther and Sung Jin Woo are having. They unintentionally attracted the attention of the beast that is ranked as the current strongest. This particular Grimm is a giant, flying creature capable of summoning other Grimm yet it doesn't have one. It is a newborn after all.

The black hair warrior felt a sense of similarity when he first laid eyes on it.

"What is this? Another Antares?"

The grimm raises its right hand to the sky. The dragon's hand falls down, its hands are dense and durable so it is expected that the impact will ravage the whole scene. Sung Jin Woo is able to evade the attack by an inch. As it was said, it did destroy the whole stage but what is surprising is that he's still alive after the attack.

With it's left hand in the sky, it repeated its attack. Just as he was about to use his daggers, Suther appeared before him and took the colossal blow. Saving him in the process.

"I can't have you die here friend. Let's kill this thing before it becomes a problem." Suther proposed.

"Is that all?" As he said while pulling out a mana potion from his dimensional storage. "Let's make this quick. We've already defiled this land, let's make sure that this imitation of Antares doesn't defile it any further"

Following his statement, he proceeded to empty the vial. His mana is restored back to 100%. Suther could tell that his condition is restored based on how he felt a flow of energy pulsing through his body. There were Oracle ampules back at Fafnir HQ that can restore his reserves but not to this extent.

"Quite the item you have there." he remarked

Sung Jin Woo responded. "Curious one aren't you?"

"I am more of a researcher rather than a fighter." Suther told truthfully, he got a rather negative response from him. Almost comparable to annoyance.

He opposed. "Nonsense. How do you explain this whole fiasco then?"

"I'll leave it to your imagination."

The Wyvern attacks again. This time it used both of its hands to attack.

They evade as swiftly as they could to avoid it. The Wyvern made another concave marked the ground. One hit could kill both of them if they're not careful. The God Eater and Shadow Monarch run around the battlefield to confuse the Grimm for a short while. Slashing attacks and blunt attacks won't work since its skin is intriguingly durable so the only way they could damage it is to pierce it.

He and his opponent have to postpone their battle and defeat this anomaly in front of them.

"Sung Jin Woo!"


"Let's cooperate. I only need you to do two things."

This was the first time for a long time, Sung Jin Woo collaborated with someone other than his summons. "What am I supposed to do then?"

"Push me up the sky with the strongest magic spell you have and lure it into the Center of the arena!"

"Wouldn't my strength kill you?"

"I'll use my God arc's shield so Just Trust Me On This!"

Suther rushes towards him with his shield deployed. With Sung Jin Woo's right hand projecting a gauntlet, the air around them begins to collect itself on to a single concentrated point that is his palms.

"Get ready!" He notifies him.

Suther covers himself by using the shield to disperse the damage. He crashes himself towards the collected storm

A spinning Vortex of wind collides. The attack caused damage to the ground and to himself. With a little help of reforming the shape of his God arc, he is able to redirect his direction up into the air instead of the ground. The Wyvern loses sight of Suther, and looks above. It seems it's more interested in him than going rampant all over the city.

"It's all for nothing then." Sung Jin Woo deliberately said. A mass of shadow crawling up from his feet until it reaches the neck area. His body efflux of his magical essence, an armor capable of withstanding colossal blows with ease, the downside was that he cannot let this coat of magic stay as long as it should. After Antares' dying blow, he was pierced with a spear that erases immortal factors.

Such as the spirit of Ashborn that resides inside his body. Although it did not change much aside from losing the immortality factor, he lost his bottomless mana. He had no means of increasing it so he is back to when he first earned the ashen heart.

"OI!" He screams at the Wyvern. As if that works against a commander type Grimm. Seeing as it does not respond to him, Sung Jin Woo jumps to a height the same as the beast, then strikes the it's head.

It did not suffice. He made the Wyvern wobble a bit before regaining its balance. It's attention quickly changed to him. The resulting attack turned its behavior from calm to furious.

Sung Jin Woo moves to the center. The Grimm followed him to the desired location. Suddenly and without warning, the Wyvern's tail is placed onto the ground and sweeps the place in a circular motion.

The Magic enhancement helped him dodge the attack by hopping again. He was on his head, standing on top of it like a platform. He then stomps its cranium to make it more focused on him. But it's hard material defended it from causing internal injuries. He abandons attacking the golem and focuses on distracting it. The Shadow sovereign jumps down and scrambles around the arena.

With his superhuman agility, stamina, plus his dark armor, he created hundreds of afterimages. His speed confused the monster and started attacking randomly.

The winged lizard is unlucky and did not hit him even once. Sung Jin Woo's tasks are complete. It's at the center and Suther is about to pierce at the speed comparable to a falling meteor.

Sung Jin Woo stops moving then stands on the branch at one of the trees with a smirk on his face while waving. Saying these few words in a childish tone. "Bye-bye"

Suther's God arc donned a charge spear form. The tip collided with it's head and pierced through. As expected, it penetrated the head of the monster, but it's still moving like a chicken that lost its head. The Wyvern wriggles like a glitch, acting on instinct instead of logic. It's Hopeless and doesn't know how to act according to the situation. If this continues it will break out of the arena and rampage into the city.

Just at the side of his peripheral vision, he sees Sung Jin Woo running along its back to reach him. He uses his 'Demon King's Longsword' and drives it into the small slit opened by his attack. While the blade is in place, a surge of lightning bursts out. It spreads throughout the body and electrocutes the monster's mind, causing it to lose its life. The monster turned into an ash-like material, and fluttered away.

Allowing them to drop down to the ground.

Once below, Suther raises his right arm with palms open. Sung Jin Woo then acted accordingly. In one quick motion, he slaps his hand. The sound echoed all over the forest.

"Hunt successful" Sung Jin Woo exclaimed.

The two fought a grand battle that shook the world by storm.