
The lone she-wolf

Scarlet,a young girl faced with dangers,unfortunate events and hidden truth,betrayed by humans.will she ever find peace or loose herself on a rampage

cobalt_blue · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
87 Chs

Chapter ten

I checked myself in the mirror swaying side to side, I stroked my little abs on my belly, doing a silent squeal jump in excitement as I turned around only to see Nigel at the door. My smile quickly dropped, I felt my face flush up in embarrassment. I ran under my covers.

"How much did you see?" I mumbled loud enough that he could hear me.

"Everything". I screamed under my sheets before coming out and acting naturally. I passed him going to the living room. I can't believe how fast I've gotten used to this place it almost felt like home. I couldn't stop the feeling of butterflies in my tummy as I thought of me growing up here. He joined me in the living room sipping his morning coffee, and note you don't want to see him before his morning coffee. I noticed the bandage wrapped around his upper biceps.

" What happened to your arm?". He took another sip looking at his arm then gave me a slight shrug. I stared at him like the answers would pop out of his mouth any moment. I didn't ask any further. We all have our secrets and I tell you he is one secretive man. I felt a slight tug in my chest. Maybe he didn't trust me. I played with my hair thinking deeply. Unawares he patted my head stroking it like a puppy. I looked up at him pouting. I slapped his hand away. My chestnut brown hair had streaks of white coming out. When I first saw it, I freaked out. Thinking I had aged overnight. But Nigel said it was fine, perhaps my wolf. It disorganized my look. If Anne saw it she would love it, crazy was her style. I miss her.

"Stop thinking too much or you might get old overnight" I scoffed at him, going out to chop my early morning wood. No pun intended.

I finished my training early coming back to see Nigel on the porch with... hair dye?. I looked at him confused but went over to him.

" sit" I reluctantly sat down not knowing what was happening.

"May I ask why I need to dye my hair"

"Cause it's necessary, you'll understand later on" he started mixing it, forming a deep purple shade. Nice.

He finished some minutes later washing the dye out, then letting it dry.

I looked in the mirror feeling up my hair and I got to say this wasn't bad at all. It was great. He packed up and came to my side.

"This is going to be a new routine". I stopped stroking my hair facing him.

" why". He looked toward the forest.

"Cause there are bad people everywhere and one thing you gotta do is to never let them know your real identity". I nodded like it made sense but I was left more confused than before.

" Come on, let's go eat breakfast".

He wore his apron bringing out the pot.

"You would really make a good husband ever consider settling down having werewolf cubs if that's what you call it". He gave a low grunt but didn't answer.

"I'm just giving a suggestion". I folded my arms.

"I have a wife already".

" the least you could do is answer..., you have what now?" My jaw dropped."You have a wife?". He seasoned the meat, stirring it gently as he nodded without looking back. I closed my mouth.

"Then what are you doing here alone moping around like a lost old man" I let out an exaggerated scream of frustration. He turned to me giving me the -you the did not just say that look

"How dare you". He pointed his spatula at me." Well, it's actually true, can't argue with that" he said as he turned back to cooking.

"But seriously what happened to her, did you guys separate, divorce, do wolves divorce, do you have kids, are they with her. I babbled all the questions at once, getting overwhelmed.

" She's dead also with my two little girls" I stopped talking. Shit.

"Dead, how did they die?" I couldn't help my curiosity. He was quiet, the food was done and he served me by placing mine in front of me. He wasn't angry that I knew more deep in thought as he went around. I regret bringing up the topic now. Me and my big mouth. Mentally slapping myself.

We ate silently. You could hear the sound of our forks hitting the plate. I glanced at him, he just stared at his plate. Looking solemn.

"The food is really good". He gave me a half-smile. That small talk was a complete disaster.

" I'm sorry for bringing up bad memories, I didn't know…". He stood up.

"It's ok, I'll be on the front porch, eat your food" with that he left. I slapped my forehead. Stupid. stupid. stupid.

After eating and doing the dishes, he hadn't come back in so I went looking for him. I went outside and he sat with his face pressed to his palm. He looked up, sighing.

"You remind me of her sometimes"

"You're wife?"

"No, my first daughter you both have so much in common" I made my way to sit beside him. He talked about them so passionately it was like I had known them for a long time. I could hear the croak in his voice as he tried to hold back most of his emotion, a tear slipped through my eyes as I listened.

"They sound wonderful, I wish I could meet them" I rubbed my eyes. Can't believe I was crying. I can't remember much about my mom, I just know she's dead. We talked more as he shared his memories about them. I could see the glint of excitement in his eyes. He really loved them.

"It was my fault if I had been there for them they would still be here" he went silent after saying that I didn't know whether to ask any further. It reminded me of when something was bothering Anne and I decided to wait. I hesitated a bit but asked nonetheless

"Can I ask how they died?" I gulped uneasily, not knowing whether I made the right choice. He stood up going down the porch but turned back. "That'll be a story for another time, you said you wanted to learn how to hunt like let's go" He grinned which in response I smiled back. It's like we got closer.

"Sure thing boss" I joked, happy he was goofing off as usual. We trained till dawn. I was exhausted going straight to bed.

I listened to the cricket as they echoed through the night. It was still early in the night when a gust of wind blew. I smiled.

"Funny seeing you here". She scowled at me. And they say I'm the grumpy one. She raised an eyebrow. Of course, she would notice.

"what are you going to do now". I tapped my finger repeatedly on the arm of the chair.

" what I should have done a long time ago". She glanced at the sky at the same time you could see a star drift past across the sky.

"He will come after you and the girl. What will you do then?" She already knew my answer?

"We'll be ready and I'll be waiting"

She narrowed her eyes at the entrance." will you tell her". I pressed my lips tightly together. Taking in slow breaths.

"I'm afraid she won't forgive me, and as you can see I lost". She gave a genuine smile, the one I hardly ever saw nowadays.

" I'm happy you lost". I gave a low chuckle. Will I be able to tell her even?. I don't want to be hated by her. I really have lost to that cub. I looked at the lawn where she had been standing a few meters away in front of the cabin.