
The lone she-wolf

Scarlet,a young girl faced with dangers,unfortunate events and hidden truth,betrayed by humans.will she ever find peace or loose herself on a rampage

cobalt_blue · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
87 Chs

Chapter eight

I sat there in her office staring at the ceiling. There are such things as werewolves and witches, even vampires but she wasn't sure about them since they hardly revealed themselves. The door opened revealing the kidnapper. I looked between both of them.

"You know him," I exclaimed loudly. "Yeesh!, You just started using your voice and already want to burst my eardrums" he plucked his ear removing dirt.

"Unfortunately yes," Ms. Jane said with an indifferent tone.

"Always as cold as ever, Clarice". He touched his hands to his chest feigning hurt. A scowl formed on her face.

" What are you then?" I asked, "the name is Nigel," he did a little bow. "No.." I said, smacking my forehead, he stared at me, clearly confused by my question." a witch too?". He formed an 'o' with his mouth.

"Oh no, more like you but half" I nodded slowly then stopped. Nah I don't get it.

"It's better to talk about this at the cabin" he looked towards Ms. Jane, I also turned to stare at her not knowing why.

She stood up going to the corner of the room, mumbling weird words. A circle appeared showing the forest in it. At the back, I could see the cabin where I was kidnapped. Explains how I got there in one night.

"What about Anne, did you bury her? Can I see her grave? ". I pleaded. She nodded, " but that's when you've learned to control your wolf".

At the cabin,

The sun was hot, and I was bathing in its ever-shining glory, wiping the streams of sweat that flowed down my temple. I raised the axe once again, hacking the wood I placed in front of me. Yes, as you can see I am wood cutting.

"How does this help control the wolf?". I stopped trying to catch my breath.

" First off you're not accepting your wolf, also this tests your strength". He put his hands into the bag of fried chicken.

"Good job kiddo you're doing great". He sat on the balcony chugging his cola as he devoured the chicken leg on his plate.

I chopped away. finally done with the tree trunk, ate dinner, and went to bed.

Outside the night breeze chilled my sour bones. Can't believe I went around the mountain looking for a damn cub. I looked at the door where the cub slept.

" You don't have to follow what he says".She stood there calmly accessing me." I won't stop until I get my revenge". No one is going to stop me. I shouldn't care, I'm just following orders.


The door flew open. Nigel stood there, holding a backpack dropping it to the ground. I woke up arching my sore back.

"Is it time for breakfast?" I got up to check the bag. Boots, frying pan, duffel bags. "Are we going camping?". He came back with a similar bag. "No, we're going hunting". I wore boots with some nice faded jeans and a blacktop. Also with gloves.

"Are you sure this is what to wear for camping? We are going out into the woods. there isn't even something to defend ourselves with in case of a bear attack." He gave me an all-knowing smile which in turn I frowned, getting a feeling of dread from his smile. We packed some things we would need then headed out.

"So what are we hunting today". I followed behind him closely.

" bears". I paused. Uh hell no I turned back towards the cabin but he grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. "No going back now kiddo". I let out a defeated sigh. We kept walking on the trail. We walked for hours, my feet were sleeping.

" hey, when..., he dropped his duffel.

"We'll rest here, unpack your sleeping bags then we'll go get something to eat".

After unpacking, we walked to a nearby bush and he squatted on his knees looking. I went beside him trying to see what he was looking at 'bunnies'. My heart melted as they played together hopping around their burrow. Then he looked at me expectantly, his eyes narrowing to the bunnies mouthing 'food'. Oh.... Then the sudden realisation hit me.No....I shook my head.

" I know I'm a big bad werewolf now but I don't want to hurt those cute little rabbits. can't we just buy the bag of fried chicken you bought yesterday" he looked at me like I just made a sick joke and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "That's not how it works," he finally said.

"Well is this a must in all werewolves to eat rabbits? I'm sorry, just new at this and I'm sorta trying to go vegetarian here". He smiled. " In a way, they eat grass, you eat them, works' out anyway", his face dropped into a frown. "Now watch me".

He crept up slowly to one of them that was munching away on the grass. I noticed claws extending from his fingers as he got closer to it, his footstep silent. As he got closer it was too late for it to run as he grabbed it by the head piercing his claws into it. It went limp between his claws. The other scurried away in fear. He turned back giving a victory grin.

"Now it's your turn" he went in the direction of the camp. Leaving me alone when he clearly chased all of them away.

The sun had gone down, I reached the camp, the fire had been lit and the bunny was being grilled on a stick. My tummy growled as I dragged my empty bag. I wasn't able to catch anything. He offered me a seat on one of the logs, handing me a piece of cooked meat on a stick.

"Tomorrow, you catch what you eat". savouring the sweet raw taste of roasted bunny. I'm sorry bunny but you taste so good.

"Why did you decide to teach me? curiously curious, he brought out his sleeping bag.

"Because I have to," he answered plainly.

"What did you mean when you said you're half?"He hesitated but continued.

" I'm half werewolf, my father was a human mother, a werewolf. I don't possess all the traits a full werewolf would have". He got into his sleeping bag.

"What's it like being a werewolf?".

" For most full werewolves it's like being connected with nature when you change which can be painful most times but you'll get used to it.you feel the dirt underneath your paws when you run, the wind brushes against your fur". I could see a small smile on the side of his lip as he talked.

"Can you change" it grew silent. Was I not supposed to ask. A sudden rush of anxiety filled me.

"Sadly I can't, but when I was little I would hear my mother explain it to me, maybe she hoped I would be able to turn" I could feel the tension aroused from the question slowly dissolve and sadness replaced.

The morning sun shone on my face, looking at the once lit fire burnt now up wood remained. Her sleeping bag was empty. Focusing my hearing she was nearby, her heartbeat faint and calm. I stood arching my back and heard a pop. Ah that hit the spot. I made my way over to where she was, crouched on the ground looking at the rabbit. Waiting. Walking slowly towards it she copied my hand gestures, but in her she had a knife. Jumping on the prey she caught it slitting its throat. The glint of excitement in her eyes. I chuckled lightly.