

So just a quick update to you all, I'm currently studying to a big test this Friday, where I have to basically memorize 38 pages aka over 18k words of heavy info till Friday.

So it's literally impossible for me to write anything as my headspace is fully occupied with this.

The good new is that I will have the entire next week off for Easter, so I can finally write intensively.

I've already established some rather unique but awesome things regarding his magic, and regarding how his character will develop the further we get into the plot!

I can have read some of you that are quite eager for him to get to civilization, but the thing is that he had absolutely no way to even consider that before with the struggle of survival on his mind 24/7 and even now, the topic of finding civilization is a goal that he will need to work extremely hard to actually reach.

He first needs to figure out where he is, then he needs to find a way to travel safely over large distances and locate a civilization.

And we can't forget that this is 1000 years in the past, the wilderness is in power here. Magic isn't a foreign thing and magical beasts are numerous and rampant. So he will have to have more personal power before he can even think of realistically challenging the quest of travel.

But don't worry, he is getting there.