
The Life-Traveler

Travelling is a lifetime experience, but for some it becomes multiple lifetimes. These people are called Life-Travelers. For one reason or another they became Life-Travelers (beings who reincarnate into different worlds after death) after dying. Some have been reincarnating for so long they lose their minds or find inner peace and lead worlds to something greater. While others are quite new to this. They are reborn on random worlds to random parents. So, will you join us in this journey as we follow the multiple lives of the characters? Life is fraught with danger and blessings.

TCrow · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Legends are Born

In an underground cavern there is a large stone building in the middle of a town holding around 1000 people. There are cries of pain as a child is being born into this world. In a room of this stone building is a pregnant Elisisian woman, a midwife, two scribes, and a worried man who appears to be a ruler of this tribe. The only thing to differentiate between the men and women is their stature and clothing. The women have a slightly taller stature on average and their clothes are a more vibrant color.

On this day this ruler has finally become a father, but not to one child. He has become a father of twins. For the Elisisians this is a rare thing to occur. To these people, twins mean a great omen for the tribe. Because when there have ever been twins, there has been conquest and bloodshed for the growth of the tribe. The current Great Tribes of the Caverns all have had twins born within their tribes. Now those twins are dead, but the tribes still manage to hold on to their power. Now, there can be another tribe to join the ranks of the Great Tribes. And this father will see this happen. When he goes to see his new children, he sees two big and healthy baby boys. Both with a very dark green and black splotchy skin.

He thinks to himself, "Yes, I am truly favored by Rashek! She has given me two sons with very dark skin! This is truly good!"

The scribes ask him, "What shall your new sons name be, oh great chief?"

"They shall be called Petroso and Polimasoo!"

He then takes the children from the midwife and holds them gently with love. Then after a moment he takes them to his wife so she may see the future to come for their clan. He may be the father of these boys, but she has brought them forth and bore them 2 years. She will be seen as a woman of true greatness among the women of the caverns.

At this time two more important children are being born. One on the surface by a small oasis and one at the mouth of a small cave.

The one being born at the oasis is a small pale baby girl. Her mother is with a midwife of old age. After the birth of the baby the mother looks deathly sick and asks the midwife to take the girl, to raise her well, and to name it for the clan.

There is great pleading and consoling from the midwife, but the mother knows she is at her end. She, like several other ladies in her clan have had extremely hard pregnancies this season. She has also been struck with a very hard labor and cannot continue with the clan with her current strength. So, she chooses to stay behind so the clan does not waste resources on her or slow their speed. The midwife does as she says, she takes the girl as her own and names her Ramok, so the girl may never be without.

The child being born in the mouth of a cave is being born to two fungus farmers belonging to a small tribe from a nearby settlement which resides in the mouth of a cavern entrance. The child is born with ease and we see a pale male Elisisian with a chitin hood appear from inside the cave. He walks to the couple with their newly born babe. They name the boy after the seer, Ta'om.

He jerks to the side as his head pounds with a headache! He stops in his place and it looks like he is considering or digesting something that was told to him.

He then tells the three new parents before they depart, "Thy children shall do many things, they shall make thee proud by doing what you do not want for them."

With that said, he receives a small silver-grey metallic coin from the couple and gives them some water skins. He then goes back into his cave to commune with his gods about the possible future. The young couple names the boy after the seer, Ta'om.

As years pass, the two latter children grow and learn quicker than the other children in their communities. Multiple times it is mentioned, "Your child seems like they have reincarnated since they're learning how to walk and talk so fast!" All is said in joke of course. As they start mingling with other kids, it is obvious that they are not like other kids. They tend to stick out due to their maturity, thoughts, and weird sayings.

As the girls grows, she constantly asks questions, even to the point of disrespecting the elders. Several times she has been punished by the midwife, but her thirst for knowledge and wisdom does not get quenched. She has even been caught saying weird things by the midwife at night. The weirdest being, "Why was I born a female, this is so unfair. Tom was born a male, but I get put into this world as a female. Gosh freaking dang it. God, why must you play such tricks on me?"

The midwife did not know who this Tom was or who this God was, but that can be tossed up to imagination. The weird thing was why the girl did not want to be a female. For the clans were very egalitarian and no male was greater than their counterpart.

The boy Ta'om who was born to the fungus farmers on the other hand was a levelheaded child who did what was asked. He never back talked or stepped out of line. He was weird and unlike normal kids, but the parents never had a problem with him. He was just outstandingly mature and diligent for them, doing whatever was asked with excellence.

As time passed these children grew into their own. Today they both became adults within their communities and now they had to pass a rite within their faiths. The girl had to journey the world for a year, gaining wisdom and experience. While the boy had to slay a beast, he would either die and fail, or live and pass.

I know compared to the first chapter this is very different, but I am only trying to speed it up. I am planning to do a chapter a week.

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