
The Life-Traveler

Travelling is a lifetime experience, but for some it becomes multiple lifetimes. These people are called Life-Travelers. For one reason or another they became Life-Travelers (beings who reincarnate into different worlds after death) after dying. Some have been reincarnating for so long they lose their minds or find inner peace and lead worlds to something greater. While others are quite new to this. They are reborn on random worlds to random parents. So, will you join us in this journey as we follow the multiple lives of the characters? Life is fraught with danger and blessings.

TCrow · Fantasy
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5 Chs

A Traveler is Given a New Life

There's a man's voice in a vast dark emptiness.

"Hey all, it's me again and guess what, I died once again. Now I know what you're thinking, 'Breaking the fourth wall? He must be a Deadpool spinoff!' H E double hockey sticks no!! I'm sadly not that cool."

There's a solemn impression in the void and the voice stops talking for a time

"To be honest I don't know if anyone can even hear me or watches over me. Yeah, there are gods, but none who can see all things to my knowledge. So, I just do this because it helps me think or it entertains me. You can choose which."

A noise can be heard in the void now, but as though it is a far off

"Hmm what's that noise? I never hear noises here." The voice said

The noise becomes clearer and it sounds like a voice, "NO!!! How could you BETRAY US?!"

A pop rings out. Then a thump… and another.

The voice says, "What is going on here?"

The second voice is much clearer now yet sounds quite weak while also coughing, "See you in hell you…" Then there is a release of breath.

"Oh, what the heck is goin on here?"

The voids feel becomes hectic and scared.

"I've never heard anything while I've been waiting for my next life. Oh please…"

"Where am I?! Who am I hearing?! Why can I not see" This voice sounds like the second voice.

"Wo there, calm down buckeroo! You are in no danger and you won't see for some time to come." The first voice replied.

"What? Why?"

The first voice says awkwardly, "Because if you are here talking to me – which is weird I might say – then you are most likely… dead. Now calm down and listen!!"

The impression in the void got more chaotic for a second then calms down a little.

The first voice calmy continues, "To answer that first question. Um, I don't know really. To my knowledge somewhere between worlds and our next life. So, maybe nowhere, everywhere, or your backyard." He says jokingly. "Second question, the name is Rimmy. Although I've been called many names. I doubt any you have heard of because I do not remember your voice, so let's stick with Rimmy. Yours?"

There's silence for a few moments before there is a reply, "The name is Tom."

"That short for Thomas or Tommy?"

"Neither, just Tom"

"Well Tom, what happened before you died?"

"I was betrayed by…"

"By who?"

"Whom and I cannot quite remember."

"Who's Whom?"

There is more silence.

"How dumb are you Rimmy?"

"Ouch, but apparently very if you're counting all my deaths. Also yeah, memory loss happened to me for my first time too. I am sorry about that and anyone you might have left among the living Tom."

"Thanks, I guess. And I really did not leave anyone. Most of those I loved died years ago."

The void has returned to a solemn feel.

"Well got any questions Tom?"

"Who are or what are you?"

"Oh, I'm a taurus!"

There's a sigh from Tom.

"I meant…"

"I know what you meant, it just gets boring here and the mood needed lightened anyways."

"Yeah, I guess you are right."

"Dang right! Well, I was a Martian from the obvious world of Mars. Then I died and became a life-traveler. Which you have become as well. Only difference between us is I'm more experienced."


"Yup, we live then die, and die, and die, and die, and die till I don't know when."

"Sounds bleak."

"It can be, but I try and make the most of it when I can. Any other questions?"

"Yes, many."

"Good, because all we got is time till we're reborn. Also, just list out your questions because I can remember them."

"What, how Rimmy?"

Rimmy waits for more questions.

"Fine. How does time work in this place? What happens when we are born? Are there any dangers? How many life-travelers are there? Are there life-traveler organizations? Can we be reborn into the same body again? Can we go back in time? How long will we be here for? How old are you?"

Tom ponders for the last question, "And I guess to wrap it up, does God exist?"

Suddenly two mirrors appeared before them!

"What the hell?" said Tom.

"Oh, it's rebirth time. I'll answer your questions if we have time." said Rimmy.

"Okay. So, what are the mirrors for?"

The mirrors responded, "You are going to be born on the planet Elisis, a humanoid species lives on the surface and in underground caverns. They are currently in an Iron Age with tribalistic and nomadic societies."

"Does that answer your question Tom?"

"Guess it does." Tom said with a shrug. "Wait did I just shrug?"

"Well look in the mirror Tom."

In the mirror Tom saw a short humanoid looking back. The humanoid figure was around four feet in stature. The shoulder width was twenty inches. The figure had no hair while having a dark green and black skin that is splotchy. There was also embedded carapace on the forearms, shins, thighs, and upon the face looking like a pieced together helmet. The eyes were small and completely black. There were also little spikes coming out the bottom of his wrist.

Tom became startled at the image and turned to look towards Rimmy's voice only to see another figure like in the mirror, but slightly taller and thinner. His carapace was also thinner and his skin colors were paler.

"Rimmy what is with these monsters?"

The figure in front of Tom said, "Well of course that is us, Tom. When we're reborn, we're born into the native species of that planet."

Looking at Rimmy with shock Tom could not speak. So, Rimmy continued, "It would be weird for species like these to give birth to humans. Heck we couldn't even survive on their planet if we were humans."

"So, we are born as adults?" asked Tom.

"Of course not, well unless you are born on Lytheroo. These are just the bodies we will most likely look like when we are in our prime, but let's not waste time on that. We have a few minutes before we're born. You will keep your memories, but since this is your first time they will be fuzzy for several years. You will not fit in but try to. These people are superstitious warriors who love strength and pureness of blood. So they will kill anything deemed abnormal or a threat to their power. Hopefully, we see each other again Tom."

And with those last words Rimmy clasps Tom's hand as they slowly disappear.

"Take care Rimmy, I will find you and we can work together."

And with those final words they finally disappear completely into their new lives as Elisisians.

I am doing this as a hobby. I am probably not a good writer and my grammar might be really bad. So, I would appreciate any help in the comments! If you like this sort of stuff cool, if not then tell me in the comments why.

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