
Chapter 2

3 months later after the incident.

A customer for the Starry Inn walks away and leaves.

Danang "Sigh.."

Rina: Danang, what's wrong?

Danang: (sighs) Let's head to the back, we need to talk.

Danang: We won't be able to make our debt payments next month if things continue as they are.

Rina: What can we do? We've been working so hard, but it seems like we're still struggling.

Danang: I know, but we need to think outside the box. Maybe we can come up with a new promotion or event to attract more customers.

Rina fidgeted nervously before finally mustering up the courage to speak. "Umm, do you remember those two who suggested I use my, umm, body to attract more customers?"

Danang let out a heavy sigh and rubbed his temples. He had been dreading this conversation for months, ever since Rina had first mentioned the travelers' suggestion. He knew they were desperate for money, but he had never imagined that they would resort to something like this.

He looked up at Rina with a pained expression. "I remember," he said quietly. "And I also remember that we decided it was a terrible idea."

Rina bit her lip and looked down at her feet. "I know," she said softly. "But things have only gotten worse since then. We can't keep up with the debt payments and we're losing customers every day."

Danang knew she was right. They had been struggling to make ends meet ever since the incident with the travelers, and despite their best efforts, their situation had only continued to deteriorate. He took a deep breath and looked back up at Rina.

"Alright," he said, his voice heavy with resignation. "I guess we don't have much of a choice.

Rina asked Danang if it okay for her to give her customers more special services and be more intimate to keep them for business.

Danang's eyes widened in surprise at Rina's suggestion. He paused for a moment, lost in thought. Rina nervously bit her lip, waiting for his response. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Danang spoke up.

"I don't know, Rina. It doesn't sit right with me…. Maybe we could try it out and see if it helps bring in more customers. As long as we're both on board with this, I'm willing to give it a shot."

Rina breathed a sigh of relief and threw her arms around her husband. "Thank you, Danang. I promise I won't let you down."

With a heavy heart, Danang agreed to Rina's plan, hoping that they could somehow make it work without damaging their relationship or their reputation.

After a short journey, an adventurer named Gret arrived at the inn the following day. Gret was a frequent guest, who would often steal lewd glances at Rina's body but never acted inappropriately, despite his yearning to make more advances. While Gret was eating the lunch Rina had prepared for him, she asked him how he thought of her.

Gret choked on his food for a moment before composing himself. "I... umm... I think you're very beautiful, Rina," he stammered out.

Rina smiled coyly. "Thank you, Gret. Would you like some dessert to go with that?"

Gret nodded eagerly and Rina disappeared into the kitchen. When she returned, she had a slice of pie in one hand and a mischievous glint in her eye.

As Gret finished his meal, Rina leaned in close to him and whispered to him whether or not he would like her to give him good luck.

"Uh, sure. Thank you," he replied, feeling a bit confused.

Rina smiled at him and continued, "I want to support our customers more and by praying for you good fortune. She placed the pie she had prepared on the table and gestured for Gret to join her.

Gret took his seat and watched as Rina closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She reached out and took his hands in hers, and he was surprised by how soft they felt. As Rina closed her eyes to pray. Gret couldn't resist stealing glances at Rina's delicate features, and he was struck by her stunning beauty up close. Her flowing blonde hair and perfectly curved jawline made her look like a goddess. The soft and glossy texture of her skin left him in awe. As Gret's eyes wandered down from Rina's face, they were drawn to the smooth, graceful curve of her collarbone. His gaze then lingered on her chest, taking note of its fullness and ample size. What he would do to be able to feel those mounds.

As Rina finishes her prayer, a warm sensation fills her chest and she feels her heart racing as she tightens her grip on Gret's hands. She can't resist the urge to bring her body closer to his, and before long, her head is resting on his chest. Suddenly, she opens her eyes, revealing their clear blue color, and softly speaks, "From now on, this will be our special service. Please continue to visit us and tell others about it." Her voice is like music to Gret's ears, and he feels a flutter in his stomach as he gazes down at her. Rina looks up at him with a coy smile, then pulls away. "Enjoy your dessert, Gret."

Rina persisted in her practice of offering "prayer" to her customers at the inn, hoping to draw more adventurers to her establishment. While there was an increase in patronage, it was not significant or remarkable. After a few days, the adventurers grew tired of merely holding hands during the prayer and moved on to other business. Rina felt disheartened and began to contemplate new strategies for attracting more customers.

Rina was starting to feel desperate. She had tried everything she could think of to attract more customers, but nothing seemed to work. She even started to consider going back to her initial idea of offering herself to customers, but the thought made her feel sick to her stomach.

One day, a group of adventurers arrived at the inn. They were loud and boisterous, clearly in high spirits. Rina greeted them warmly. Their laughter and cheer filled the room, drawing the attention of Rina who welcomed them with a warm smile. As they sat down to eat, Rina noticed that they were eyeing her up and down. The adventurers had heard about the struggling Starry Inn and were eager to take advantage of it. They approached Rina and asked her to give them a prayer, but with a twist. They wanted her to not only hold their hands, but also to give them a kiss afterward.

At first, Rina hesitated, but the adventurers were insistent and even offered to pay her 25 gil each as a tip. Rina's heart raced as she considered the offer. Finally, with a deep breath, she agreed to their terms.

The adventurers smiled widely as they lined up to receive Rina's unique "prayer," and eagerly reached out for her hands. As Rina leaned in her soft hair brushed against their faces, and they couldn't help but notice the curves of her upper body pressing against theirs. When it was time for the kiss, Rina's cheeks flushed with a soft hue as she closed her eyes and pressed her lips gently against theirs, feeling a tingle of electricity run through her body at the brief contact. Rina's hot breath intermingled with the adventurers. They definitely felt that this "special service" was worth it.

As the adventurers left the inn, Rina could feel her heart beating faster than usual. She couldn't believe how much she enjoyed the kisses, even if they were just a brief contact. She started to think that maybe she could use this new tactic to attract more customers to the inn.

I will be changing the story multiple times until I get to chapter 10~ (20K words.)

MartialLechercreators' thoughts