
The Lewd Inn

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  • 3 Chs
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What is The Lewd Inn

Leia o romance The Lewd Inn escrito pelo autor MartialLecher publicado no WebNovel. Warning: NTR&18+The Lewd Inn is a story about a struggling inn owned by a married couple, Rina and Danang, who are in debt and facing financial difficulties. Young Rina, was initial reluctant becomes ...


Warning: NTR&18+The Lewd Inn is a story about a struggling inn owned by a married couple, Rina and Danang, who are in debt and facing financial difficulties. Young Rina, was initial reluctant becomes more comfortable with her new role and even starts offering more intimate services to patrons who pay more. Danang initially feels conflicted about the situation but supports of his wife's actions. The story follows Rina's sexual exploits with Danang's acceptance. Story/Releases will be subject to change as I will be using this for my twine game in the future.

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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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