
Chapter 10

Dohnaseek was currently having a rigid battle against the Exorcists who were leading a dispute due to the recent incident of having found more than ten mutilated human bodies in an alley

While the fault should be those Denied Demons but the Fallen Angels had not been monitoring their respective areas, which caused no one to have control over those Forsaken Demons

"Do you think we Fallen Angels really have so much free time ?!" One of the Fallen Angels nearby shouted while battling with an Exorcist who used weapons with blessed bullets

This fighting situation was being seen throughout the environment, normal humans could not see them because of a 'World Power' which made them completely 'invisible' to humans but their powers brought destruction to the environment


Immense attacks were heard the air that anyone would confuse with thunder, it was at that moment that Dohnaseek felt something dangerous coming from behind him and turned around while raising a spear made of light


His body was sent flying while hitting the floor creating a small crater but still he was not hurt, he got up while his expression darkened

"Shura Kirigakure ...!" Dohnaseek was immediately furious to see this woman, but he was not the only one because Shura was really angry

"Damn Black Dove I finally find you!" Shura shouted with great energy coming out of her because she hated this person, just a few years ago she was sent to China to fulfill a mission but this Fallen Angel had caused so many problems at that time

Dohnaseek had killed two Shura allies at that time, therefore, there was a certain grudge between them "Are you aware that your attack will be taken as an assault on us the Fallen Angels? You, Exorcists, are exceeding their limits this is our City! "

"Your City? How disgusting to hear it coming from you, the only thing you do is walk there aimlessly letting countless humans die, do you consider yourself the owner of this City? Besides this 'aggression' you should have thought about it at the time when you killed two of us! "

"Then it's like that ... In that case, I wouldn't mind killing one more ... Spear of Light!" Dohnaseek didn't even miss another word before creating a spear of light launching into the attack

Shura also did not stand still and she swung her Demon Blade causing oscillations in the air and soon the impact between them was like a muffled thunder while creating some airwaves

Shura could not fly but that did not impede his battle, for years all the Exorcists had learned to control the air element which caused their bodies to be so light and could levitate at least enough to call it an air fight

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Countless movements and powerful blows were heard in the sky, at that time many of those present also reached a climax of their battle

And two stood out while running towards Dohnaseek's back, one of them raised his gun and shot accurately


A sharp shot was heard, Dohnaseek who was fighting Shura immediately became alarmed and created a shield of light which was ineffective!

The bullet penetrated the shield while quickly embedded in his abdomen which caused him to spit blood because this bullet was bathed in holy water


"Don't neglect! Snake Fang!" Shura waved his sword and the wind blades formed towards Dohnaseek, in this type of situation it was only a matter of time when he died

A battle of three Meister against a Fallen Angel was easily noticeable on the winning side

Igor Neuhaus raised a paper while controlling his summons and Kaoru Tsubaki raised his gun to fire even more bullets

Dohnaseek clenched his teeth and prepared for the impact only at that moment a bright light appeared and Mittelt immediately launched a light spear at Kaoru preventing him from firing.

She then crashed into Dohnaseek getting both to dodge Shura's 'Snake Fang' ability, both rolled down the floor while their expressions were different

"Damn woman, where the hell was you? Can't you see I almost died ?!"

"Does that really worry you? Why don't you thank me that I saved you? At least it's the logical thing!" Mittelt immediately rebuked him as he stood up and created a spear of light

Neglecting before three Maister was not recommended and she knew it, Shura touched the ground with her foot and watched both Fallen Angels while clicking her tongue

"I never thought the Exorcists would be so powerful ... What do we do?" Mittelt spoke softly as she glanced sideways at Dohnaseek beside her.

Both had the same idea of ​​escaping without even speaking it, they could be understood simultaneously, but there were no notable openings to achieve their mission ...

Dohnaseek thought about it a little and smiled "We just have to fight, right?"

"Oh?" Mittelt was surprised because she didn't expect Dohnaseek to really dare to fight but she nodded, dying wasn't that bad either ...

She held her light spear tightly and Dohnaseek did the same, it was at that moment that Shura quickly restarted her attack violently


Both clashed simultaneously is just ... And Dohnaseek?

Mittelt turned around just to notice how Dohnaseek was escaping while she clearly turned out to be the 'sacrifice' ...

Her anger rose to the heavens while she really wanted to kill Dohnaseek, why did she trust that liar's words?

The more she thought about it, the more stupid she felt, but it was at that moment that something happened, a strange black knife suddenly hit the ground just in front of Dohnaseek, preventing her escape.


BANG! ...

A violent explosion came and Dohnaseek was shot due to that explosion while suddenly three other knives were embedded in Dohnaseek's body

His abdomen, chest, and shoulder suffered from those three black knives stuck there, there was a brief silence even Shura stopped when he was about to kill Mittelt

Mittelt was dumbfounded at what happened while Shura's sword was just in front of her throat just a few inches away, she almost died but didn't get out of her daze until suddenly someone exclaimed

"It smells like gas?"

I accept suggestions before chapter fifteen ...

Solatecreators' thoughts