
Chapter 11

The other people in the surroundings suddenly realized the smell of Gas around, but why was Gas here?

It can't be ... Or could it?

But a nearby Fallen Angel felt a premonition and shouted at Dohnaseek "Take it off! Take it off now!"

Nobody knew what the papers were, but due to the cries of the Fallen Angel everyone came to think that it was something dangerous even some retreated back

"Take it off now!"

Dohnaseek immediately tried to remove the strange knives but ... Unfortunately today his luck was not very good

Psst ... BANG! BANG! BANG!

A series of explosions was present while the flames floated in the air due to the gas creating a living hell, not only Dohnaseek was involved some nearby soon began to burn as papers

Their horrified and bloody screams were heard among their regrets, they had strong bodies and superhuman abilities but this fire was not normal so they could not put it out and could only scream in pain, each one fell to the floor while they rolled

Mittelt was pale as she stared dazedly at the event right in front of her, she looked forward trying to find Dohnaseek with her eyesight

And it was there that she saw him

Dohnaseek's body soon touched the ground while it was on fire but there were gaps made by the explosions all over his body he undoubtedly died before he even lit himself on fire

After seeing that and noticing how the others also seemed stunned, Mittelt quickly ran away without looking back with hopes that no one would notice her now.

Shura noticed that Mittelt escaped but she didn't care, she instead had a tense expression as she backed cautiously and looked around, she was surprised ...

She could not feel the presence of the person who carried out the sneak attack!

Even so, those who were a more surprised thing was not the group of exorcists, demons or fallen angels, but the sneak attacker

Yukio was in a nearby alley looking at everything with a strange expression on his face.

"... That was not the plan"

Honestly, his plan was not to kill Dohnaseek, he just wanted to hurt him to take him with him but he turned out to be so weak that he died from the explosions ... How stupid was that?

Now his plan went by the undo, he sighed bitterly and decided to leave here because he had nothing to do here

If he went to fight only death awaited him after all the people gathered here were powerful, he turned around but immediately out of the corner of his eye a silhouette was about to hit him in the head


A sword struck his head in a destructive way, but at that moment his body turned into fog while a log of wood fell to the floor, the person who attacked him had a strange expression and turned around looking at Yukio watching her

"We are not enemies ... Could you lower your sword?" Yukio spoke calmly but he knew that if this woman attacked with all his might he could not defend himself

Shura looked at this short person and was surprised to hear the voice, he was a child ... She had located him only for pure luck and instinct, looked for places where they would be good to launch a sneak attack and looked in a nearby alley, for so she decided to enter to try her luck, in the end, she managed to find the person who made the sneak attack

His plan was to knock him out but this little boy turned into smoke and disappeared that strange ...

"If we are not enemies, what happens to your previous attack? Your attack almost involved one of my team ... What do you have to say about that?"

"I can only say that he had almost very bad luck, my attack was aimed at Dohnaseek, not your team, do you understand?"

Shura frowned and watched this boy, even more, she couldn't see his face because of that mask and his clothes were very strange "Who are you?"


"Didn't you hear? Who are you?"

Although she called Yukio to answer he said nothing, it's not that he didn't want to, it's just that he never thought about it but after thinking it a little he decided to call himself with the name of a character he liked

"Madara ..."

Shura who heard the name 'Madara' felt strange never heard that name yet she kept watchful she watched as Igor was hiding around ready to attack this 'Madara'

"I see ... You say we are not enemies, if so, why don't you come with me?"

"I'm sorry I have activities to do now, what do you think of another time? Even a date would seem excellent" Yukio joked as he took a few steps back, although his actions seemed to be those of a coward only Shura's agile eyes realized of the true situation

She realized that because Yukio was taking steps back and was alarmed "Wait! Igor no!"

Igor who had been waiting quickly came out and headed for Yukio while he had a paper in his hands ready to call his relative, this attack was truly lethal and his power was destined to break free but something very strange happened


Yukio crouched down and slipped his leg, making Igor stand out, it was also at that time that a shadow came down from the ceiling and with his Kunai stabbed Igor in his back of the neck killing him, although Igor was powerful he was a careless human

No matter how powerful a human is if he was attacked at a vital point only his death was destined, Shura was perplexed to notice two 'Madara', but his expression was instantly filled with rage

"No enemies? What a damn liar! Is this how you try to say that we are not enemies, just die!" Shura immediately swung his sword to enter combat

Yukio knew that his actions would bring him problems but he did not reject them, from the beginning his plan was to bring with him but he failed, instead, this man named Igor wanted to attack him, therefore, he took actions

Shouldn't it be called self-defense?

But forgetting that Yukio held his Kunai while soon the collisions between the two began to resonate in the alley, it was certainly an unbalanced situation because Yukio was still weak

But he was not going to retire at this time either, he jumped back and made several hand seals "Element Fire: Jutsu Flames of the Phoenix!"

At that moment five Fenix ​​made of fire shot in several directions as they headed towards Shura, she tensed to observe this strange ability but moved agilely trying to dodge it

"Snake Fang!" Shura waved her sword in front of herself several blades shot towards Yukio

Yukio immediately moved to the side but still had to endure one of the attacks which caused his body to fly, Shura took advantage of this and appeared in front of him sending a side-kick

Yukio immediately took her ankle to throw her aside, but Shura seemed to expect that and with agility, she took Yukio's hand as support as she sent her other leg which hit Yukio's face and made him step back two steps despite it Shura didn't stop alone there

She swung her sword from the bottom up with the intention of cutting in two from below, Yukio did not expect such an attack and could only lean back a little

Both then separated and looked at each other both were not on the same level, you could see that Yukio was very weak and it was only a matter of time wasted

"Why don't you give up? Even if you have to pay for Igor's death, you still keep your life, don't you want that?" Shura in a way did not want to kill the boy in front of her because from his perceptual he was just a child

Even so, Yukio shook his head and touched his own chest where there was a wound from which he was bleeding "Even if I give up ... You may execute me later, you will not forgive your friend's death and I know that ... But ... It's not like I care because I don't have any thought of giving up anyway "

Shura nodded solemnly, then she raised her sword ready to go seriously and kill 'Madara', she tried to converse but it doesn't work then she didn't have any more words

Yukio took a deep breath and spoke slowly "... Open it now"


[Executing Orders: 'Mystery Box' open!]

Ding! Ding!

[Kagetane Hiruko's 'Black Bullet' dress adaptable to the body!]

[Liz and Patty from 'Soul Eater']

[Steal from 'Konosuba']

Yukio went blank before the awards received, although he did not expect anything good, nor did he expect to receive so many useless things at this time, he could only sour his expression

At that moment Shura raised her sword ready to end Yukio's life, she was determined to kill him but she had a regret inside her because she really did not want to take the life of a small child after all

"I'm sorry..."

"Me too ..." At that moment Yukio replied and raised his hand "Steal!"


An invisible force emerged and they both stared at each other, it was a deadly silence. Yukio looked at his hand and then smiled somewhat helplessly as he knew this would happen.

"...See you later?" Yukio smiled under his mask as he stepped back, instead, Shura froze as she took the edges of her skirt

Previously she wasn't dressed for a battle, she had gone to a clothing store so she didn't change, but ... She was wearing a short skirt and Yukio in her hands was holding her panties

A cold breeze passed through her legs and she blushed sharply as her hands trembled "You ..."


Yukio disappeared quickly leaving her standing there blushing she bit her lips "At least ... Give them back!"


Yukio never thought of winning a battle in this way was certainly very humiliating, so much so that his own ego felt hurt as he fled he watched the panties somewhat damp in his hands due to the sweat with some strange expression

"... Saving them doesn't make me a pervert, does it? ... Uh, I will return them the next time I see it if that is ..." He told himself before throwing it into the inventory and preparing for leave for today

Her plan went awry and now she had won an enmity with the Exorcists and it seemed that the next time she met Shura, she would possibly try to kill him at all costs.

He patted his face while floating, it was at that moment that he tried to lean to the side but it was too late


Yukio's body was sent as a without rope comet which hit a nearby wall destroying it on the spot.

Previously his body was already injured from the fight with Shura, now with this collision, his bones even seemed to break while he clenched his teeth in pain, the person who hit him clearly could have killed him in one blow

"..Ah ..." Yukio tried to take a breath but it was really so painful that as he tried to get up he soon fell back down, his body was shaking while his head felt so dizzy

It was also at that moment that a blond man touched the ground while swinging a large sword in his hands "So it's you ... You are a rather strange existence, your presence I can't feel but your power is so low ... Tell me, who are you really? "


"Don't you speak? Oh they must be for those wounds, well if I take you to the headquarters then you can heal yourself and get good information" The man spoke to himself and then proceeded to approach Yukio ready to take him with him

But it was also at that time that one more person descended while speaking slowly

"Certainly Mr. Paladin our 'talk' has not yet ended, should I take his retirement as an escape from me? ..." Grayfia who had just arrived stopped when she noticed Yukio lying on the floor

She felt that she had seen it before until she remembered that existence which she could not feel the presence, her eyebrows frowned

"Mr. Paladin, are you trying to kidnap innocent people in our City?"

Arthur smiled and observed Grayfia "My beautiful lady, although I would like to continue 'chatting' with you this person has something of value that I have seen, therefore I have decided to take it for a while, also do not worry it is not a kidnapping it is a 'loan'"

Faced with Arthur's despicable words, Grayfia frowned but she realized that this man did not seem to want to fight, which certainly gave him great relief since she was somewhat hurt from the previous fight.

But she was also curious towards that person lying on the floor, she took a few steps forward while she was cautious towards Arthur

"Before I lend it to you, let me see his face ..."

Arthur nodded with a smile and reached down in front of Yukio as he stretched out his hand "Really because you want to see his face? I will still fulfill your wish, look!"

Just when he wanted to say 'Look at this!' he suddenly felt a gust of air trying to lift his sword but it was late


A rumble that echoed throughout the place was heard while Arthur was sending to fly at an uncontrollable speed destroying some houses in the environment, was a blow so destructive that even Grayfia leaped back acting cautiously of the attack

It was now that she noticed a tall man in a dress similar to the same as the boy lying on the floor only that she wore a wolf mask

Before she could even say something that man touched the boy and they suddenly disappeared abruptly as if they had never been there

"... Space-Time? ..." Grayfia muttered to herself as her expression showed curiosity and amazement.

It was also precisely at that moment that some presences began to appear, she quickly decided to escape these people were the 'Government'


Yukio was now lying in his bed while he was weakly in pain, his body was literally beaten but the system offered him 'Healing'

Right next to Yukio was a man dressed as ANBU watching him silently before he spoke slowly

"Was that your plan? Wasn't it better to call it Suicide? Although I have some amazement at your ability and capacity to master everything you learn at an abnormal speed, even then you weren't very bright there ..."

Yukio showed a weak smile before a faint sound of pain escaped but he spoke "Really? I would say that not everything was so bad ... At least I could make myself known and with your appearance I think they would lend us some attention, even if it fails, it could be said that I also end up winning something "

"What do you mean?"

"Dohnaseek ... I killed him and defeated Shura Kirigakure, that news will spread soon, it is only a matter of that news coming to the Himejimas and when I meet with them they will notice that I am on the same side ... Do not do you think? Senju Tobirama"

I accept suggestions before chapter fifteen ...

Solatecreators' thoughts