
Extra 11: Chaos in the Elemental Nations (2)*.

(1) Canon [The Legend of the Kyubi].

(2) Canon [Naruto]


"I know you're excited, but you have to do it carefully" - Mikoto said as she put her hand on her friend's shoulder.

It had been 5 minutes since the group had left Tsunade's office(2) and by now the adults were accompanying Kushina as Kurama took the children and led them to the Hot Springs. The group was using a Henge so they could go unnoticed, after all, some of them should be dead.

"I just hope that idiot Jiraiya doesn't do anything stupid with our babies in that place" - Tsunade snorted as she folded her arms.

"By the way, girls, what are you doing here?" - Mikoto asked as she saw how Hinata and Ino were following them.

"I'm curious to know what Kurama-kun would be like if nothing had happened" - replied Hinata as Ino nodded firmly, and to the group's surprise, they noticed that they would find out almost immediately - "Wait, Sakura-chan!"

"No, you're insufferable, Naruto!" - Sakura exclaimed with a frown as she watched as a blonde boy wearing an orange-black jumpsuit, ran in her direction.

"It was just a joke, Sakura-chan!" - Naruto replied with a sheepish smile.

"Ok, this is weird" - Ino muttered as she saw how the blond boy who looked too much like Minato and Menma, was running after Sakura - "And in many ways".

"He looks so much like Minato" - muttered Kushina as she sighed regretfully - "This is going to be a little awkward."

"Relax, he's not Minato" - replied Mikoto while smiling at her friend - "Don't you notice that troublesome personality he has, and the shape of his face? He's your spitting image, Kushina-chan!"

"She's right" - Tsunade nodded as Kushina smiled slightly. She had to admit that it was a strange feeling to see a perfect mix between Minato and her with everything that had happened, but at the same time, she couldn't deny how excited she was to see her firstborn son.

"Please tell me it's not true"- Hinata muttered as she looked in the direction where Naruto and Sakura were, only to notice how a familiar silhouette appeared behind a lamppost- "Somebody kill me."

"Easy, Hinata-chan" - Ino said as her lips trembled as she tried to hold back laughter - "I-it's not that bad."

"At least say it without laughing!" - Hinata(1) exclaimed in embarrassment - "How is it possible that in this dimension, I'm the Stalker of Kushina-san's son?!"

"Well, that proves our theory of what you would be like if Kurama-kun hadn't helped you with your shyness problems during the academy" - replied Ino as the other women nodded - "Now the question is to know if you're also a masochist in this dimension!"

Hinata was about to say something else, but kept silent when she heard Naruto's cry of pain in the distance - "Ouch! What was that for, Sakura-chan!"

"For using that perverted jutsu!" - Sakura roared with a feminine fury - "How could you possibly transform into a naked woman who only covers her important parts with a smokescreen!"

Kushina was about to curse Jiraiya for transforming her baby into a pervert, but she got nervous when she noticed how Naruto was watching them curiously - "!"

"Etto, who are you?" - Sakura asked as she raised an eyebrow at the sight of such a diverse group of women, especially the brown-haired woman who had a physique much like her teacher and current Hokage of Konoha, Senju Tsunade.

"We are some visitors from a distant land" - Mikoto replied as she noticed how Kushina froze under her son's gaze.

Sakura frowned when she heard such suspicious words, but said nothing. She had decided to tell Tsunade when she had the chance.

"Easy, girl, your teacher knows about us" - Tsunade(1) replied as she folded her arms.

Sakura did not respond as she was unsure of the veracity of the foreign woman's words, though her expression changed when she noticed how one of the strange women changed her appearance and looked silently at her teammate.

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise as he felt his heart pounding. He could feel his mouth go dry, as his heart screamed at him to take the woman's hand and not let go, as his inner child cried for the woman in front of him - "Y-You!"

Kushina was silent as she felt the tears begin to build up in her eyes

"Y-You are" - Naruto said as he started to tremble. He was sure, but at the same time, he was afraid that the woman's answer would be a denial.

"Naruto" - said Sakura with concern as she saw her teammate acting in this strange way - "Are you okay?"

Kushina watched this with pain because, despite everything, she still couldn't tell her son that she was his mother.

"I think we better retire for now" - said Mikoto as she looked at Sakura and Naruto, then grabbed her best friend's shoulder - "Let's go, Kushina-chan."

"Oh, ok" - nodded Kushina weakly as Tsunade and the others led her out of the place.

Naruto watched this silently as his instincts screamed at him to stop her, that they needed to talk, but he decided to ignore them. He had sensed the conflicting emotions in the red-haired woman, that's why he decided to wait because something told him it wouldn't be the last time he saw them.

"Naruto-kun" - Hinata(2) muttered as she spied what had happened, but her expression changed when she noticed how one of the women in the group was strangely familiar - "Okaa-sama!"

Hinata(1) glanced at her counterpart before indicating to the second Hinata to follow them because they had some things to talk about.

Hinata(2) watched the group of women closely as she activated her Byakugan, only to widen her eyes in surprise at the sight of so many familiar faces - "Impossible!"

* * * * *

30 minutes had passed since Kushina and the others had their first encounter with Naruto, and right now they along with a guest were dining at one of Konoha's wealthiest restaurants.

"Is it really you, Okaa-sama, Mikoto-san?" - Hinata(2) asked as she looked at her other self, as well as the former Uchiha matriarch who was supposed to be dead.

"I'm sorry but I'm not your mother" - replied Hinata(1) with a forced smile, after all, it was herself who was calling her mother.

"Pff ~!" - Ino couldn't contain herself any longer so she let out a loud laugh - "Kami-sama, this is hilarious ~!

"Ino-chan!" - Hinata(1) exclaimed with her face red from embarrassment.

"There's no way I can't laugh, Hinata-chan ~!" - Ino exclaimed as she continued to laugh uncontrollably - "Anko-chan and the others would kill to hear about this ~!"

"Stop teasing me, Ino-chan!" - Hinata(1) exclaimed as she began to feel her fury growing, as well as her embarrassment - "Or do you want me to tell the others about how the you of this dimension is in love with an Edgy Emo Avenger?"

Ino's laughter disappeared when she heard this, as her face grew paler and paler - "Oh god no!"

Hinata(2)'s mouth opened as if she was a fish trying to breathe out of water when she heard the names of the two beautiful women, only to shake her head because it was obvious that they couldn't be who they claim to be, after all, she was Hinata.

"I can see you're a bit skeptical of their identities" - Mikoto said as she smiled at the Hyuga girl from this dimension.

Hinata(2) nodded obliviously as she tried to get some light in the middle of all this confusing darkness.

"Long story short, we came from another dimension" - Kushina replied as she saw that the two younger girls were still fighting - "We came through a dimensional rift by accident after my husband and I tried to use a new seal."

Hinata(2) widened her eyes in surprise as she looked at each of the women present. Her older version, as well as that of her classmate Ino, Sasuke's dead mother, the current Godaime Hokage of Konoha, as well as this strange red-haired woman.

"Right, I haven't introduced myself yet" - Kushina said with a smile because her teasing side was coming out - "My name is Kushina, Uzumaki Kushina, it's a pleasure to meet you, Hyuga Hinata."

"Oh, this will be fun" - said Ino as Hinata(1) ducked her eyes to hide her red face, after all, she knew better than anyone what it was like when she was in the academy.

"Three, two, one" - Mikoto said as a smile appeared on Tsunade's face - "Zero".

"Uzumaki!" - Hinata(2) exclaimed with a red face after connecting the dots, only to faint helplessly.

"She took it better than I thought" - said Kushina with a teasing smile.