
Chapter 2

"I see them, Mike!" John says through the radio.

The fat policeman (or Mike) ends his daydream and says...

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go get them!"

John zooms past Mike and turns on his sirens alerting Natalie and Kievin of their presence.

Back to our heroes

Natalie and Kievin tried to run but got backed into a dead-end.

"Whelp I guess we're going to jail." Kievin says calmly.

"What! How come you're so calm, your the one that got us into this mess in the first place!" Natalie says angrily.

"What! In what way did I get us into this mess! I saved you and this is the thanks I get! Huh!?" Kievin also says in an angered tone.

As they were about to fight. John pulls up next to them.

"Well well well, what have we got here huh?" John says in a suspiciously sinister voice.

Kievin punches immediately but gets blocked then gets uppercutted which sends him flying. John then got the handcuffs from his belt and puts it on Kievin. Kievin tried to struggle his way out but was not successful.

"Stop struggling, it's only going to get worse if you struggle." John says with a smirk.

John shoves Kievin inside of the back of his car and closes it. Kievin stars banging his head on the window but stop when John says...

"If you break it, I'm not just going to arrest you for harming a police officer, I'll also arrest you for the destruction of government property."

As he says that he goes into the driver seat and starts the engine.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something... meh it's probably not that important" John thinks to himself.


A random police officer drags Kievin to an interrogation room by his handcuffs and uncuffs and cuffs them back to a bar attached to the table in the middle.

"Your lawyer is here." The police officer says confusing Kievin.

"What? You must be mistaken, I don't have a lawyer." Kievin says confusedly.

"I don't care, it's not my problem." The police officer said like he just doesn't care.

Said lawyer arrives and we can now see what his supposed lawyer looks like. With white hair and a white twirled mustache, wearing circular glasses and a blue suit.

The police officer leaves the interrogation room and our hero's lawyer sits down and grabs a chair opposing Kievin.

"So... are you my supposed lawyer?" Asked Kievin.

"Yes, I am." Stated the lawyer with much authority.

"So what're you going to do?" Asks Kievin.

"I'm going to get you out of here. Follow me." He stated as if as a fact.

He stands up and walks to the door.

"I said follow me." He said with more force than before.

Kievin looks baffled and follows his lawyer without a word.

They walked in silence to the front of the police station, bribing every police officer they see.

"Wow. I cannot believe what just happened." Kievin says baffled.

"Let's talk somewhere else private." His lawyer says not wasting any time.


In an underground base, we see our hero drinking some tea wearing a suit. He wonders how all this happened.


"So who are you?" Asked Kievin suspiciously.

"I am God's Representative. Micheal the Archangel." He says as Kievin looks on in shock but calms down after a while.

"Oh really?" He asks suspiciously.

"Then why are you here." He follows up.

"My God 「The Biblical God」 wants you to participate as his champion in the 『God Battle Royale」." He says.

"But why!?" He asks in shock, believing it instantly.

"And I quote 'I want him as my champion cause he's ungodly handsome and above averagely strong'" He says uncomfortably.

A sweat drop appears on Kievin's forehead and he thinks to himself...

'What an eccentric God'

"But he is right though, you are probably the most handsome mortal on this planet, well except for you're father." Said Micheal truthfully.

"Michael, I don't know what to say..." Kievin said slyly.

"No! It's not like that. Angels especially Archangels can't have mortal attachments." Micheal said sadly.

"Oh so... you can't have attempts to live a normal mortal life." Kievin also says with a sad expression on his face. But then realized something.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Hold on! You said the 「The Biblical God」 and not just God, you emphasized the Biblical in 「The Biblical God」." Kievin says in realization.

"Oh Ho Ho(French laugh) so you caught it huh?" Michael says slyly.

"That's right I said 「The Biblical God」as in more than one god. All gods of myth exist as long as somebody believes in him/her/it." He continues his statement.

"So like what or who should I say are the Gods?" Kievin asks.

"You want all of the Gods or just the important ones. Cause if you want all of them we're going to be for a really long time." Micheal says bored at the end.

"Just the important ones, please. I don't want to stay here more than necessary." Kievin says the same as Micheal. Bored.

"Okay. I don't want to say all of it. So I'll write it out for you." Micheal says while getting a piece of paper out of nowhere.

The piece of paper writes out the following:

[The Big Three Religions are the Christians, which「The Biblical God」. The Greeks, which 「Zeus」,「Hades」,「Poseidon」rule the Greek faction separately but equally. And The Norse which 「Odin」is the king of.