
Chapter 1

In an unnatural white space, an old man is watching through a portal, in the portal was a man with unnaturally good looks. The old man (who was actually God) who seems pretty interested in the man, was actually thinking whether or not to make the man his champion in the 『God Battle Royale』.


The man was walking to his apartment when he heard a scream, he went to look for what made that sound, hurriedly walking to a cliche alley he saw what looked like a mugging, feeling his instincts come over him, he jumped into action punching the mugger into the air uppercutting him. The mugger was sent flying through the air before falling on his head gets knocked out on the dirty alley floor.

The man then turns around to face the victim who he didn't look carefully at before. The man was about to ask if she was alright before his jaw drops to the ground because of her beauty. The same was about the victim she did not expect her hero to be so handsome.

Now that we can clearly see both of them, the man has black combed over hair and has black eyes was wearing a plain white t-shirt below his black leather jacket and dark blue jeans and black converse shoes.

The victim who we'll call the woman, for now, has red hair with white tips and green eyes and was wearing a short red dress reaching her knees and red heels. The woman suddenly fell down but the man grabbed her waist trying to pull her up but was not strong enough to do so, so he instead settled to try and break her fall by shielding her from the ground.

The man grunted from the fall and the weight of the woman.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?" The woman says in shock and awe at the man in front of her.

"Yeah I'm okay but can you please get off you're pretty heavy." The man says jokingly, trying to alleviate some tension at the moment.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" The woman gets up and blushes from the man insinuating she's fat and his handsomeness.

The man stands up then looks down at her eyes feeling sparks in the air. The woman feeling something staring at her looked up a bit then also started staring before looking away, the man also does this, then some awkward silence for a few seconds before the man builds up the courage to speak.

"So... uh... what's your name?" He asks weakly.

"Oh! Uh... Natalie Fremins." Natalie answers a bit too fast she realizes this and quickly covers up her mouth. The man laughs a bit before ducking from a punch directly heading to his head, he looks around to find where it came from and finds an angry and blushing Natalie.

"So what's yours then huh!" Natalie angrily asks. The man fearful of Natalie quickly answers.

"My name is Kievin Tan." Kievin says quickly.

Natalie then starts to quiet down then starts to hear sirens.

Two police cars turned up right next to the alley. One policeman exited one of the cars, he was a little bit fat. He started walking towards them.

"I received some reports about a fight going on over here." The policeman says in a sure tone.

"Oh uh... there was no fight here officer, not that I know of." Kievin says forgetting about the mugger on the floor.

"Uh-huh. Then how do you explain that?" The policeman points toward the mugger over Kievin's shoulder.

"Oh! Uh... hehe that's a funny story actually..." Kievin says slowly walking backwards.

"John! They're about to run!" The policeman shouts towards the other car. A tall fit black man steps out of the car. Seeing this Kievin stops and says...

"Wait wait, there's a perfectly reasonable answer to this."

"Oh yeah. Tell that to the judge." The fat policeman says nonchalantly.

"Nat! Run!" Kievin shouts out while running.

"Huh?" Confused Natalie follows him. When they were far enough she asks him...

"What just happened!" Confused at what just happened Natalie looks toward Kievin just to see he's just as confused as she.

"I don't even know anymore." He says tiredly.

"But let's get out of here" He continues.

Just when they thought they getaway. They hear some sirens. Meanwhile, inside one of the police cars, we see the policeman from before talking to John through the police radio.

"Keep looking they couldn't have gone far" He says angrily.

'I can't believe I let those two go, how stupid of me, but at least I got the other guy' The fat policeman thinks to himself.

"I see them, Mike!" John says through the radio.

Next chapter