
The Legend of Su Chenyu

Morningstar Continent, Grand Tai Dynasty: Su Chenyu is the eldest young master of the ancient Su family, one if the most powerful families in the entire continent. And his life changed the day he discovered a broken artifact in a forest. ' Did the system come from that artifact? The system is an existence that has never been heard of in this world.....how powerful is the person who created it...and is it safe to use it?... also where did those memories come from? ....is it connected with gaining the system?.....most importantly were those my memories?.....my previous life?.....in that case the blue planet exists?.... His world view changed since that day . Follow Su Chenyu as he faces challenges more dangerous than the previous ones, see him face dangerous opponents and seek answers to his questions......his goal is to be as power as an existance that created the so called system..... NOTE: 2 chapter daily will be published From the Author : Hi everyone, please point out if there are any mistakes in the chapters, I will correct them as soon as possible. If you are enjoying the novel please support by adding it to your collections , and commenting below the chapters. I will try my best not to disappoint you ;)

Beyond_the_wall · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Zi Han

Su Feng hesitated for a moment. Su Chenyu could see it was a shameful matter for him.

"I am there for you, you know, right? Now say what happened."

Su Feng greeted his teeth and said

" He was just a trash a month ago. But suddenly his strength rose and he became an inner sect disciple. It is said that he had a fortunate encounter by luck. "

"Two weeks ago, the foundation Establishment realm disciples were taken to the nearby forest to hone their skills.

There he fought against me for a treasure. He was in the first level of foundation Establishment at that time. I was 1 level higher, but I still lost."

"He was indeed strong for a level 1 foundation Establishment Brother. "

"After that incident, I heard he became the personal disciple of a core elder. Also, I heard he reached a core formation recently. It's said that even the sect Master expects a lot from him, and he has the highest potential in the sect."

Su Chenyu listened to him and was in deep thought.

He asked" You said he was trash before? How trash?"

Su Feng replied," Brother, you don't know, he couldn't even reach level 5 of qi condensation even after staying in the sect for 4 years. "

Su Chenyu was confused. He asked" Then why did the sect master say he has the highest potential?"

Su Feng answered" I don't know the specifics, but it is said his talent increased after having a fortunate encounter and he is increasing his strength rapidly ever since. In a week, he crossed the entire realm of the foundation Establishment. "

' He crossed the entire foundation Establishment in a week?'

'How is that possible? '

'In the entire dynasty and also the surrounding dynasties, the quickest one could do is at least a year. How is it possible to do it in 1 week?'

'Is his talent that great?'

The so-called talent was nothing but the ability of a person to absorb qi energy during cultivation. The faster one can absorb, the higher one's talent is.

'If he is really that talented, then it is terrifying.'

'Wait, what if he also has a treasure that is as magical as my system? I know such things don't belong in this continent but there's a chance that there is something that's similar to my system and Zi Han got it.'

' No, I need to observe him and find out. He also fought against my brother for a treasure. What if he comes back as an enemy? '

Su Chenyu wanted to find out more about where the system came from. It was like a magical place to him. Now that he suspects that there might be something similar to his system with Zi Han, he wants to get to the bottom of it. He knew the chances were very less, but secretly in his heart he hoped it's something similar so that he can find out more about from where they came .

He made up his mind to find out the secret of Zi Han and asked" Is he in the sect right now?"

"Yes, I think so. But don't do anything to him, brother. He has the protection of a core elder in the sect."

"I know don't worry. Anyways, you should focus on your cultivation, defeat is unavoidable in life. You shouldn't give up because of it."

"Yeah yeah I know brother. "

"Alright, you should go now. Inform me if you have any problems. "

Su Chenyu and Su Feng both had their own communication tokens and could send messages to one another.

After Su Feng left, Su Chenyu asked Hu Ming to collect all the information on Zi Han. Soon he got to know that he was 14 years old, just like his brother. He was indeed trash and couldn't even reach level 5 after four years of being in the sect.

He was actually taken into the sect by an elder who owed his parents a favor. But due to his trash talent, he was to be sent back home soon. However, all that changed with his rose in strength.

His family wasn't anything special. His parents were in the Core formation realm, and they lived doing business in a city called Lyon, which was close to the Flying Sword sect.

He called in his 2 Soul Refinement Realm servants and asked both of them to keep an eye on the whereabouts of Zi Han.

'I can't deal with him in the sect. So, when he goes out, I will be able to observe him.

If he really can increase his strength with the help of a treasure, then he is bound to leave the sect too. I will observe him then.'

Soon the night passed.

The gathering of the five sects happened in the morning. All 50 disciples from the 5 sects gathered. They were all in the Nascent Soul realm. The age restriction was set to 60 years.

Actually, this gathering was to maintain friendly relations between the sects. The disciples of the Blood eagle sect and the Seven Star Sacred Land were far superior to the first-rate sects. If the best disciples were brought, then it would have been a playground for them.

Su Chenyu, despite being a level 1 Nascent Soul, won against a level 4 Nascent Soul from the Flying Sword sect. He won 3 more matches against the other sects.

It was no surprise. He was from the ancient Su family and was a genius core disciple of the Seven Star Sacred Land.

The gathering went on for the entire day.

However the gathering was of the least interest to him and he couldn't wait for it to end.

Because he got a message that Zi Han had left the sect soon after the gathering began!!

'One of the soul Refinement Realm servants is following him. I will immediately leave after the damn gathering ends.'

Soon it ended.

Su Chenyu immediately informed his master that he was going out with his servants to roam the nearby area and will go back to the sect on his own.

His master agreed as he thought it was a good idea for him to see the world. Also, Su Chenyu had his own life saving treasures as he was part of the ancient Su family, so he was not worried about his safety.

Soon, Su Chenyu left the sect with Hu Ming and the other Soul Refinement Realm servant.

He had received a message that Zi Han was going towards Lyon city, but he was going through a forest which was a shortcut to the city.

He guessed that he was going to visit his parents and immediately left in that direction. However, one thing confused him.

Zi Han was only in the Core Formation realm. Was he not afraid of accidents? Why take risks when he could take a much safer road?

His suspicion increased. He thought he definitely had a secret.

Soon he received another message which stunned him.

Zi Han miraculously found another hidden treasure which increased his strength from the first level of core formation realm to the fifth level of core formation realm!!

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