
The Legend of Minecraft

Follow Nathan into his adventure in the World of MINECRAFT. (Disclaimer, I will try to create a create a greate plot, without too much side characters, and try to at least earn from this) Every OC is owned by me. Minecraft is not owned by me (of course) and goes to it's rightful owner Mojang.

Now_You_S33_Me · Videojogos
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2 Chs



'I felt a great disturbance, I fear that this world will churn into chaos' The Great Seer said into the mind of other gods.

The two gods were shocked with the news, their figure quivering. The atmosphere turning into seriousness, making the situation appear grave.

"Is this true?" asked the god of Heart, trying to digest the news.

"Why now?" the god of Earth said, looking very upset.

The Great Seer looked ahead to the realm, composing himself.

'The dark forces of the Nether had found out a ruins that was made centuries ago, by the nomads who seek great knowledge about the world...

They created a portal from the Overworld, that is connected to the Nether. They have seen everything that could be seen to the Overworld, and asked me for a way to satiate their thirst of knowledge and adventure...

So I gave them a vision of the Nether, they were great worshipers. They have helped those in need, through my guidance they gave peace to the Overworld. And so I gave them their wish' The Great Seer was embarrassed, and was hesitant to look in the other gods' eyes.

"I understand, however the Nether is dangerous. Why send them into their deaths?" asked the god of Hearts without judgement, as he knew it was for a purpose.

"Do not worry, we understand your mistakes. I sometimes spoil my creations, our creations" said the god of Earth, as he reassured the Great Seer.

The Great Seer nodded and continued...

'They were powerful enough, I knew it, so I guided them. They were amazed, and because of it they built a settlement near the portal, so that they can explore and have something to come back to...

However, their search of the nether came quick as they angered the creatures that resided there, they have been framed because of a stolen gold and the King being assasinated. They escaped and broke the portal fearing that the horde would cross the portal and destroy the Overworld...

They shared the stories and to their deaths they shared their bravery. I also warned them to not share the creation of portals to keep the Overworld safe, so we won't have to worry about it ever happening again. ' The Great Seer finished the story, making the other gods thoughtful.

"How much time do we have? Have they opened it?" asked the god of Earth.

'They have not' The Great Seer shook his head.

"What should we do?" asked the god of Heart.



The gods contemplated, finding it hard to think of an answer.

'We can choose a champion in the Overworld' The Great Seer suggested.

The god of Hearts nodded and asked the god of Earth.

"Do you have some in mind?"

"I don't have one in mind, the Overworld stagnated after the long peace since the the Great Plague" the god of Earth shook his head.

They were stuck on what to do and the god of Earth looked at the expanse of the realm they were in.

'That! That could work!' the god of Earth gained an insight and shared it with the others.

"How about we don't choose from our realm?" The god of Earth suggested.

"How? there are infinite number of realms. Almost all of them are barren most are filled with dark creatures" the god of Heart asked confused.

"I haven't told you, but I met a soul. He was floating from nowhere, and I decided to keep him. I can see that his soul is not tarnished, so why not?" the god of Earth said in plea.

'If we give him our blessings then surely he can help defend the Overworld' The Great Seer suggested.

"Then let's see him" The god of Hearts gestured the god of Earth.

The god of Earth nodded placing his hand through his chest and motes of light emerged from it.

As he grabs the light he puts it up on his face and blows into it.

The motes of light flew in front of the gods and slowly created an ethereal form of a human.

The gods eyes were fixated at the figure and can't wait for it to wake up...

"Wake up" whispered by the god of Heart...


"Wake up"...

Hearing a voice, his being jolted and slowly his eyes opened.

'Hm?... W–Where a-am... I?' The Soul thought as he stirred awake.

Around him was a room, It looked ancient, as stone and sculptures filled the ceilings, walls, and the floor.

His eyes landed on his feet and then on his hands...

'What am I?' Asked the soul.

His mind was processing everything crudely as if he slept up for a long time. Slowly, he gathered his thoughts...

'Games...Internet... Novel... Minecraft' His thoughts concentrated into one as he remembered playing on his computer without sleep and then, a nerve on his neck jolted in pain, throbbing until...as if a vain popped, his brain nerves surrendered.

His memory after that was nothing. No darkness.



He then looked ahead and saw three beings.

On his left was a being that kinda looked like an octopus, but there was a purple heart on it's head that was pulsating, It's encased in some kind of glass orb connected to it's head. Two purple eyes underneath it's glowing purple heart.

In the middle was a being who has a fox like face with no mouth or anything but eyes, and a humanoid stature. He seemed wise with his squinted eyes and a ridiculously large forehead that stretched, making him look weird.

Then on his right was a cyclops that was in a texture of a mine…craft…


'Minecraft? This is Minecraft right? What d-do they want?'

"Ummm H-Hello?" He was weirded out with their stares, but he was able to speak up.

"Hello lost soul" greeted the cyclops.

He nodded and asked.

"Wh-ummm Where am I?"

The three gods looked at each other an nodded.

"You Lost Soul was picked up by my friend and brought here at the Realm of Gods. He is the god of Earth, Eudus " The god of Hearts gestured with his tentacles to the being on the right.

Eudus nods at the gesture.

"I am the god of Hearts, Tricuspid" Tricuspid nods at the lost soul, as well as the lost soul.

'I am the god of Mind, The Great Seer or Hur' He was startled by the voice in his mind, he looked at the the being in the middle and Hur nods. He also nods, understanding that the being spoke with it's mind.

"I am Nathan, thank you for finding me. I don't know why I am lost though" Nathan spoke and has slightly forgot his nervousness.

"You are welcome, I don't also know why you are lost in the infinite realms. But we need your help" Eudus says.

"What type of help?" Asked Nathan.

Eudus looked Hur and nodded.

'I'll explain it. As you can see, the Overworld as we would like to call this part of world. Is soon being threatened to be taken over by the dark Nether forces' Hur gestured with his paws.

In front of them was a table that seemed like a map, full of greenery and atmosphere. It looked realistic as mountain gave depths and texture to the table.

What made this exciting was not the pure details, but it seemed liked the world was made out of blocks.

This made Nathan giddy, and was ready to take on the challenges of this world. Forgetting the past and any attachments to it.

Then It zooms in deep inside the world and shows the Nether.

It was filled with lava, fire and danger. As the it was also filled with mobs and they are seemed to be busy admiring a… portal?

'They found a remains of my people and I am deeply upset about my fault because of it the world may turn into ruin, and I would like to fix my mistakes by giving you a chance. They will soon ravage the world, and I would like you to stop it.' Said Hur.

"You will have our blessing, we can see that you won't use this for darkness" Said Tricuspid.

"Do you accept?" Asked Eudus.

Nathan contemplated.

' It depends on their blessing, but I will have to consider how these blessing can help me.' Nathan thought.

"What are the blessings? I would like to know first so that I can understand my survivability " asked Nathan.

"I will bless you the power to regain your health much faster. So that it could give you more chance to survive" Nathan nodded.

'I will give you the blessing of an improved mind. You will be able to remember quickly, make decisions faster, and become much more intelligent' Nathan thought about the blessing Hur gave him, and nodded.

"I will give the blessing of resiliency, being able to place and break block much faster, and for your blocks to defy the laws of gravity" It wasn't much, but Nathan nodded.

'The regeneration is great, the mind is great, I don't remember all the crafting recipes and I get kinda dumb with redstone so that won't be much of a problem. Then resiliency, It isn't much, but being able to place and destroy blocks much faster is great, and having the ability to defy gravity with block is a huge advantage against the Nether Mobs…

All of these is great boon, I don't know how to manage the inventory part and among other things, but the mention of blocks may include the use of inventory. If that doesn't exist I'll have to think of another way of storage, or donkey I don't know. Being able to to do all that will be great. Let's Go!' Nathan's spirit is up and answered.

"I'll accept" The gods nodded with glee.

"If you need more questions if you are down there, you will be able to reach us through churches" Tricuspid gestured and their statues showed to the table.

"I understand" Nathan said.

"Your journey will now start, thank you for accepting our mission. You may now…

Be Reborn!


End of Chapter! Thank you for Reading my first chapter of this Fanfic. I hope you guys join me on this journey.

I will post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Although that might change, you will just have to be always tuned out when I post a chapter.

Thank you once Again And Peace!