
The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED]

THERE WILL BE NO HOMOPHOBIC CONTENT FOUND IN THIS FIC. IF I KNOWINGLY, OR UNKNOWINGLY DO SOMETHING CONSIDERED HOMOPHOBIC, YOU MAY FREELY TELL ME. There is a paragraph in one of those chapters, mentioning homosexuality, so those who are uncomfortable with that one paragraph may ignore this book altogether. THAT SAID, I'm not tagging this book as BL, or LGBTQ, as the whole LGBTQ community might hate me for tagging the book as such, when only one paragraph in the whole book even touches LGBTQ. Sorry for that LGBTQ people. ~~~ Summary: Rahul was an average dude, with an average job, average house, and no one to share it with. He was satisfied with his life though. So it was very much a surprise for him when he wakes up as Thor's younger twin. ~~~ This is a Self Insert fic. The MC is reborn as Baldur, the younger brother of Thor, and the story is centred mostly around him. The MC will wake up in his crib, a few days after his birth. When in the timeline will he be born? Well, glad you asked. In this AU, Baldur is the younger twin of Thor, instead of the waaayyy younger brother. For those of you who don't know, and are too lazy to Google, Baldur is the younger brother of Thor and Loki(in the mythos and the comics, he doesn't exist in MCU) by at least a few years. Also, while Thor is the son of Gaia, Baldur is the son of Frigga. He's the Norse God of Light, so beware of photon manipulation, and heat manipulation. These will be his powers, at least in the beginning. I'm fairly unimaginative, so it'll look about similar to Captain Marvel from MCU. I'm a new author, with 2 incomplete fics on ffn.net, and have suffered from writing blocks. This is my attempt at regaining my writing spirit. The updates will be, sort of slow, but I'll try to post at least one chapter per day, but please be patient if I'm late. If you need to imagine him as an actor, let's make it Liam Hemsworth, the younger brother of Chris Hemsworth. For those who like to donate money to authors, on pat.reon, I have an account, and I welcome any donations. But, just so you know, there's no benefit to the ones who donate, other than good Karma for your next great adventure. My id on pat.reon is /HelloDarkness07 Thank you!

HelloDarkness07 · Filmes
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63 Chs

Talking, and more..

I wake up, to find myself in a place that suspiciously looks like Hogwarts lands, only without the castle. I look around, and sure enough, there's the Black Lake, and the Forbidden forest.

I feel a pull towards the Black Lake, so shrugging to myself, I start walking, and think back on what I remember.

I was fighting the Phoenix Host, with Jean's help. I killed the Host, with the Sword of Godric Gryffindor, which is probably the best Immortal killing weapon right now, and the body of the Host, Divadi, disintegrated.

I remember that she managed to disintegrate my left hand, along with my ear, thanks to the pain I felt on their destruction. And then.. some flames got up from the ashes of Divadi's burnt remains, and entered me.

"Fuck." I whisper to myself, understanding the situation. Not knowing where I am, and if the Phoenix Force brought me somewhere, I look up, and call out, "HEIMDALL! CAN YOU HEAR ME?"

Nothing. I wait for a minute on the same spot, but nothing happens.

Trying again, I shout, "SOL! CAN YOU HEAR ME?"

Immediately, a flash of flames occur in front of me, leaving behind the familiar Phoenix. My Phoenix, Sol.

"Sol!" I exclaim, happily, running towards her to hug her.

"Stop!" Sol says, but I don't listen and jump on her.

Unfortunately, I pass through her, and fall face first on the ground. I scowl at the snickering Phoenix, and finally ask, "Why the hell can you speak out loud? And why did I pass through you, Sol?"

Sol stops laughing at me, and sighs. She says, "Baldur, unfortunately, I'm not really here."

"She's right, you know." A female voice to my left says.

I look to my left, warily, and see something that's going to always be stuck in my mind. A lady. A naked lady. A naked lady, who had giant wings of flames behind her, and flames covering her privates, unfortunately, was standing on the water of the lake. Even her eyes were on fire.

"Lady Phoenix?" I ask, hesitating a bit.

The burning lady nods, smiles and floats towards me, her wings staying still. She stops when she's right in front of me, and puts a hand on my cheek.

What's with everyone touching my cheek? Like, seriously.

"I've been wanting to meet you for over 180 years now, ever since I sensed you." Lady Phoenix whispers, caressing my cheek.

I slowly lean out of her touch, and ask, "Why would you want to meet with me, Lady Phoenix? Oh, I get it. I'm the God of Sun, and Light. That sort of comes under your domain, right?"

Lady Phoenix sighs disappointedly, and puts her hand on her side. She says, "You're half right. You do come under my domain, but not because of your Divinity."

I look up from where I was staring at her frankly Godly chest, and ask, "What do you mean then, Lady Phoenix?"

Lady Phoenix chuckles, and says, "You're a reborn soul, Baldur."

"No I'm not!" I immediately blurt out, freezing in my spot. What the hell. How did she know?

"You don't have to lie, Baldur. I can feel it." Lady Phoenix says. She once again comes closer, with Sol trapping me from behind, and puts both hands on my cheeks. She whispers out, "I was aware of your being reborn, ever since you were conceived. No matter who tries, how hard, Reborn souls never hide from my sight."

"That's.. disturbing." I mumble out, feeling weary, and horny because of her being so close to me. Give me a break okay. She's hot, and she's hot. She's also naked, and has an amazing body, which can turn on the toughest person around. She also.. broadcasts her power, which is another turn on.

"Do not be afraid, Baldur. I am not going to disturb you in your life. You simply... Fascinate me. You're the first Reborn soul I've encountered in a million years." Lady Phoenix says, dragging her hand from my cheek, downwards.

Ignoring the bit about 'in a million years,' I stop her hand on my chest, and ask, "Why tell me all this?"

Sol snorts from behind me, while Lady Phoenix smiles. She ignores my question, and says, "You have an amazing companion here. You've hatched her in the Eternal Flames, right? And this.. extra Dimensional energy. I have to say, Sol could heal you even if all your body parts are destroyed."

Sol puffs up her chest, proudly, and comes to stand near Lady Phoenix, who drops her hands from my body, and approaches the Phoenix. She touches Sol, and before I can do anything, Sol burns up, leave nothing behind.

Getting angry, I immediately summon Ljosgeirr, and point it at Lady Phoenix's head. I growl out, "What did you do to her? SOL?! SOL!? COME BACK, PLEASE!" I Shout out in panic, without waiting for an answer.

Lady Phoenix casually waves her hand, disabling any movement I can make, freezing me, and says, "Don't worry. She's alright, only back in her own body. She was not truly here, you know. Only an astral form. I sent her back, so we could have a private talk, only with a gift."

"Swear it." I grit out, getting even more angry.

Lady Phoenix sighs, and says, "I swear on my existence, that Sol the Phoenix is safe and back in her own body."

I feel the words taking hold over magic, and a pulse signifying that the swear was true. I relax, and then feel that my connection to Sol was still there, only I was too angry to try and feel for it.

I sigh, both in relief, and in embarrassment. I say, "Sorry for that. From where I'm standing, it looked like you burned her."

Lady Phoenix shakes her head, and unfreezes me. She ignores my inspection of my body, and says, "There's no need to apologize. You were concerned for your companion. Anyway, you killed my last host."

I nod, and answer back, "And you could have saved her if you wanted to. But you didn't."

There's no accusation in my voice, but Lady Phoenix still defends herself, saying, "I warned her not to come here. I knew about my sister, and why she brought her here. Interfering in another Phoenix's work is not something we usually do. So, yes. She did not heed my words, so I did not resurrect her from her ashes. She had been my host for 1000 years anyway. It was time for me to move on, anyway."

I nod, understanding her explanation. Frowning a little, I ask, "And why me then? Why did you enter my body?"

Lady Phoenix again looks at me, and starts groping my chest. She says, "As I said, repeatedly, you fascinate me. Your arm was disintegrated, and Sol wouldn't have been able to heal it completely. So, I decided to heal your body, and absorb any of the malicious Phoenix Force that Divadi left in your body."

"Huh. I don't understand any of that, completely, but I sort of get it. So.. are you staying?" I say, and then ask the last question, a bit hesitantly.

Lady Phoenix looks me in the eyes, and says, "No. My next host is waiting for me, I will heal your body, and then leave."

"Oh." I answer back, softly. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed. Phoenix Force is an amazing source of energy. Her being with me would have been freaking awesome.

"Don't be disappointed, Baldur. I'm not going to be leaving you without a gift." Lady Phoenix says, softly, and into my ear.

I shiver at the sensation, and ask, "What is it, Lady Phoenix?"

"You'll know." Lady Phoenix says, and without warning kisses me.

You know when the say, how a first kiss feels? Fireworks, violins and all that? Like in a Bollywood movie, when the main characters fall in love music starts to play, and everyone starts to dance.

Well, this isn't my first kiss, not even the 1000th, but it still feels like that. Fireworks and all that crap.

Lady Phoenix's lips are soft, and hot to touch. Her hands, which were around my neck, are in my hairs. My right hand immediately drops Ljosgeirr on the ground, and joins the left hand on her hips, pulling her closer.

I feel her fire, which was hot to touch for the first few seconds of kissing, begin to get a bit colder. Ignoring that, I focus more on the kiss itself.

I feel something well up inside me, and leave my body through my mouth, and into hers. Then I feel something being entered inside my body, from Lady Phoenix, again through the mouth.

Something which was not magic, of any kind, but was so far superior to magic, that it wasn't even funny. The Cosmic Energy that the Phoenix Force uses, her special flavour of it, enters, and settles down in me.

I separate from her, panting a bit, and whisper out, "What.. the hell.. was that?"

Lady Phoenix, who was also panting, says, "That's.. my gift to you,.. Prince Baldur."

I nod, touching my forehead to hers, while my hands tighten around her. Caressing her buttocks, which I didn't even realize I was groping, I kiss her neck, making her moan, and pull at my hair.

Well, she started it.

She pulls me away by my hair, looks me in the eye and says, "Let me give you more of a gift. You know, just to be sure."

I nod, and say, "Yes it's better to be sure." Like that was the only reason I was there.

1. She was the Phoenix Force, one of the oldest Cosmic Entities I know of. And I'm not even sure if the Celestials are still alive, other than Ego that is.

2. She was hot. Hot fiery red hair, an hourglass figure, beautiful burning eyes, and an amazing tongue. I can also say, with guarantee, that her butt was also amazing.

3. The Energy transfer was just a bonus, to be honest.

Lady Phoenix flashes me.. somewhere, and we drop down on the bed, continuing our groping and kissing. My Clothes have all been burned off my body, and I'm lying naked next to Lady Phoenix now.

Separating from our kiss, Phoenix forces me to lay down, and begins going downwards, where lil Baldur is standing at attention.

She looks me in the eyes, and begins her task, while I simply lay down, enjoying it. Getting head from a Cosmic Entity? I beat everyone, with this on my done list.

"Are you ready?" I ask, a few minutes later, laying on top of Lady Phoenix, positioned on her entrance.

She nods, and says, "I've been ready for this since I decided to meet you."

Honestly, that's a huge boost to my ego. Feeling extremely proud of myself, I push forward, entering her, making Phoenix gasp and moan. I drop down and kiss her, fondling her tits with one hand.

I'm still pissed that she scared me with Sol, but this is a much more pleasing turn out than what I'd expected from the Phoenix Force.

~~~A few hours later~~~

A few hours later, I'm completely spent, while Lady Phoenix is pretending to be spent so as to not hurt my ego. I don't mind, she's a Cosmic Entity.

A few seconds of silence later, I ask, "So what did you do to our respective energies?"

Lady Phoenix rests her head on my chest, and says, "I gave you a small shard of the Phoenix Force, which will always have a connection to me. So, you will never empty your share of the Phoenix Force."

"Huh. That's convenient. But that's not the only thing, is it?" I ask, caressing her butt. I love touching butts, alright. Piss off.

Phoenix moans under my ministrations, and puts her left hand on my penis. Moving her hand up and down, she answers, "No, it's more than that. While we were having sex, we exchanged our energies, connecting us with each other. If one of us is in danger, the other will know. Also, you now have a connection with the Phoenix Force, so you can use it if you wish, while I gained your connection to the Light Dimension, making it so I never go mad again."

Oh, yeah. Her hosts affect her a lot, which can turn her into the Dark Phoenix. My Light Dimension Energy will heal her right back up, if it happens, making sure she never goes Dark, and continues with her task.

I suck a deep breath, at the sensitive feeling in my groin, and groan out, "Oh, God. Um.. Will your future hosts have access to that energy?" and I insert a finger inside her other hole.

Lady Phoenix gasps out in shock, and slaps her wing on my chest. She says, "You could have warned me! And no, my hosts will only have access to me. You won't have to worry about thieves of your precious Dimension."

I smirk unashamedly, and say, "Hey, just being cautious. And I'm going to take control of the Dimension soon anyway."

"Uh-huh." Lady Phoenix says, and gets up. She positions herself above me, and asks, "You ready?"

Fully healed, thanks to the Light Dimension, and the Phoenix Force, I simply grin, and slap my hands on her butt. I whisper out, "I was born ready, My Lady."

"That was so corny." Phoenix says, and drops down, smiling at me.

You know, when I said Phoenix Force coming to Avalon is going to Fuck my life, I did not mean it like that. But I prefer it this way. I'm enjoying my life.


Meanwhile, outside the Dreamscape, Sol, who was sitting on her perch, suddenly burns brighter than ever, for a minute or so. After which, she stops burning altogether. Only the flames on her head, and wings remain, while her talons turn golden.

She looks herself over, and tries to become like Lady Phoenix, burning her wings completely, and disintegrating the Perch she was sitting on.

'Oops.' Sol thinks to herself, and flames down, deciding to try it again later, only outside.

Jean Grey sits beside the bed in which Baldur has slept for the past 2 days, his hand already healed up, although the bracer in his hand was not returned.

The Phoenix Force inside her, feels the activities her sister and Baldur are participating in, and shakes her metaphorical head.

"You're lucky I was locked away, sister. Or I would have claimed him first." She says, scowling to herself.

Meanwhile, the House Elves simply shake their heads at how their lives changed. They were simple slaves before, and now, they are a whole independent community, who simply like to serve God Baldy, thanks to Lady Gaia freeing them from their curse.

10 days, after he got knocked out by the Phoenix Force entering him, a bird of fire exits from his fully healed body, trills a song for the other residents of the Medical Wing, and leaves through the wall, ignoring the many windows.

2 hours after that, Baldur finally wakes up and instinctively burns the bed he was sleeping on.

~~~Baldur POV~~~

I open my eyes, and immediately feel fire under me. Floating out of it, without even thinking, I turn to examine the room I'm in. Last thing I knew I was knocked unconscious in the Mirror Dimension, I don't know who took my body.

Fortunately, I recognize the room I'm in as the Medical Wing of Hogwarts, and find Herby looking at the burning bed in disbelief, while Jean, who was still here it seems, was gaping at me. I hear a trill from my left, and immediately snap me head towards it.

"Sol! You're alive!" I exclaim out happily, going to hug her.

Sol accepts my hug, reluctantly, and puffs out her chest. She says, 'Of course, I'm alright. My Lady Phoenix wouldn't harm me. Now unhand me, Baldur.' which Jean probably understands, judging by her snort of laughter, while Herby and her assistants only hear as a trill.

I laugh happily, good to have her back in my life after so many years, and shift out of the hug.

What do I mean? I mean, I was with Lady Phoenix for over 10 years! Cosmic Entities are not bound by the laws of time, so she manipulated time inside the Dreamscape so she could train me in using my powers. Of course, her training involved a lot of sex, and transfering the knowledge directly into my mind.

And yes, the transfer of knowledge took this much time. Makes you wonder how long it'd have actually taken to learn the stuff from the beginning.

In her words, "If you hope to defeat the Celestials Chosen, you need as much training as you can get. Knowing my sister, she must have trained her Host too, although not exactly like this."

So yeah, we trained. In these 10 years, she taught me everything about the Phoenix Force, and how to use it. Unfortunately, the small shard of Phoenix Force that I have, is not enough to do Matter Manipulation on the scale of actual hosts.

I can change the atomic structures of a given material, unless it is more than a couple litres of it. So, yeah. I'm not disintegrating my enemies, ever. Maybe their heads, which is fair, but not their whole bodies.

Jean laughs at the way Sol reacts, and approaches me. I raise an eyebrow, when she hugs me, but accept it nonetheless. She says, "Good to have you back, Baldur."

I smile at her, and say, "Well, I had to get my training montage done with, didn't I?"

Jean shakes her head, and asks, "So what did you learn?"

I open my mouth and then close it. From the innocent look on her face, her Phoenix Force definitely did not teach her the same way.

I say, "Probably the same as you. Only on a lesser scale."

"Lesser? Why?" Jean asks.

I simply answer back, "Because I'm not an actual Host, Jean. Now, I hope you've been training, because we leave to get rid of your Apocalypse in 2 days."

Jean nods, and leaves me to myself.

I watch her leave, and shake my head. I really hope she's ready to take care of Apocalypse, so I don't have to step in.

"Herby? Where's my armour and my weights?" I ask, feeling extremely light, thanks to the absence of the aforementioned things.

Herby snaps her fingers, bringing one Golden wristband, two ankle bands, and my Uru Armour. Along with that, is my necklace, the one which can lock away my Aesir magic.

"How the hell did you manage to take these off, Herby?" I ask, frankly amazed.

Herby looks at me weirdly, and says, "God Baldy's armour be getting in the way of healing. So Herby snaps her finger to take them off, she did."

Herby doesn't look at my shocked face, and leaves for the Healer's office, which I'd given her to head.

"Holy, fucking shite." I whisper to myself, once again cursing the Wizards, and praising whatever made these Elves. They removed an armour, which was supposed to be unremovable by anyone other than me, same with the weights and the necklace, just because they GOT IN THE WAY OF HER HEALING!

FUCKING ELVES, MAN! They're way more OP than even me.



The last part was for comic relief, the House Elves won't necessarily defeat all of his enemies when he points them at the enemies. Although, it would be fun to see in a movie or something.

I realized something when I reread the last chapter. I have an amazing imagination. Like, frankly, a lot more amazing than I expected.

Unfortunately, when I try to bring that imagination in my chapters, it goes poof. Literally, if it was a movie, yesterday's fight would have looked fricking amazing, if it went according to my head.

Anyway, Phoenix Force left after healing Baldur, after 10 years of sex. How lucky do you think he is? Fucked a Cosmic Entity, and got a connection to her powers in return.

Phoenix Force won't go dark, ever. So no Dark Phoenix movie will happen. What that means for the Light Dimension, no idea. But Baldur will be the one to rule it, don't worry.

How is it?

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