
Friends or enemies

After hearing the words from Rafa's mouth a deep frown settled on Lucian's face and when he activated his spatial eyes and he could see four figures standing outside the door.

'Oh none of them are humans' Lucian said in his mind as he looked towards Rafa who smirked.

The first figure was a female with an extremely pretty face with purple long hair that reached her waist and deep purple eyes her skin was white causing the purple hair to stand out in contrast. But to Lucian the shocking thing about this girl was the fact that her aura was a thick black aura that gave of an evil feeling. But when the girl spoke she had a very cute expression and her face was coloured with deep red and said."I'm Acier"

From her aura Lucian could tell that even though her aura was one of darkness that gave an evil feeling. It felt like that like it would give that evil feeling to those who attack her and people she cared about.

The next was Matilda, another beautiful girl about 5'4 in height and had a white sparkling aura contrast to Matilda's she had two daggers made of ice as weapons and Lucian assumed she had an ice ability.

The next was someone with a pink aura

she was also a top beauty with pink hair that matches her aura and was wearing her own pink form of the academy's uniform.

A male with a tough build and a very muscular body with red spiky hair came through the door, he had something that looked liked white fur on his hands and his fingers seemed to look like claws. He was easily above six feet and he looked like he had great strength.

He had a thick red aura and had a very weird yellow energy the humans had but his was far more powerful than any human and he could see that that energy was protecting him and giving him strength. Lucian upon noticing this checked his own body and he could see that the yellow in him was far more condensed and more powerful but it looked small because he hadn't trained in it.

After they were all done introducing themselves. Lucian's assumptions were correct. The muscular red haired was known as Bernard. The Pink aura girl was Scarlett.

And he surprisingly found out that they knew Rafa was a vampire. But what was more shocking was the fact that Bernard was a werewolf, Scarlett was a fairy who could form vines. Matilda claimed she was one of the daughters of a god and that she wielded an ice ability. Acier said she was a devil and went on to explain how there was a whole world filled with devils.

But it was only recently that they brought their attention to Earth and wanted to have it for themselves as they've done with other planets

"(Congratulations you have unlocked eye of the universe)"

This can give you information on everything that is around you once you say analyze)"

After analyzing them he found out it was lt was all true and could also see their stats. Matilda's stats were mostly in the twenties.

Acier's was in her thirties

Scarlett was so in twenties

Rafa has similar stats to Lucian but Bernard was on his fifties.

Lucian realized they were all like him and didn't really fit in so, Lucian didn't feel any animosity to them and also introduced himself to them.

After he was done, Bernard looked at him and said"Let's fight now."