

Lucian opened his eyes and almost immediately shut them again due to the sudden light that greeted his eyes.

"Ugh ... what happened" Lucian muttered before recalling all what happened. "Yes I'm back in the academy. I wonder how long I've been out for.

I defeated the beasts and also, the necklace is ready.

But before that I saw a lot of system messages.What were they:

Name: Lucian


Mana points4000/4000


Speed : 30

Stamina: 25


System points:2000

Wow that's a lot of system points I hope I'll be able to purchase some abilities but for the mean time he allocated 5 points to each of his stats because now the amount of exp needed for leveling up was getting difficult and he knew getting it could prove to be difficult.

But for now let's focus on what's here he said as he pulled out the necklace he had gone through all this trouble for and smiled after reading it's description

"(Sun absorbing necklace)"

"(A necklace that captures the ray of the sun from hitting the user")

This is perfect, Rafa will love this and just as Lucian was in the middle of his thoughts he saw a figure that belonged to his first and only friend

"Rafa, I did it." Lucian said after seeing his only friend

-What do u mean u did it, your injuries were very severe

-"But I did it didn't I. Listen Rafa, I get it that you r worried but I did it for u" Lucian said with a big smile on his pretty face. "I did this not only for u" Lucian added while thinking of the exp and rewards he had gotten from killing those beasts

Trust me I might've even benefitted more from this than you. So please accept this or else it would be a huge waste

"Fine but from now on we'll always do things together" Rafa said before taking the necklace and hanging it around his neck and stepped into the window so the sun will be on him "Wow this is amazing I feel like it's night while seeing the sun, wow thanks a lot" Rafa exclaimed with visible excitement in his tone U r really one of a kind aren't you? But when you were away I made some new friends and well I hope you'll like them

Hearing this a deep frown settled on Lucian's face when hearing he was having human friends