
The Last Demon Slayer

A loud banging sound could be heard from the trunk of an old car that was parked inside an abandoned warehouse. The inhumane rocking of the car was accompanied by a muffled scream. "Shhh... Be quiet..." One said as she slowly opened the trunk and pulled the poor lady out from it. The two suspicious characters that were wearing clown masks tied the poor lady in the middle of the floor where a big pentagram was scribbled. "MSHGGSKKSSSSH!!!!" The poor lady made a desperate attempt to scream but it was to no avail. One of her assailants had the heart to remove her gag but the first thing that she asked as soon as it was removed was, "Is this a prank??? I know it was you, Cassie. That shirt is mine." As soon as she heard her name, Cassie removed her mask. "Ana, don't panic. We will just exorcise you, okay? Calm down. After all of this is done, we could just all pretend that none of this ever happened in the first place." "What?!!!!!! You're crazy, Cassie!" "NO! Look, you tried to strangle me with a belt last night. But don't worry because I don't blame you for that. You were possessed and right now we will exorcise that demon out from your body." "No-----mmmpphhhh" Before the lady named Ana could even speak another word of protest, Cassie already gagged her again with that same piece of cloth that they used before. "So what are we gonna do next?" "You have to pee on her?" "No way! I would never pee on my best friend! Jared, that's insane!" "Then let us just all forget about this whole exorcism thing then because it was clearly written here. Instruction No.1. You have to mark the subject with your own scent." ANA: ____(O_O')_____ CASSIE: ____(~_~")7_____ JARED: ____(--,)_____

WolfsBane · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
171 Chs

The family of three

[YEAR 2005]


It was raining cats and dogs that night and other than a single car driving on the highway, the road was nearly empty.

The reflection of the traffic light on the puddle of rainwater also danced as the wheels sped past it.

Heavy rainfall was reported to strike the city again that night. But there were still some cars making a last-minute drive in hope of arriving at their destination before the roads could even get blocked by the heavy traffic due to the reported bad weather.

Meanwhile, a middle-aged man was smiling from ear to ear behind the steering wheel while he was busy driving his family on their way back home.

Eight-year-old Cassie, on the other hand, was seated in the back seat. She was on her own and her attention was solely focused on the sketchbook that she had on hand.

"What are you drawing, sweetie?"

Her mom asked as she peaked at her daughter's artwork. However, Cassie pulled it away from the reach of her mom's sight.

"I made a storybook about our family."

The child answered while sporting a cute pout on her chubby face.

"Is that so? A storybook???"

The mother asked back to humor her daughter. At the same time, she also tried to inject as much enthusiasm into the tone of her voice.

"Yup! It is a story about our family going on a trip."

Cassie declared, all the while not taking her eyes away from her drawing. On the paper, a drawing of three stickmen could be seen.

One grown-up woman and one grown-up man, then a smaller child was standing in between them and all three of them were holding hand in hand together.

Her mom even made an exaggerated surprised expression when she heard about the story from Cassie.

"Really? Then it must be about Mommy, Daddy, and our baby Cassie taking a trip together."

The father interjected this time and decided to join the small talk.

"No??! It's me, grandma, and grandpa only. You and mom are always busy, anyway."

Cassie retorted and this answer saddened the couple. The two looked at each other and saw their emotion reflecting from each other's eyes.

"That is why you could not go on this trip."

Cassie added afterward, then she glanced outside the window and watched as the first of the raindrops descended from the sky one after another. The raindrops made a pitter-patter sound as it hits the roof of their car.

"Honey, we can certainly go right?"

The mother asked her husband, loud enough so that little Cassie could hear her.

"Of course!"

The father replied in an affirmative manner, but Cassie cut them off.

"You always break your promises."

The child sounded bitter when she said those words.

From the current looks of it, it seemed that it was not the first time that it happened and she would only be left with a disappointed heart, in the end, time after time.

"Baby, let us be a part of your book, pretty please???"

Cassie heard her dad pleading at her using a cute voice so her lips could not help but quirked up a little.

The mother must have seen that a smile broke out from her daughter's face, so she also joined the cue.

"We will be there. Come on, seriously. I promise!"

The mother said with a hint of laughter in her voice. Then she even made it more convincing to the child by making a pinky swear with her.

"How about you?"

Cassie asked her dad and the other party responded right away.

"Yes, ma'am! I'll be there too."

He said with a salute, then he added.

"Please, draw me in as well. Okay?

In the end, the little girl let out a deep sigh as though she was conflicted, but then she eventually relented to her parents' request.

"Alright! Then let me draw you two.


The two grownups cheered in delight when they heard their daughter's answer.