
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict ========== Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. This is just a fanfiction.

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S1, where 'S' signifies biochemical and '1' stands for the first. Varion would never admit that he couldn't come up with a name, but S1·Hale seemed perfect - simple yet meaningful. Just hearing the name told you where he came from. It was a form of inheritance.

The young Kryptonian was immensely curious about the outside world, and all physical tests had been successful; at least, everything appeared normal now. Waiting here until they grew stronger, basking in the sun, and when the time was right, they would astonish the world with their newfound power.

"Mousse, prepare for batch cultivation."

"Sir, I'm afraid the resources may not suffice. We can produce a maximum of a thousand Kryptonians. We must reserve resources for other research and emergencies."

"It's alright. We'll just source from this world. I'll find a way."

Krypton followed the lineage of elite civilization, with every Kryptonian being a valuable asset. Even if Varion could only cultivate a thousand Kryptonians at present, it was more than sufficient to impact this world.

He gazed at the Code of Life above the Creation Room, pondering its potential. This was something he needed to explore urgently. He had a strong feeling that it could bring significant surprises.

"Sir, there are people approaching the base," Mousse's words pulled Varion out of his thoughts.

"What's the situation?"

"A message was sent from the Antarctic base. They're sending a team to resupply at our base."

This was intriguing. In theory, no one from Umbrella should know about the location of their base. How did they find out? Was it mere coincidence? And what were their intentions?

"They must have picked up on the trail when we went to retrieve the experimental materials. It seems that in the world of information, nothing remains truly secure."

"Sir, should we allow them in?"

Varion nodded, realizing it was inevitable. "Let Carlos and Andre handle it."

Outside the base, more and more zombies had begun to wander. This seemed to be an innate instinct. Any slight movement would draw them in your direction. Over time, the numbers would swell.

"Are you sure this is the company's base?"

The woman in red with short hair nodded. "I discovered it by accident, but it's said this base is shrouded in mystery, even Albert Wesker, the company's head, is said to be unaware of it."

"Impossible. He's under agency management now. The base needs supplies, right?"

"Right here," a woman standing behind chimed in, her gaze fixed on the front. If Alice were present, she'd recognize the woman as Ren, one of her teammates who had ventured to the Hive with her.

Within the base, a hatch opened, and two individuals stepped onto an elevator. They were Andre and Carlos, who were initially in the midst of an argument inside the base. However, Mousse had abruptly assigned them this task, and the situation escalated quickly.

"Soldier, state your mission."

King Ada's expression was stern, giving off a vibe that seemed ready to devour anyone in their path. The team members behind her, on the other hand, appeared on the brink of anger, but she swiftly intervened, signaling for them to hold their temper. She didn't want any trouble here, especially since Umbrella personnel were not known for their goodwill. A single misstep might lead to dire consequences.

"Antarctic base, conducting external capture missions, mission number WR-7158."

"Mousse, investigate."

Having spoken, King Ada observed them intently, her gaze shifting back and forth, before covering her headset.

"Understood, as instructed."

"You have been granted entry into the base, but don't wander around. By the rules, you're not authorized to explore the facility, and it would lead to chaos... Trust me, you wouldn't want to test that."

King Ada remained silent. In reality, she knew very little about the person before her, and his origins were shrouded in mystery. According to Varion's conjecture, this individual might be from the East. However, their current alignment appeared to be with Wesker, and their relationship was rather enigmatic. Did this mean that their journey here was some kind of test orchestrated by Wesker?


"Hey, folks, doesn't this place look delightful?" Ren remarked as soon as he entered the base, scanning the surroundings.

"That's right, don't underestimate where you are."

"Right now, zombies are all over the place. You're living the high life here."

King Ada said nothing and instead let her eyes wander, as if reminiscing about something. But what use was memory now? Even if you remembered, did she think she could still leave?

"Alright, your designated area is here. Remember, apart from this space, you're not allowed to wander. If you disregard this, you'll be in deep trouble... Trust me, you won't want that."

In a compact room stocked with all essential amenities, even firearms, the planes they had arrived in had been sent to a special area for resupply.

"Hey, what's with all the surveillance? Are you locking us up like this?" Ren whistled and pointed upward. The presence of numerous concealed cameras was hard to miss.

King Ada sighed; it seemed they had no choice but to go along with this for now.

The two individuals they had encountered earlier clearly possessed considerable power, and the security personnel they had encountered during their journey exuded an oppressive aura. What a peculiar and mysterious base this was, where even the security force seemed to be formidable.

"Hurry up, resupply, and then head back to the base."

"Andre, do you really believe they're here for a capture mission?" Andre grimaced, "Don't be naive; their base is in Antarctica. Do you think they'd come to Las Vegas just for a capture mission? It's undoubtedly related to our base."

"No! Could there really be something amiss within?" Carlos seemed perplexed.

"It makes sense, given our base. You've all experienced it, right? Haven't you been abandoned by your boss?"

"At least in our base, as long as you don't mess up, Dr. Varion is quite reasonable."

Carlos peered at the image of Ada Wang and the others. "Should we discuss this with Dr. Varion?"

"I mean, buddy, are you kidding me? If the doctor doesn't know, do you think Mousse would be telling us to do all this? It's routine stuff. Eat, sleep." Andre's expression was that of a seasoned insider.


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