
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict ========== Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. This is just a fanfiction.

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106 Chs

Spence's Plan

Varion led a group of company security teams into the deepest recesses of the Hive, where the T-virus was stored. While the T-virus wasn't a rare commodity within the Hive, it was unusual to withdraw such a significant quantity, unlike Spence's discreet theft.

Even the personnel in charge of this area were taken aback. They had received instructions that someone would be coming to collect T-virus stock solutions today, but they hadn't anticipated such a large request.

"Forgive me for asking, even though I shouldn't, but are you taking this much stock solution...?" the administrator hesitated.

Varion turned and responded with a cold, emotionless tone, "Is there a problem?"

The administrator, not daring to push the matter further, quickly backpedaled, "No, no problem at all."

The team began the process of filling the stock solution, a task that required time and suitable containers for transportation to another base.

Varion then noticed Alice, who was standing outside with a group of people. Alice was the security director of the Hive, and it was expected that she would be present here.

"I heard you're the head of security here?" Varion asked.

Alice nodded, "Yes, sir. How can I assist you?"

"No, no need. Continue with your mission," Varion replied.

Alice had previously gathered information about Varion's position, initially thinking he was merely the chief officer of the base. However, she was surprised to discover that he held level 8 authority, a stark contrast to her own level 5 security clearance.

This realization made it clear that Varion was indeed a significant figure within the organization.

"Sir, is there a problem?" asked the captain who accompanied Varion, eyeing Alice suspiciously.

Varion shook his head and urged his team to finish packing quickly. Transporting the T-viruses to Las Vegas was no easy task, as they would need to undergo further processing there, according to his instructions. He had expressed his desire to experience sunlight even within the underground base.

This presented a considerable challenge for the construction department within the company. They couldn't quite grasp why such a requirement existed, involving the installation of pipes to refract sunlight into the base. Creating a massive flight equipment entrance was also a complex endeavor.

At this point, Varion's primary objective was to bring his scientific research spaceship to this world. He planned to cultivate Kryptonians in the spaceship gradually to ensure their presence in this world.

The Alice he had observed earlier should be the first generation Alice, and it seemed that the first and second generations were the most promising experimental subjects, while the rest did not perform as well.

Despite the absence of the integrated T virus in the first generation, they displayed remarkable abilities. The second generation, on the other hand, exhibited direct awakenings of psychokinetic abilities.

In the future, Varion intended to capture one of them to uncover the secrets they held. With a global population of over 7 billion, he found it difficult to believe that only one person could flawlessly integrate the T virus. From a scientific perspective, nothing should be an exception, especially among a population unless they were of a different species.

Some specific condition or trait must be responsible for this exceptional integration. Once Varion identified this condition, he could clone a legion of such individuals. His primary goal was still to adapt to Krypton's environment, but being prepared for T virus integration was equally crucial to prevent any mishaps.


In the outskirts of Raccoon City, Alice found herself in an interesting situation with her supposed boyfriend, Spence.

Spence's hands gently wrapped around Alice's waist as he inquired, "I heard a big shot arrived at the Hive today. Something you've never seen before?"

Alice, a bit exasperated by Spence's clinginess, replied, "Yes, there was such a person. I was taken aback when I received the order."

Spence released his grip and asked with surprise, "Taken aback? What could possibly frighten you?"

"Well, you see, your authority level is 3, mine is 5, and this person's authority level is astonishingly 8. Many managers don't even have that level of authority."

"No way? Why would someone like that come here? There's nothing here worth their attention."

"The T virus."

Spence's eyes flickered with intrigue at the mention of the T virus, but he quickly composed himself.

"Is this thing really that significant? The company claims it will allow humans to evolve and eradicate all diseases. You can't imagine the hype it's getting out there."

"Who knows! We're not researchers, but I've heard rumors that many people have gone missing in Raccoon City lately, and the world is becoming increasingly unstable."

Spence playfully suggested, "How about we move to a different city and live in a big house in the future?"

Alice retorted with a smile, "Isn't this house big enough?"

"No, I mean a house that belongs to us. This place is company property."

"Are you proposing to me?" Alice teased as she left Spence to take a shower.

Spence, left pondering the lingering fragrance, contemplated the immense value of the T virus outside. He had been approached recently, and if he could acquire the T virus, he would receive a sum of money that he could never exhaust in his lifetime. Moreover, he wasn't concerned about retaliation from Umbrella.

Why was he so confident? Because the individual who contacted him represented the Bald Eagle, a nation. No matter how significant a corporation might be, it couldn't compare to a country. He was already seriously tempted by the offer.

"I hope this won't disappoint me," he muttered with a sigh.

After lighting a cigarette, he indulged in his thoughts.

Alice, drawing circles with her fingers, queried, "Why do you think so many people are obsessed with obtaining the T virus? Recently, many have been caught, including some self-proclaimed environmentalists who seem to have lost their minds. What do they have to do with the T virus?"

"Do you really believe these people are environmentalists?"

Alice propped herself up, somewhat intrigued. "Maybe?"

"What do you mean?" Spence inquired.

Smoking his cigarette, Spence explained, "It's all about self-interest. The T virus was discovered a long time ago, and it has the potential to alter everything. People are driven by personal gain, not environmental concerns."


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