
The Knight of Seirin

After the departure of star player Taiga Kagami to the United States and the sidelining of Teppei Kiyoshi due to injury, Seirin High's basketball team faces a significant challenge. Coach Riko Aida, tasked with rebuilding the team's strength, urgently searches for new talent to fill the void left by these key players. During this crucial period, Riko discovers Ryo Kiro, a standout soccer player at Seirin High, known for his exceptional athleticism and prowess on the field. Intrigued by his potential, Riko approaches Ryo with a bold proposition: switch from soccer to basketball and help lift the basketball team to new heights. Initially hesitant and loyal to soccer, the sport he has always known, Ryo is nonetheless captivated by the challenge and the possibility of competing at a higher level in a different sport. As he participates in basketball matches and training sessions, Ryo's innate talent and adaptability shine through, impressing both the team and Coach Riko. Ryo finds himself at a pivotal point, torn between the familiar realm of soccer and the exciting, unexplored potential of basketball. With Riko's persuasive encouragement and the growing bond with the basketball team members, Ryo contemplates a decision that could dramatically alter his path as an athlete and shape the future of Seirin High's basketball team in this post-Kagami and post-Teppei era.

Orrlex · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


The spring morning at Seirin High was filled with vibrant energy, the air fresh and the school grounds alive with the chatter of students. The season had painted the campus in lush hues of green, punctuated by bursts of floral colors. Ryo, amidst this idyllic setting, found himself yawning, bewildered on the rooftop of the school.

Surrounded by his teammates—Hyuga, Shun, Kuroko, and Shinji—Ryo looked at Riko in confusion. "Why are we up here on the roof?" he asked, still trying to wake up fully.

Riko, with an air of excitement, explained, "It's a tradition for first-years to shout their promises from the rooftop to all the students below. They vow to become champions, and if they don't fulfill this promise, they must confess their feelings to someone they like."

Ryo rubbed his eyes, processing this information. "But there are two problems with that. First, I'm not a first-year; I'm a second-year. And second, I don't have feelings for any girl."

Hyuga clapped Ryo on the shoulder, a mischievous grin on his face. "Come on, man, don't be the one to break tradition."

With a sigh, Ryo approached the railing, where the entire school was assembled in the courtyard for the typical morning meeting.

Shinji, unable to contain his excitement, whispered to Kuroko, "I can't believe he's actually going to do it."

Kuroko, ever so calm, remarked, "The teachers had said we shouldn't do it anymore."

Undeterred, Ryo gripped the railing tightly, his heart racing. With the entire school's attention unwittingly drawn to the rooftop, he took a deep breath and shouted with all the force he could muster, "I'M RYO KIRO, A BASKETBALL PLAYER FOR SEIRIN, AND I PROMISE TO BECOME THE CHAMPION THIS SUMMER TOURNAMENT!"

As Ryo's declaration reverberated across the courtyard, the initial shock among the students quickly gave way to laughter. The boldness of the proclamation, coupled with the novelty of hearing such a vow from the rooftop, delighted the students, turning the morning gathering into a lively affair.

The Seirin basketball team members exchanged glances, a mix of pride and amusement in their eyes. Ryo, having just shouted his ambitious promise, looked down at the students, their laughter filling the air, and couldn't help but smile. It was a moment of lightheartedness and unity, a rare break from the usual routine of school life.

However, the unexpected tranquility of the moment was soon interrupted by the arrival of a teacher on the rooftop. With a brisk pace and a familiar look of exasperation, the teacher approached the group and exclaimed, "Not you again! How many times do I have to tell you that this is forbidden?"

The sudden appearance of the teacher, coupled with his reaction, caused a ripple of laughter among the team members. They were well aware of the school's stance on their rooftop escapades but hadn't expected to be caught so swiftly.

Ryo, turning towards the teacher, replied with a respectful tone, "Sorry, sir. We were just... trying to keep up with tradition."

The teacher, hands on his hips, shook his head in disbelief. "Tradition or not, rules are rules. I expect better from you all, especially as representatives of our school's sports teams."

The team nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. Despite the humorous circumstances that led them to this moment, they recognized the importance of adhering to school regulations.

"Let's head down," Hyuga suggested, a responsible note in his voice. "We wouldn't want to cause any more trouble."

As they made their way back to the ground floor, the laughter and chatter among the team continued, albeit more subdued. The incident on the rooftop, though ending with a reprimand, had brought them closer, reinforcing their camaraderie and shared commitment to their goals.

Ryo, reflecting on the morning's events as they descended the stairs, felt a renewed sense of purpose. The laughter of the students, the camaraderie of his teammates, and even the scolding from the teacher—all these elements combined to strengthen his resolve to fulfill his promise, not just for himself, but for Seirin High.

As the afternoon sun filtered through the windows of the Seirin High gymnasium, the basketball team was in the midst of an intense training session. Ryo, the newest addition to the team, was focused on dribbling drills. He weaved in and out between a set of orange cones, each movement deliberate and controlled, showcasing his improving ball-handling skills. The cones were arranged in a zigzag pattern across the floor, designed to improve agility and control under pressure.

Riko, observing from the sidelines with a whistle hanging from her neck, was impressed by Ryo's progress. "Ah, you're doing very well, Ryo. Take a break," she called out, acknowledging his hard work.

Grateful for the brief respite, Ryo stopped and walked over to his water bottle. He took a long drink, the cool liquid refreshing after the strenuous activity. As he wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand, he suddenly jumped at a voice close behind him.

"Take a towel," said the voice, calm and unexpected.

Ryo spun around, startled, to find Kuroko standing there, offering a towel. "Damn it, Kuroko, how long have you been there?" Ryo exclaimed, his heart rate still elevated from the surprise.

"Call me Tetsu," Kuroko replied, unbothered by Ryo's reaction. "I call you by your name, so it's only fair."

Ryo, still catching his breath, managed a slight smile. "Hey, don't change the subject. And stop sneaking up on people."

Before they could continue their conversation, Riko intervened. "Break's over, Ryo. Time to practice your shooting."

Nodding, Ryo accepted the towel from Kuroko—Tetsu—with a quiet "Thanks." He dried off his face and hands, then made his way to the free-throw line. Ryo picked up a basketball and took a moment to focus. The gym was filled with the sounds of sneakers squeaking against the polished floor, basketballs bouncing rhythmically, and teammates encouraging one another.

Ryo squared his shoulders, aimed, and took his shot. The ball arced gracefully through the air and swished through the net, a testament to his growing skill set. Encouraged, he retrieved the ball for another attempt, determined to improve with each shot.

As the final whistle echoed through the gymnasium, signaling the end of the training session, Ryo let out a sigh of relief and made his way to the locker room. The intensity of the practice had left him exhausted but fulfilled. After changing into clean clothes, he exited the gym, feeling the fatigue in his muscles but also a sense of accomplishment.

Outside, Riko was waiting for him. She greeted him with a warm smile, "Going home together?"

Ryo, a bit surprised but pleased, nodded. "Yeah, sure."

Together, they started walking, the streets of Tokyo bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. The city was transitioning from the hustle of the day to the calm of the evening, and the air was filled with the sounds of life winding down.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Riko broke the stillness with a complaint, "I'm so hungry."

Ryo, recalling a nearby spot, suggested, "There's a croquette stand close by."

Riko's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "That sounds perfect."

Their conversation flowed easily as they walked, discussing the day's training, their goals for the season, and the little things that made life interesting. The route took them through lively streets, past shops closing up for the day, and the occasional aroma of street food filling the air.

As Ryo and Riko neared the bustling croquette stand, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, their attention was drawn to a distinguished figure standing with an air of quiet authority. The man, tall and impeccably dressed in a suit that seemed to mold perfectly to his frame, carried himself with a confidence that seemed almost out of place at such a casual venue. His hair was styled with precision, and behind sleek glasses, his gaze was sharp and assessing.

The man's eyes, cool and detached, surveyed the scene before him until they landed on Ryo. There was a moment, brief and almost imperceptible, where recognition flickered in his eyes before being quickly masked by an air of indifference.

Ryo, caught off guard by the familiar figure, stopped in his tracks. A whisper escaped his lips, barely audible amidst the din of the city. "Father?" The word hung in the air, charged with a mix of emotions.

The man, now revealed as Ryo's father through his son's soft exclamation, turned fully to face them. His scrutiny of Ryo was thorough, noting the basketball gear, the Seirin team bag, and the unmistakable look of a young athlete. "I see you've taken up basketball," he said, his voice carrying a tone of veiled disappointment. "Soccer was the one arena where you showed promise. This change is... unfortunate."

Without waiting for a response, he turned his attention momentarily to the vendor, accepting his order with a nod. Then, looking back at Ryo with a critical eye, he continued, "It appears I was correct. You never truly dedicated yourself to soccer. And now, basketball? Attempting to escape your brother's shadow by venturing into a sport where your talent is even more questionable?"

Riko, standing beside Ryo, felt a wave of frustration wash over her. She wanted to intervene, to defend Ryo, but the weight of the moment rendered her speechless. She looked at Ryo, whose hands were balled into fists, the tension in his posture palpable. Yet, it was the sadness etched into his features that spoke volumes about the impact of his father's words.

Before either could respond, a calm, steady voice interjected, "Ryo is an exceptional player. He's the new light of Seirin."

Startled, Riko and Ryo turned to find Kuroko standing quietly beside them, his presence as unobtrusive as ever. Their surprise was evident. "Ah! When did you get here?" they exclaimed almost in unison.

"I've been with you since we left school," Kuroko replied, his tone even.

Ryo, still reeling from the encounter, asked, "Did you follow us?"

As Ryo's father prepared to leave, he imparted a final remark, laden with expectation and a hint of warning. "I enrolled you at Seirin, a school known for its lackluster soccer program, in hopes you would abandon these foolish aspirations. Yet here you are, dribbling a different ball. Just remember, don't disgrace our family name."

With that, he walked away, leaving Ryo to grapple with the weight of his words.

After the intense and emotionally charged encounter, Ryo found himself needing to part ways with Riko and Kuroko. "I guess I'll head home now," he said, attempting to mask the turmoil beneath his calm exterior. Riko offered him a reassuring smile, and Kuroko, ever the silent supporter, nodded in understanding. "Take care," Riko said, her voice warm with concern. Kuroko simply added, "See you tomorrow," his quiet demeanor belying the depth of his empathy.

As Ryo walked away, the streets of Tokyo seemed to blur around him, each step taking him further into his whirlwind of thoughts. The confrontation with his father had reopened old wounds and sown new seeds of doubt, yet there was an undercurrent of determination within him, fueled by his newfound commitment to basketball and his place within the Seirin team.

Arriving at his house, Ryo was greeted by the familiar sight of home, a contrast to the complexity of his emotions. His mother's voice, warm and welcoming, broke through his reverie. "You're back," she said, her smile brightening the entryway. Ryo managed a smile in return, "Yeah, I'm home."

He made his way to his room, seeking solace in its familiarity. As he let himself fall onto his bed, the exhaustion of the day—both physical and emotional—washed over him. His gaze drifted to a photograph on his bedside table, a snapshot of happier times. In the photo, he stood next to his older brother, both of them beaming with joy at the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, their Real Madrid jerseys a testament to a shared passion.

The image captured a moment of unbridled happiness, a time when the complexities of family expectations and sibling rivalry were overshadowed by the simple joy of being together, sharing in their love for soccer. His brother, taller and seemingly more confident, had his arm draped over Ryo's shoulder, their closeness evident.

The photo served as a poignant reminder of the path he had diverged from, the expectations he was struggling to meet, and the brother he was constantly compared to. Yet, it also reminded him of the bond they shared, a bond not easily broken by distance, time, or the weight of family legacy.

Lying there, Ryo allowed himself a moment of vulnerability, the photograph a silent witness to his journey. The journey from the soccer fields of his youth to the basketball courts of Seirin was not just about changing sports; it was about finding his own identity, apart from the shadow of his brother, and forging a path that was uniquely his own. Amidst the tumult of emotions, there was a glimmer of hope, a belief that on the basketball court, he could write a new chapter, one where he wasn't just the younger brother but Ryo Kiro, a promising basketball player for Seirin High.

The next morning, Riko found herself navigating the urban streets, a plan forming in her mind to lift Ryo's spirits. "Nothing boosts a guy's mood more than a pretty girl picking him up to go to school together," she mused with a hopeful smile. Looking up at the sky, her expression softened. "I guess everyone has their own battles to fight."

As she approached Ryo's house, a figure caught her eye. Standing at the entrance, panting and drenched in sweat, was Ryo, wearing a hoodie. "Ryo?" Riko called out, slightly surprised.

Ryo looked up, a hint of astonishment on his face. "Coach, what are you doing here?"

"I thought it'd be nice if we went to school together. Is something wrong?" Riko asked, her curiosity piqued by his disheveled appearance.

Ryo shook his head, brushing a strand of hair out of his face. "Nothing, just went out for a run."

"Oh, that's good. I want you fast and strong for the summer tournament," Riko encouraged, her eyes reflecting her genuine belief in his potential.

Ryo smiled, a bit embarrassed but touched by her support. "I'll go change and shower quickly if you want to wait."

Riko flashed the peace sign, her smile unwavering. "Okay, Seirin's light, hurry up."

Ryo cringed playfully at the nickname. "Please don't call me that; it's kind of embarrassing."

Riko laughed, her voice carrying a mix of tease and affection. "Hurry up, big guy, and get ready."

Minutes passed before Ryo emerged, ready for the day. "Shall we go?" he asked, and together, they started their walk to school. It wasn't long before Riko caught a whiff of a pleasant scent. "Did you put on cologne? Trying to impress me?" she teased.

Ryo, a bit embarrassed, clarified, "It's just my deodorant. I use spray-on right after showering."

"Too bad for you, I'm not easily impressed," Riko quipped, her tone light and playful.

Ryo, about to explain further that it was just his... was suddenly cut off by a loud voice. "STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER, YOU LOAFER!"

Riko turned sharply to the source of the outcry, her eyes widening in surprise. "Dad?" she exclaimed. Her father, whom we'll call Mr. Aida, stood there, his expression a mix of concern and confusion. "I went out to do some shopping, and suddenly I see you with this boy? What are you planning with my princess?"

Ryo, taken aback by the sudden accusation, quickly explained, "We're just basketball teammates."

Mr. Aida blinked, then his expression softened slightly. "Ah, I see. You're from Seirin. You should have said so earlier."

Riko, her patience wearing thin with her father's interruption, retorted, "Hey, old man, what do you think you're doing?"

Her father chuckled, a bit awkwardly, "I saw you two so close together, I thought for a moment there was some flirting going on."

Ryo laughed, more out of politeness than amusement, while Riko blushed, a mix of embarrassment and irritation coloring her cheeks. She gave her father a gentle push, urging, "Better go waste someone else's time."

Mr. Aida, realizing his overreaction, raised his hands in a gesture of peace and took a step back. "Alright, alright, I'm leaving. You kids have fun."

As he walked away, Riko shook her head, a smile breaking through her earlier frustration. "Sorry about that," she said to Ryo, her mood lightening.

Ryo, still smiling, replied, "It's okay. It was... interesting to meet your dad."

Their conversation resumed, the awkward interruption fading into the background as they continued their walk to school. This brief encounter with Riko's father was just another story to add to their growing collection of experiences as teammates and friends.

As they continued their walk towards the school, Riko glanced at Ryo, a determined look in her eyes. "The preliminaries are getting close. Are you ready?" she asked, her tone serious yet supportive.

Ryo, feeling the weight of the upcoming competition, responded with a cautious optimism. "I am, I suppose."

Riko, seizing the moment to remind him of the stakes, said, "Remember, if we don't win the summer tournament, you'll have to confess to the girl you like."

Ryo, slightly puzzled by the reminder, replied, "But I don't really like anyone at the moment."

Riko sighed, half in jest, half in challenge. "You're boring. Don't disappoint me in the tournament."

Ryo, understanding the importance of the challenge ahead, said resolutely, "For that, I need good training."

Riko playfully slapped him on the back, her tone turning enthusiastic. "Well, get ready for the toughest training you've ever had, big guy. You're going to shine."