
The Kismet

In a world of predestined heroes and villains. Cass, an unwilling antagonist, seeks to rewrite her fate when a prophecy threatens her mother's life. If things could not get worse, she has to team up with Nyla, a princess bound by tradition, they defy destiny's grip. striving to reshape their own futures.

Kara_Han · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


After working all day we finally go to the pub with everyone. I don't want this ceremony to happen.What if they are right? What if I am nothing more than an evil witch and I will never- my thoughts get cut off by a sharp pain in my head. I open my eyes and see a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes in front if me. "Are you okay?" I ask rubbing ny head in pain and standing up. Her eyes are shut and a tear drops down her eye "Yeah no worries, are you?" I nod and examine her clothes. She is dressed in pajamas and her hair is tied in a bun. "You wanna go to the ceremony tomorrow like that?" I ask smirking. Suddenly she blushes "That's none of your business." she storms off angrily into the pub. I smirk and walk into the pub with Miguel next to me. As we walk in we get greeted by a drunk random guy, hugging us and trying to kiss us on the cheek. In fact today is my first day even entering one of these places and let's say…I don't regret it. "They are over there." Miguel says pointing to the farest corner on the left side, where our four friends are sitting. We walk towards them. "Hey guys, did you…drink well?" I ask awkwardly not knowing how to act in such an environment. Sierra starts laughing. "Not all of us drink…" I sigh relieved. Thank god I'm not the only one who is sober. she continues to"I mean…right now we are all kinda drunk, but no prejudices!" she shouts. Amazing. Forget it. "Guys, she is not used to this. Take it easy." Miguel replies and sits down with me. Miguel is the son of a not well known villain. He is a regular man with no powers, but alot of skills in assassination and poisoning. Other than my mother, his father is still in business trying to find his archnemesis. The other ones on the table are Sierra, Clay, Hera and Stone. Clay and Stone are twins. Both are the sons of an evil stepmother who sent them to this city so they have a great future as villains ahead of them. Their father is unknown. It is said that he was a prince, but since both of them act evil enough, their good genes would never interfere with their wanted purpose. Hera is the daughter of a shapeshifter man who steals people's identities and a pirate who stole from hundreds of kingdoms. Together they are a world famous villain duo, which makes hera they heiress of a great legacy. Sierra comes from a household similar to mine, a worldclass evil witch and a world class wizard. Both with extraordinary magic, but the twist is that she has none. She was born as a normal weak girl, which is why her parents cursed her. Every time she gets mad or angry, she turns into a horrific monster that kills everyone in its way. And since there is no way to stop the curse, she has no other choice than to become a villain just like her parents. Miguel is the one who is the least mean, or rude. But for some reason he really loves the life as a villain. I look around the pub and realize that everyone is either under influence and having fun or fighting and throwing punches, when suddenly I see the blonde girl from earlier. She has a captivating beauty that usually only princesses and witches possess. Maybe also succubi or some demon species. "Who is this girl?" I ask the others. As always noone is listening to me. They are so drunk that they keep screaming and laughing. It doesn't matter to them if I am here or somewhere else anyways. If I am here, I can also have some fun myself. I stand up and walk to the girl sitting alone in the opposite corner. She puts her head up and looks at me, then quickly turns her head and stands up. Shit. I scared her. I walk up to her quickly and hold her arm. She turns around and looks at me with a stern face. "Let go." I smirk "Or what?" Suddenly her face turns concerned "Or? What do you mean? Do you want to hurt me?" I pull away and shake my head "No! I'm sorry! I don't want to hurt you!" She fliches and takes one step away from me. I sigh and continue "I just wanted to go up to you and talk since my friends over there and I don't really have much and common and you looked very interesting to me." I point towards my friends. She follows my finger with her eyes but quickly turns her gaze to me again. "You think I am interesting? Why?" She asks tilting her head. "You go out in pajamas on the day before the ceremony. That's interesting enough to me ." I reply teasingly. She looks away slightly annoyed "It's a long story…and I won't tell you." Great. Being nice always works, I see. "But we can talk about something else, if you want. I mean any other topic other than my outfit. I don't like fashion anyways. Kinda unimportant. Also why would someone care about this stupid ceremony anyways-" she continues rambling. I cut her off shouting "That's what I mean!" I can't believe it. Someone else understands how stupid this entire construct is! Maybe I should have come to the pub earlier in my life. It's not too bad.

longer chapter ayeee, enjoy xoxx

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